Trudi  and John



Entertainers to the Young at Heart.


A Big Hello to One and All. This is my first web page design, so please don't be too hard on my mistakes. Of which I'm sure there will be more than a few.

First a bit of help in case you need it.
If a word or part of it is:
BLUE       It is a Midi File Listen or Download
YELLOW It is a HTML Lyric File
GREEN    It is a Link to an other Page
                      and if it is:
WHITE     It is a Link to an other Page
                                                          ( NOT YET FILLED IN )

    Now I have got a problem as I do not know weather to say Lift or Elevator, Pavement or Sidewalk if you see what I mean. However on reflection I think, that I better stick to the one I am used to. So it will be Lift and Pavement and if it causes you a problem I am sorry in advance.

    If you are only after the Midi files or the Lyrics, than click and go.

  On the Other hand if you feel like a bit of read, than carry on.
Now we got to one of my favourite story, the two of us.
We are a couple RECYCLED TEENAGERS who are old enough to have heard some of the new songs, for the second and third time around.

    The song you are listening to (unless you've turned the sound off) is
Help me make it through the night. I need a lot of that since started Surfing the Net.  Coffee bill gone up in proportion with the phone bill as the daytime cost of the phone is prohibitive to say the least, so I do most of my surfing at night, part of the night anyway.

    We have been married for nearly forty years, and since the kids (children) left home, we have more time to enjoy ourselves. We have a Spring and Autumn (Fall I believe) tour when we take our caravan with us and have a working holiday, so if at times my e-mail replies are a bit slow this is the reason.

    We got into
entertaining in a roundabout way, due to my wife having three heart attack in one week. Before that I've been in Engineering most of my life. Served my apprenticeship back in Hungary before coming to England in 1956. In the first year I have had various jobs all around the U.K. while learning English.

    After getting married I was too busy to have more than the normal family life.

    Three main things happened in 1985.
1, My wife had the heart attacks as I've said and because of this,
2, We both gave up
smoking, and
3, We Begun entertaining.

    Nowdays we do a lot of entertaining in Residential and Sheltered Retirement Homes, so when I looked around on the Net and saw pages advertised for oldies I thought I was in luck. However most of them turned out to be from the 1960s area. Which suggests, that most of the site owners are a lot younger than me. I suppose I should call my
Oldies page "very oldies" as some of them go back before 1900. (I was going to say last century, but in just over a years time it will be the 21st Century).

    Over the years I've collected a very large number of songbooks and sheet music, so if any of you are looking for an old song, send me an e-mail request and I might just be able to help.

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