The Confederate Infantry Private

Shadows of Forgotten Heroes

Welcome to "The Confederate Infantry Private." This site is dedicated to the thousands of young Southern men who bravely went off to War to defend thier homeland. It is an effort to educate the public about the real Confederate soldier, his life, and his experiences.

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While here, you'll will learn what it is like to be a Southern fighting man. You will learn what they wore, what they ate, what they used to fight with, and how they lived their lives during the day-to-day struggle to win their freedom. Enjoy your tour.


Facets of the Confederate Private

The Background of the Confederate Soldier

The Confederate Soldier's Basic Uniform

The Confederate Soldier's Basic Equipment

Weapons and Ammunition of the Confederate Soldier

A Note on Civil War Drill

The Life of the Confederate Soldier page 1

The Life of the Confederate Soldier page 2

Black Confederate Soldiers

A Bibliography of Resources about the Confederate Infantry Private

Civil War Links

Site Awards and Honors


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The muslin background used in the tables is (c) Rebsoldier, 1998.

Comments or questions contact the site Webmaster . Also please report any links that do not work to the Confederate Infantry Private Webmaster . All graphics and backgrounds on all pages associated with "The Confederate Infantry Private Website" are thought to be public domain except where due credit is given (acknowledgments may be found at or near the bottom of each page). If you see a graphic or background used that is yours and it is not credited please contact the Webmaster to rectify because there is no intention here to infringe on anyone's rights.

This site was last updated on 5/16/2000

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