The Manchester Terrier

Neck, Topline and Body

The slightly arched neck should be slim and graceful, and of moderate length. It gradually becomes larger as it approaches, and blends smoothly with the sloping shoulders.

The topline shows a slight arch over the robust loins falling slightly to the tail set.

The chest is narrow between the legs and deep in the brisket. The forechest is moderately defined.

The ribs are well sprung, but flattened in the lower end to permit clearance of the forelegs.

The abdomen should be tucked up extending in an arched line from the deep brisket.

The taper style tail is moderately short reaching no further that the hock joint. It is set on at the end of the croup. Being thicker where it joins the body, the tail tapers to a points. The tail is carried in a slight upward curve.

Neck, Topline and Body Faults.

Shoulders that are too wided, thick or bulging, not properly sloping, and therefore not blending smoothly with the neck. Short, thick necks with tendencies to throatiness.

A flat or roached back is to be severely penalized.

Excessive width of chest between the legs, shallow brisket.
Lack of rib spring or barrrel-shaped chests.

Tail too long or too high.


Head, Eyes and Ears


Coat and Color


For More Information
JoAnn Emrick
Wilane Manchester Terriers

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Wilane Manchester Terriers

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