
Movie ~ A Bug's Life
Voice ~ Dave Foley
Supervising Animator ~ Pixar Animation
One Word to Describe Flik Is ~ Creative
Flik Wins the Award For ~ Most Likely to Appear in a Raid Commercial

Flik's Story

Life is no picnic for the ants on Ant Island! Each summer, a gang of greedy grasshoppers - led by the menacing and manipulative Hopper - descends upon the colony to demand a hefty portion of the ants' hard-earned harvest and generally make life miserable for the peaceful community. Our hero, Flik, is a little ant with big ideas, he is an original thinker out of step with the rest of the more traditionally minded colony. He invents amazing things like a telescope made out of a blade of grass and a drop of dew and even an amazing seed picker that picks the whole stalk instead of one seed at a time. However, his colony sees him as crazy and his inventions as a waste of time. Flik tries to remain cheerful through all of their complaining, but it does hurt him, especially when the worry-ridden crown princess Atta, his crush, gets upset with him.
When one of poor Flik's inventions causes the harvest to be lost and brings the wrath of Hopper down upon the unfortunate ants, he takes it upon himself to get outside help from Bug City. Once again, Flik's good intentions backfire and he mistakenly enlists an unemployed troupe of bug performers from a second-rate flea circus to join the fight against the grasshoppers. His new friends pretend to be warriors and help him turn his brillant idea to drive off Hopper forever into reality.
Working together in their new-found friendship, Flik, his colony and the circus bugs build a beautiful replica of a bird. Afterall, even Hopper's scared of birds! Finally, the bird is finished and ready to fly! The plan seems to be perfect until the circus bug's boss P.T. Flea shows up and blows their cover. Flik and the other circus bugs are exiled, but, they return and put their plan into action against Hopper, who has taken over the colony.
Again, P.T. accidently destroys Flik's plan the bird goes down in flames. Hopper orders his "pet" Thumper to violently attack Flik for having ideas and standing up to him, but, Flik's courageous heart gives him the strength to stand and speak against Hopper, even after recieving a terrible beating. Upon hearing the brave ant's words, the colony finally realizes their own strength and rallies together to finally drive Hopper's gang off forever. As for Hopper, he becomes bird food.
The next Spring the colony is hardly recognizable. All the ants are carefree and happy now that they are out from under Hopper's oppression. Flik is finally accepted as the amazing ant he is and he smiles with pride as the colony and his circus friends give him a standing ovation for his bravery. With his love QUEEN Atta by his side, Flik and the colony bid a fond farewell as the circus bugs fly off into the horizan.

Flik's Top Ten Quotes

#10. "Are you ready to make some grasshopper's cry?!"
#9. "Try not to look like a country bug, blend, blend in."
#8. "You know, okay, fine, just go. But, if you could just do me a little favor before you leave and squish me, that would be great because when they find out I'm as good as dead."
#7. "I KNOW it's a rock, but pretend it's a seed. Let's just use our imaginations!"
#6. Atta: "It's like everyone is watching you, just, just..."
Flik: "Waiting for you to screw up."
#5. (Looking at Atta through the telescope) "Hello Princess, my aren't you looking lovely this morning. Not, of course, that you would need a telescope to see that."
#4. (To Hopper) "We're a lot stronger than you think we are, and you know it don't you?!"
#3. Flik: "The warriors have called for a secret meeting to plan for circus..uh, circumventing the oncoming hoard so they can trapeze, TRAP them with ease."
Atta: "Shouldn't I come too?"
Flik: "NO! Heh heh, no. It's classified in the DMZ, gotta go ASAP, you know, strictly BYOB. Gotta go, bye!"
Atta: "BYOB?!"
#2. "To infinity and beyond! I'm sorry.. I couldn't resist. I mean, really, can you blame me?"
#1. "For the colony and for oppressed ants everywhere!"

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Flik's Links

A beautifully designed page maintained by Dew Dragonfly, mayor of Bug City. Home of the infamous Bug's Life RP Forum. Check it out!

Pixar's offical site. This is probably my favorite of all the offical pages I've visited. It has the friendly, welcoming atmosphere that the whole company projects. Take a look!

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