

   My name is Mike Rose and I am the owner and operator of Countryside Guitar Repair, a business of repairing and  restoring stringed instruments. I have been in business for five years with a 37 year history of playing and working on guitars and other stringed instruments. I also teach guitar, some bass guitar, and a little of various
other instruments. My primary interest lies in trying to repair, customize, or restore an instrument as if it were my own. I am very fussy and probably attribute that to my success as a luthier and a person who takes great pride in what he does.
          My wife and I live in the town of Holden,Maine and have a son that is in his last year of college in South Portland, Maine. We all love music and my son plays the guitar also. As for my wife, well...  lets just say she plays the radio real well.......:)
         We all like country music,blues and a variety of folk,bluegrass, and old rock (60s) if you know what I mean. I started playing the guitar in 1960 on an old Stella my Dad and Mom bought me for Christmas that year. I pestered a neighbor into teaching me a few chords and well.... the rest is history! I play every day and enjoy the guitar more than eating!!!
        I tried my hand at learning how to play the pedal steel guitar, and did fairly well, but I guess I had more interest in the electric guitar. My favorite guitar is the Telecaster and always will be. I guess it just seems to be a real comfortable and unique guitar, thus the interest in building tele look-a-likes(for myself and a few friends because of patent rights) came to be a few years back, and I've been experimenting with some different woods and have made some nice looking guitars. By the way, hats off to Fender for paving the way, not only for some great pickers, but for giving people like myself ideas to be creative with.
        Well, at this point, I sure hope you enjoy the website and as time goes on I will more than likely be updating the site for the future enjoyment of all guitar pickers (a unique and rare breed of individual playing an instrument that looks so simple but in reality is so complex it boggles the imagination of anyone trying to learn it), let alone, in this day and age of busy lifestyles trying to find the time to dedicate to learning such a magnificient and beautiful sounding instrument.

Thanx for visiting !!!

                                                                                    Mike Rose, Luthier

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