The Manchester Terrier

Coat, Color and Weight

COAT - The coat should be smooth, short, dense, tight and glossy.
Coat Faults - Sparse, almost hairless. Excessively long, fine silky coats.


Coat color should be jet black and rich mahogany tan, abruptly forming clear, well defined lines of color.

There shall be a very small tan spot over each eye, and a very small tan spot on each cheek.

On the head, the muzzle is tanned to the nose. The nose and nasal bone are jet black.

Tan under the throat, ending in the shape of the letter 'V'.

Inside of the ears are partially tan.

There shall be tan spots, called "rosettes" on each side of the chest above the front legs(more pronounced in puppies than adults).

There should be a black "thumbmark" patch on the front of each pastern.

There should be a distinct black "pencil mark" line running length-wise on the top of each toe on all four feet.

Tan on the hind leg should continue from the pencilling on the toes up the inside of the legs to a little below the stifle joint. Outside of the hind legs should be black.

Tan under the tail, on the vent - but only of such size as to be covered by the tail.

COLOR FAULTS - White on any part of the coat measuring more than one half inch. Washed out or muddy shades of tan, "breeching" or tan running up the outside of the hind legs, lack of clear, distinct, well defined pencilling and thumbmarks, poorly defined lines of color division where black and tan meet.�*White on any part of the coat shall disqualify whenever the white shall form a patch or stripe measuring as much as one half inch at its longest dimension. Any color other than black and tan shall be disqualified.


(Stnadard variety) Shall be over 12 pounds and not exceed 22 pounds. (Toy variety) Shall not exceed 12 pounds.

Weight Faults

Weights are based on dogs in normal flesh condition. No weight penalty can properly be applied to any dog unless it comes within such weight range through being materially too thin or too fat. In that case, it should be penalized for lack of conformity, in the various sections covered by the Standard.
(Standard variety) Dogs weighing over 22 pounds shall be disqualified.
* Note: (Standard variety) It is suggested that clubs consider dividing the American-bred and Open classes by weight as follows:
Over 12 pounds but not exceeding 16 pounds, over 16 pounds and not exceeding 22 pounds.
(Toy variety)It is suggested that clubs consider dividing the American-bred and Open classes by weight as follows:
7 pounds and under, 7 pounds and not exceeding 12 pounds.


Head, Eyes and Ears

Neck, Topline and Body

Forequarters and Hindquarters


For More Information
JoAnn Emrick
Wilane Manchester Terriers

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