I want to know like his main four idea's/inventions and how they worked please, i would like to know how the telegrapher work and such, please respond to me with an answer if possible , thank you


My Response:


Gauss' main four inventions are the following:
1. Heliotrophe
2. Magnometer
3. Photometer
4. Telegraph (as you mentioned)

The Heliotrophe is a device to determine the size of the earth. This science is called Geodesy. Here's a paragraphy (copy and pasted from the biography on my web page):
An early by-product of fieldwork was the invention of the heliotrope, an instrument for reflecting the sun's rays in a measured direction. It was motivated by dissatisfaction with the existing unsatisfactory methods of observing distant points by using lamps or powder flares at night. Meditating on the need for a beacon bright enough to be observed by day, Gauss hit on the idea of using reflected sunlight. After working out the optical theory, he designed the instrument and had the first model built in 1821. It proved to be very successful in practical work, having the brightness of a first-magnitude star at a distance of fifteen miles (24.14 km). Although heliostats had been described in the literature as early as 1742 (apparently unknown to gauss), the heliotrope added greater precision by coupling mirrors with a small telescope. It became, standard equipment for large-scale triangulation until superseded by improved models from 1840 and by aerial surveying in the twentieth century. Gauss remarked that for the first time there existed a practical method of communicating with the moon.

I'm not quite sure how it works, but from what I gather, it is a device which detects any anomalies in the earth's magnetic field. From what I know, pretty much its only uses are for geological surveyors, aerospace, and the military. To put it in layman's speech, my guess is something like a metal-detector.

Photometers measure the luminous intensity of a light souce, or the amount of luminous flux falling upon a surface.
I don't know how this one works either (at least the one that Gauss made), but the modern ones are photoelectric photometers. These photometers need special colored filters to have the response sensitivity of the human eye, in which photoelectric cells (I believe) are used. The intensity is measured in candlelight power.

The is used to communicate in distances. Standard is by using a series of dashes and dots, the romantic alphabet and arabic numbers are created such that communication is made. This code is known as Morse Code.
The telegraph is anything that transmits and recieves signals in the form of electrical pulses. Pretty much when when one connects the circuit it makes a "beeping" noise. This noise will continue until the electrical circuit is broken by the user. This allows one to manipulate whether it should be dashes or dots. The facsimile is also considered a modern telegraph. (Facsimile is often refered to as "Fax.")

Well, I hope this helps!

Nelly "Nez" Cung

i am writing to thank you very much for they very helpful information, it answered my question with great detail, thank you


Additional Followup (I thought that this was so cool!)

Hi Nelly
This is the parent of Carson
You wrote to him regarding exactly what Gauss invented.
Thank you so much...you were a great help and very informative.
His project is coming along very nicely.
Thanks again.
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