The jump table below takes you to the words beginning with a given letter or an apostrophe.

' a b c d e f g i l m n o p r s t u

Just in case anyone trying to use is really unfamiliar with gaelic dictionaries:
if you can't find a word whose second letter is "h" look it up without that "h"; many occurrences of "h" at that position in a word are not part of the root word.

Words (and abbreviations) beginning with an apostrophe

Gaelic has many words which begin with an apostrophe; although I've given expansions for these "abbreviations" below to indicate the derivation of the word, in modern gaelic most of them are not really abbreviations and most of the expanded forms never occur (and would be considered incorrect if they were used).

aig a: at his, at her, at its.
aig do: at your (singular, not plural)
aig mo: at my
ann am mo: in my
ann an do: in your (singular, not plural)
anns a': in the
anns an: in the

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