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Monsoon's Adoption Centre
. Zott Zott Zott 
Zott is the oddballz with an electric personality!
Favourite colour White
Poisonous colour Green - his eyes run away, and he faints
Allergic colour Light (royal) blue - he will swell up
Reaction when shook Gets hiccups, gets dizzy
Strange things he does When you shoot the grubs 
with the transformer he will explode!
Things he does in the dark Put 'data' above his head
Favourite oddball Jester
Things he'll do for grubs Fly 
Do a back somersault 
Nod his head 
Turn into a balloon and float 
Wag his tail 
Give an electrical zap in his antennae 
Give an electrical zap from a beacon on his head 
Light up the balls on his head and tail. 
Put 'data' above his head:- 
           ' | || |||| |  |'
.Mini Zott
When you blast him with the transformer, Zott turns in to...  
A sheep
A worm
A sheep!
A worm!
A rat
An ant
A rat!
An ant!
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