
Sailing is:
my favorite sport
the best holidays
great fun
a way of life and my pensioner's dream !

Sailing is, II:
the fine craft of getting wet
and ......
while very slowly going nowhere
at a great expense!
Anxious, looking devastated and feeling lousy....

Terrible passport picture made by automatic machine in London 1997.

Well, relaxing is also a part of a sailors activities, since when battling the sea there are no hands available on board to take pictures.

In the old Spetses harbour, aboard an Atlantic 60 called Bloom, during the summer of 1992.

Theo on mast. If just relaxing is not enough there are other ways to stay alert!

My friend Theo on top of the mast in a bay in Skyros. Summer 2002.

Onyx II
This is my sailing boat, a good old Ohlson 29.
Made by Artekno in Götemburg, Sweden in 1978.
Slim and fast and tough. Trusted under all conditions!

From above, brother and sister relaxing while I am forgotten on the mast !
(you can actually just see the tip of my shoe, out of focus over the bow)

Tornado in Greece!
Our first!
Officially tornados cannot be observed in Greece because the geographic layout acts as an obstruction to their formation. This is the evidence for the opposite.
It virtually passed over us (we were all terrified) but it was very weak.

Out of Kea island, early evening of October 1996.

Last resort!  View from Dimitris' veranda! When sailing is not possible the closest alternative is my friends view of the Saronic Gulf from his summer house at Ag. Marina.
There is even a steering wheel!

Greek Sailing Web Info on sailing-racing in Greece (in English too)
Sea and Yachting Greek sea and yacht magazine (in English too)
ORC (not final)
ORC (not final)
List of standard IMS hulls standard IMS hulls list
Peter Bennett's page // Peter's page has everything!

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