The Birds of Southern Africa

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The Southern African Region

Southern Africa is that part of Africa south of the Cunene and Zambesi River systems. It includes the countries of Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Swaziland and the Southern part of Mocambique. The variety of habitats in this region is extraordinary, from the true desert of the Namib, to the Lowland Rainforest of the North East. It includes moderately high mountain ranges, warm and cold ocean currents, swamps, grasslands and the richest floral kingdom in the world - the Cape Fynbos. Much of the region is covered by African Savannah or Bushveld, and it here that most of the big game is found, as well as the largest variety of birds. South Africas newfound democracy has ushered in an era of relative peace and stability in the region, and good infrastructure in some of the countries mentioned, make travel relatively easy.

The Birds

Nearly 900 species are found in the region. While the majority are found widely thoughout Africa, about 160 species are either completely endemic to the region, or are "near endemics". Families which are particularly well represented include:

The Transvaal Museum has an on-line list of all birds on the Southern African List. To download:  go to the Transvaal Museums list of Birds of South Africa

African Specials

Many of Africa's unique and spectacular birds are easily seen in Southern Africa. Of the ten families of birds found only in Africa and related islands the following are found in Southern Africa. (click on name for pictures)

All of these families of uniquely African birds can easily be seen on a visit to Southern Africa.

Birds endemic to the region.

Endemics are species which are normally only found within the Southern African region. Near endemics are those species also found in neighbouring areas, or which may be classified as vagrants to other parts of the world. Altogether, more than 160 species are classified as endemics or near endemics.


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