Finnegans Wake

o word list

o word list with frequencies

o hce---a shell script to find sequences of words a la HCE or ALP

o unhyphenize---a shell script to remove hypens from text

o HCE sequences of maximal distance 0. (Total 210.) Generated by

$ ./unhyphenize -c < FW.txt | ./hce -s "h c e" -d 0

o HCE sequences of maximal distance 1. (Total 397.) Generated by

$ ./unhyphenize -c < FW.txt | ./hce -s "h c e" -d 1

o ALP sequences of maximal distance 0. (Total 211.) Generated by

$ ./unhyphenize -c < FW.txt | ./hce -s "a l p" -d 0

o ALP sequences of maximal distance 1. (Total 481.) Generated by

$ ./unhyphenize -c < FW.txt | ./hce -s "a l p" -d 1


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