A new Regent to Aldaran

(All letters from Mabry, written by Mabry Slemmons, all letters form Rafael Lindir, written by Laura Lulli)


Excerpt from Mabry Aldaran's diary:

As soon as the plane landed, I knew there would be trouble. Castle Aldaran (My castle!) was surrounded by an army. They did not look well trained_ like this was the first time they had ever held a sword in fact. This did not disturb me. What disturbed me was what they were yelling. "Down with the Harpy! Down with her reign of tyranny!"

I had come back too late. They had decided I was a tyrant and there was nothing I could do; however, this is not the first time my domain has been usurped. I remembered my stepmother all too well. I also remember how I brought her down.

Once again, I thanked the Gods for the handy little entrance throught the Caer Donn library.

As soon as I was inside Castle Aldaran, I used the only method I knew of to bring down that many men. First, I tied a filter-like handkerchief around my face. Then I snuck through the Castle till I got to the stillroom. I also rescued Marco, Liriel, and Saydwen who had remained loyal to me and been imprisoned in the dungeon. In the lowest drawer, I found something I had hoped never to use: ten good sized bottles of kireseth liquor, courtesy of Jorik Hastur.

I dumped each bottle full in a strategic spot and waited for it to work it's magic on the army. Then I threw them all out of Castle Aldaran, with the help of Liriel and Marco and Saydwen . Soon the vapor blew away, and we had only to wait for situation to be calm again.

Mabry decided that she was not ready yet to take charge alone of the Domain, so she sent an application for a New Regent to Thendara, for the Comyn to read.

Lady Mabry of Aldaran is searching for a new Regent.

If you are interested in this position, fill out the following form and send it to me at

P.O. BOX Aldaran - Caer Donn

Results will be announced as soon as a decision is made.






Feelings about women's rights:

If you're from Aldaran, attitudes toward lowlanders:

If you're from the lowlands. attitudes toward Aldarans:



Previous work experience:

Brief Bio:

Soon, someone replied.


I had news that you're searching for a new Regent, so I'd like to submit my curriculum vitae.

Name: Rafael Lindir

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Politics: Moderate

Feelings about women's rights: rather feminist

If you're from Aldaran, attitudes toward lowlanders:

If you're from the lowlands. attitudes toward Aldarans: Strong feeling that they should be reamitted into the Council


Education: Cadet in the Guards, laran trained at home, one season in Nevarsin

Previous work experience: part time administrator at Lindir's manor

Brief Bio: Son to Flora di Asturien and Lerrys Loran Lindir, two brothers (Marius and Francisco) and a sister (Anya)

My best regards, damisela Mabry

Z'para servu

Rafael Lindir

Mabry's answer was the following:

…Welcome, Dom Rafael. We haven't met, but you seem to have read my message about my search or a regent.

I just had a very traumatic experience with my last regent, but I really don't want to take care of Aldaran myself...yet.

You seem to have very good qualifications, but I need to know you better, before I decide.

If you would be so kind as to come to Aldaran for a brief visit, I will interview you for the position

and we'll see how things work out. Is this agreeable to you?

Lady Mabry of Aldaran

Again, Rafael, answered:

…First of all, I would like to thank you very much for considering me as a candidate.

I'm not really up-to-date with the latest news about Aldaran...How old are you, damisela (if I can ask...)? And what happened with your last Regent?

Of course I wasn't expecting you to trust me immediately, without even meeting me first.

Let me know the day you wish to see me, and I'll reach Caer Donn.

S'dia shaya

Rafael Lindir

Another letter from Mabry:

…Since you asked, here's the story.

My last regent, Diego Storn-Aldaran, wanted to turn Aldaran into a constitutonal monarchy permanently, and he has major control over the papers so the people believed any lies he choose to tell them about me. They were all ready for a revolution, when Diego got sick (physically, I mean), and his docter ordered him out of Aldaran. He has decided to give up any claim to Aldaran blood, and room the countryside as a vagabond, and is well on his way to becoming a communist.

I just turned fifteen years old. I have the Aldaran Gift (partially) and the Rockraven Gift (in full measure). There has been some speculation (and it's probably true) that Diego's illness was the result on rapid aging due to my childish pranks (Did you ever wonder why the Terran Legate never comes to call on the Aldarans? It turns out he doesn't like frogs in his pockets and he's scared of ghosts_ don't worry, he don't really have any, but Terrans are so gullible).

Oh, and there was that little matrix, I had to put back in Hali…

Lady Mabry of Aldaran

And yet another answer from Rafael:

I am astonished...I can't believe a word of what I read.

What do you mean, exactly with the word communist?

Besides, I think you should show a greater respect to your neighbours, damisela... Terrans can be really dangerous, if so they decide.

Would you mind explaining also the story about Hali and the matrix…I'm dazed.

My respects

Rafael Lindir.

Mabry answered again to her Regent-to-be:


…I can understand your being astonished, dom Rafael.

I know that my story's shocking isn't t?

As you don't seem to know what a communist is, I'll explain you what Diego meant to do.

He thinks that there should be no upper-class group such as the Comyn, and that the common people should have power of government, and that there should be no money and lots of other ridiculous things.

Speaking of something else, you seemed a bit annoyed by my attitude towards the Terranan…Did you never play pranks when you were my age? It's so funny!

Regarding the other thing that dazes you, that is the big matrix from Hali…

Well, you see, it all started when I woke Dorilys up. Then someone murdered her, and we tried to bring her back to life, but all we could manage was a temporary manifestation on this plane. We were going to use this to get the murderer to confess, but this creepy guy from the ages of chaos figured out what we were doing and ruined it. We got thrown out of the council,and I threw a huge temper fit, and decided that I didn't want to have anything to do with politics for a while. That's why I need a regent.

Anyway, one of the things we needed for what we were doing was a super powerful matrix (The Avarra Matrix, to be exact), and I got that put of Hali and I need to put it back.

Do you see what you're getting yourself into if you become my regent?

Mabry went to Hali again, in order to put the matrix back:

Excerpt from Mabry Aldaran's diary

I must have thanked Aldones thirty times, that I am not afraid of heights. If I were, I would have died on the plane trip back to Aldaran.

In fact, I didn't get airsick, and I enjoyed looking down, seeing the Kadarin become as skinny as a toothpick, and towns and cities like tiny squares.

The matrix was back at Hali, where it belonged, and I was on my way back to where I belonged. I might even have a regent, even if it did sound like he wanted to turn me into a grown-up "lady", it did seem like he had Aldaran's best interests at heart.

Couldn't this plane go any faster? I wanted to be home now! I was sick of all the incessant quarreling and politicking that seemed to characterize Comyn Councils.

It wouldn't be much longer, then I would be able to enjoy myself again.


Rafael began to think that the task would be hard, but he answered to the last letter from Mabry:

Damisela Mabry,

thank you for the explanations, but I'm still feeling a bit confused..

Are you sure that your former regent is not a sort of alien?

As for the little me playing pranks…You see, my younger brothers were rather bratty…I'm supposed to be the good one.

Why did you do such a dreadful thing like waking up the Stormqueen?

When we'll meet, you definitely have to explain me everything...

You may need a Regent, but I think that also a training period somewhere would do a great good....maybe the discipline of a Tower would make a better lady out of you.

Anyway, I'm curious: how could you pass through the Veil at the Rhu Fead?

From what I read since now, I think that all of this is going to be a hard task...

But I won't retreat.

My respects

Rafael Lindir

Mabry started to like Rafael, because her answer wasn't as bratty as ever:

I'm not sure whether Diego is an alien or not, but I think the catmen have control over him or something, because ever since we rescued him from them, he's been mentally imbalanced.

Dom Rafael…if you have never played pranks…You missed out on all the fun!

The reason for which I woke up Dorilys is the same reason for which I play pranks on the Terran legate. Mischieviousness (long word, isn't it).

As for explaining it all…"Sometimes you can't explain your actions. Sometimes you can't

explain yourself." It's from All I Really Need to Know I Learned from My Cat.

That reminds me. I had better warned you about my cat. His name is Tallo (because the colour of his fur) and he sheds. You'll meet him as soon as you arrive at Castle Aldaran, and if he doesn't like you, there is no way that you'll become my regent.

Don't count on my tower training. I doubt any of the Keepers would let me in anyway. They're all very annoyed with me for not asking their permission before I started messing with Dorilys.

That leads us to the Rhu Fead and its Veil…Would you believe that they left the part around the matrix down? Terribly careless of them, don't you think? My friend Leisha said something about how it might have been because of the Goddess… She had a lot to do with what we were doing.

I'm happy that you don't intend to retreat, but please don't forget that I haven't even decided that you will be my regent.

I was too hasty last time, and look where that got me.

And yes, it's going to be a hard task, but, as my grandmother used to say, "Life isn't easy."

Things get more and more interesting, in Rafael's opinion:

….Maybe I missed something, but _my brothers_ had great fun for sure...

About your mischieviousness, I definitely think that you are in great need to be trained, in many ways...

You said that "Sometimes you can't explain your actions. Sometimes you can't explain yourself."

Well, sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't.

And it's not really an adult way to see things. I know, you're going to tell me that you're not adult yet...but don't you think you should learn to be one, someday?

I'm not worried about your Tallo: I love cats, and they love me, usually...shall I take a present for him?

Don't you worry too much about the Keepers being mad at you for the Dorilys' matter…It's only another reason for them to teach you.

And anyway, if Aldaran is going to be readmitted into the Domains, it should be their interest to have a trained Head of a Domain.

Furthermore, I have contacts in the towers, there'll be no problems at all to find a place for you.


I know you haven't decided yet if I'll be your Regent or not. Of course, you should take this decision very carefully, and I won't mind, if you don't give me an answer too soon.

So, your grandmother used to say, "Life isn't easy."?

Well, life's never easy. Our grannies should have been friends.

My respects,

Rafael Lindir

P.S.: why do you sign your letters with the word Harpy?

Mabry's answer was the following:

…From what you say, your brothers seem to be funnier than you…Would any of them like to be a regent? I think I might get along with them better.

What do you mean "I definetely think that you are in great need to be trained, in many


I don't like the sound of this. What ways?

I think Tallo would like a present... But I warn you; he isn't one to bribed.

Anyway this attitude of yours towards me bodes well. When Diego became my regent, he flattered me quite a bit. You seem to be doing the opposite, so maybe things will work out better.

As for our grannies being friend, it seems most grandmothers have the same sayings…

You asked why I sign most of my letters with "Harpy": well, that's my nickname. It was given me by Marcello Ridenow, the Lord of the Ridenows. I think it's pretty accurate.

Again , Rafael answered:

….I don't think that any of my brothers would be able to guide you. Too similar too you, if you get what I mean. But now that you mention them, I recall that they are more or less your age: so there are two chances: either you make good friends to them, or you marry one of them!

Would you like to know in which subjects I think you would need some training?

Well, Laran. Temper. Behaviour...(Oh boy, I'm going to lose the job, and I haven't got it yet!)

I didn't mean to buy Tallo's love…I don't like to bribe anyone, human or animal. I just thought it was nice to make myself welcome.

Don't you worry, I'm not going to flatter you at all. I have been the elder brother for too long a time, not to know how to deal with younger people with strong temper. I think we will get along well.

I don't mind if Harpy is your nickname, even if it was given by Aldones himself.

It shouldn't be suitable for the Head of a domain. We should do something for this, also.

Mabry didn't like much that letter…:

…I couldn't believe to what I read…Not you too! Everyone seems convinced that I should be married. I'm only fifteen, for crying out loud!

I would like to meet your brothers, anyway. And your sister. I could use some friends.

As it is I have about three that are anywhere near me in age.

You're not going to lose the job yet. It all depends on what the cat thinks. If he likes you, I won't argue. If he hates you, you'll be out of Aldaran in five seconds. I never do anything Tallo doesn't approve of. He scratches.

If your intention was merely to make yourself welcome, then by all means bring Tallo a present. His opinion of you is very important to your future.

Maybe you're right, and indeed we could get along well,but I'm still not sure. We'll see how Tallo reacts to you. He didn't like Diego.

Oh, I was just forgetting…Just try to do something for my nickname!

Rafael was amused, and answered:

Right, right...I was just teasing you (my brothers did teach something to me!).

I'm not going to marry you off before we've made a proper lady out of you. (I'm still teasing)

If Tallo likes me, he'll probably like also my brothers and my sister. Anya is twelve, if you are curious.

And I'm not worried about Tallo scratching me…I'd be wearing protective gloves!

Anyway I'm positive that he will like me.

One more thing…Should I take your "Just try!" as a menace or rather as an invitation?

My respects,

Rafael Lindir

Mabry seemed even more annoyed…

Listen, Rafael! You'd better not try to make a lady of me! Ever! I have this matrix sword, and I know how to use it! (And to Zandru's ninth he** with what's proper!)

My best friend is a little younger than Anya. Her names Barda MacAran, and she's even brattier than I am.

Tallo doesn't like people who are over-confident.And is always right about people. He even helps me read tea leaves (don't worry_ I'm joking!)

P.S.: Do you really want to know if mine was a menace or an invitation?

Rafael didn't lose his temper:

Does your reaction mean that I'm supposed to train you also in fencing?

And, Mabry, I'm definetely frightened also by your friend! How can I cope with two brat at once?

About your cat, I'm not over-confident, believe me. Did I told you that my granny was a MacAran?

My respects

Rafael Lindir

P.S: Yes, please…I really want to know what you meant…

Mabry was a little appeased:

Fencing training, eh? Well, I only sort of know how to use my sword... The only thing I've ever killed is a catman and the fight differently, so probably training would be a good idea. It would definitely shock Danvan Hastur.

Don't worry about coping with two brats at once: Barda lives pretty far away and only comes to visit occasionally… but her mother says that in a few years, if I have a regent, Barda might spend a year or two at Castle Aldaran.

I didn't know about your grandmother being a MacAran, but I believe you.

If you say you have the Touch, you probably have it.

Oh, and regarding the answer you wanted…you can think of my sentence both as a menace and as an invitation.

Rafael was sort of pleased:

I bet dom Danvan would be shocked indeed!

Anyway, I'll train you, but we may use wooden swords, for practice.

I'm pleased by your answer, damisela.

Now, when am I supposed to have a date at Aldaran?

Would you receive me in the next two days? Considering the fact that the Comyn Council would probably want to see me (if I get the job), I'd better hurry, and take a terran plane just like you did, in order to go and come back as soon as possible.

My respects

Rafael Lindir

Mabry answered:

Which date at Aldaran are you talking about? Who are you going with? What domain is she from? Do I get to meet her?

About my fencing training, of course we are going to use wooden words: I'm not stupid. I don't want to get brained because I insist on practicing with real swords. I already have a wooden one. My father gave it to me as a birthday present before he left.

Last thing for now…why are you pleased by my answer?

I'm really looking forward to meeting you. So is Tallo, even if he wouldn't let me tie a ribbon on him (he scratched me).

Rafael was a bit worried, about the misunderstanding:

Damisela, I'm not going to meet with another woman but you…I thought it was clear that _you_ would date me...

By the way, I was pleased by your answer, because you wouldn't be yourself, if you didn't fight against authority. And because you're sort of asking me to help you, and that's sweet of you. (oh my...I'd better duck and hide!)

Did you disinfected the scratch?

Anyway, I'll probably be there tomorrow, if someone at the terran Headquarters is going to give me a lift.

Mabry "played along":

Jorik! Save me! My prospective regent threatens to ravish me! Come to Aldaran immediately and save me! (You know you owe me a favor, puppy. I'm calling it in. Unless Rafael minds his manners.)

Anyway, you're the second person to ever accuse me of being sweet. The other was Jorik. I think if you take back your earlier threat, we'll get along well.

Oh, and don't you worry about my scratch: of course I disinfected it. We have lots of medicine at Castle Aldaran. I applied a poultice of Banshee dung and mint. It works extraordinarily well.

I will see you then. Where did I put my best dress? Have I unpacked it yet?


By now, Rafael Lindir is on his way to Caer Donn, and to his interview with Mabry Aldaran.

Read the following events, in Aldaran readmittance.

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