super bowl logos

star line

I have been a Dallas Cowboys fan since the ripe old age of 9... and we won't even talk about who the quarterback was back then. Let's just suffice it to say he is now on the Ring Of Honor!!

Da Boyz have had their ups and downs over the years, but win or lose, they are the greatest and I will always bleed Blue and Silver!

One of the greatest moments in my life so far is the FIRST time I actually got to attend a Cowboys game, thanks to the most wonderful big brother in the whole wide world who took me to see them play. Although they lost that game, it will always be the one of the greatest memories of my life! In 2000, thanks again to that brother of mine, I not only got to see the Cowboys play once again, I also got to see them WIN!!

star line


NFL logo

star line

5 rings

This page is dedicated to my brother Keith, who is the greatest big brother in the world!! Because of his unconditional love and generosity, I am the woman I am today. I know he will hate it that I dedicated a Cowboys page to him (LOL) but he will get over it!!
I love you Strang!

Click here for my Tribute to Coach Tom Landry



This page last updated on December 6, 2000.
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