At Corandolis

(Mabry Aldaran: Mabry Slemmons; Diego Storn: Jim Caccamo; Rafael Lindir: Laura Lulli); Myria Lanart: Julie Stampnitzky

Mabry felt the moment her booby-trap went off. She also was fairly certain she knew who had sprung. Her regent Rafe Lindir. She gave the paper in her hands a quick look, and read it's main content.

It was fairly long, but the geist of it was, that way back long long ago, some cheap laranzu had had a fight with a regent of Aldaran who was apparently tried to curse not only him but everyone else to ever take the position. Something along the lines of "May every regent of Aldaran from this day forth be just as insane and power-hungry as you are!"

Mabry chuckled. Puh-lease! Who would believe something like that, maybe a paranoid terranan, but not me. Well, if it was true, her regents would have gone insane. . .

Except that Diego had gone insane, and judging by Regis and Rafe's recent behavior they weren't the exact definition of sanity either. What if… she had to get rid of those regents! No. No, she couldn't, because they WERE her regents, and she didn't have any power or authority anymore.

The only thing to do would be to warn them, and hope they weren't too far gone to deal with it.

Mabry heard something behind her. She turned, and found herself face to face with Rafe. Well, think of Zandru, and here he comes. She glared at him.

"What are you doing here?"


Diego was frustrated with not finding the Talisman. To calm himself, he began examining the books on the shelves of the Tower library--nothing special, certainly nothing as rare as what was at Dalereuth. Then he spotted a volume that had Evanda's name on the spine. As he took it down from the shelf and blew off the dust, he noticed that the volume was unusually heavy. When he began opening it, he found that the book was hollow, and that hidden inside was a silk-wrapped orb that pulsed power. Gods! The Evanda Talisman!

Diego called out to Mabry, but didn't get an answer. He closed the book and took it out into the hall. Hearing another male voice startled him. There was Mabry, but standing next to her was someone that looked familiar. With a sigh of relief, he realized that Rafael had found them at last.


Before speaking a single word, Rafael ran to Mabry, and held her tightly in his arms.

"Mabry! Mabry!! It's really you....I can't believe that I finally found you! Are feeling well? Is there anything wrong with you?" he began to ask questions, frantically.

Mabry was holding still in his arms, but he didn't seem to realize, happy as he was to find out that his lady was safe.

But Mabry wasn't intentioned to stay silent, and after a short while, she repeated, abruptly:

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Chiya, I pray you, don't swear. You know that I don't like it when you do so."

"You don't like it, my foot! Where were you when I needed you! You don't have the right to say anything to me!"

Rafe was astonished by such a behaviour in his young lady, but soon recovered. And react.

"WHAT? I don't have the right, do I? Hey, chiya, wait a moment...! What about the fight that I put up in Council for Aldaran readmission??

Does this mean nothing to you? Just because I didn't paid attention to your stupid cold, this doesn't give you the right to get bad at me!

And what did you intend to do, by flying from the training that was expecting you at Neskaya! You made us all crazily worried about you!

How inconsiderate of you! Would you waste all the hard work that Uncle Regis and I did just because you're to proud of yourself to go into a Tower??"

A slap in the face interrupted him: "How can you say that? Do you hate me?" shrieked Mabry.

Rafael considered seriously the idea of giving the slap back. But he didn't.

"Don't be silly!" he hissed "If I had really hated you, I would leave you in your damned troubles, and forget about it! But, no! I was so damn stupid to follow you!" Mabry didn't seem too much impressed.

"But maybe your Keeper-to-be can shrink some sense into your mad head better than me." and he held her a letter.

To Mabry Aldaran, heiress of Aldaran, from Myria of Neskaya, greetings.

Damisela: Having seen your note, I am sending this letter by the hand of your Regent, Rafael Lindir, hoping that he will find you. Knowing that you are young and impulsive, I wish to offer you the opportunity to erase your recent rash action. Though I am disturbed by the childishnes you have displayed, I will consider allowing you to begin laran training at Neskaya provided that Dom Rafael gives me a good account of your conduct when you have met.

I understand that you are reluctant, but your regents have decided that your laran can best be trained in my Tower. Surely you realize that such training will be necessary for you to take up your role as ruler of the Aldaran domain.

Perhaps it is in your mind to resist Dom Rafael by means of your not inconsiderable Rockraven gift. I ask you to consider what you hope to accomplish by doing so. Forget about going to Dalereuth- Domna Marilla agrees that it would be very unwise to give in to your chlidish stunt of running away. By further resistence you may jeopardize your claim to the Aldaran domain, for the Comyn Council may choose to believe that by running away you have abandoned and renounced any such claim. Should you think of returning to Aldaran, I beg to inform you that Dom Regis left this morning for Caer Donn; I am sure that by the time you read this, he will have affairs well in control there.

You are of age, damisela, and it is for you to choose your next course of action. I only hope that you realize what the consequences may be.

Very truly yours,

Myria-Rayna Lanart y Aillard

Diego wasn't surprised to see the flush of some rage on the young regent's face. He knew from his own past how hard it could be to cope with Mabry.

The lady Aldaran was busy reading a letter, and this left Rafael free to lift his eyes, and make the acquaintance of his forerunner.

Something was terribly, terribly wrong. Jasper had never seen Mabry this upset. That man was speaking harsh words. Mabry was looking at something and it was making her angry. The sky was rumbling. At first, the little brown dog considered retreating into the tower where it was safe. Then a rare spurt of bravery forced him to go to Mabry and help her. He ran around in circles barking frantically at the man. When the man ignored him, Jasper did the only thing he knew to distract Mabry's "enemy" and allow her escape. He went up next to Rafael, lifted his leg, and let loose with a warm, yellow stream.

"Oh MY!! Whose dog is this?? When I saw it in my vision I hadn't imagined that he was going to exchange me for a tree!!" Rafael seemed more disheartened by the little accident, than really angry.

Anyway, Diego got nearer, and mildly scolded the puppy.

"Jasper! That was funny when you did it to Marcello, but Rapfael does not deserve your 'special treatment'. Rafael, I know we haven't met formally, but I am glad to see you." Diego said.

In the meanwhile, Mabry finished the letter and scowled. She folded it neatly, and placed it in her pocket.

A thunder, in the distance, made Rafael think that the situation wasn't going to be easily solved. He didn't know waht exactly the lady Myria had written to Mabry, but for sure she hadn't liked it.

"I'm sorry, Rafe, but I have to show you this. Diego, I think you should read this to." Mabry handed tham the paper, she had discovered.

Then she went over to a corner, to regain control of her temper. There was a crash of thunder, then she turned her attention to more satisfying means of temper-fit. She hurled the nearest breakable item, at the wall. That item, just happened to be the necklace, around her neck. It crashed against the wall, shattering like glass.

Rafael scanned the paper the first.

Maybe he was just too tired and confused, but he didn't see any real truth, or menace, in the paper. He seemed to him that those were only the ravings of a mad man.

He passed the paper to Diego, looking at him questioningly.

Diego read the letter and was just as puzzled as Rafe.

"Now to complicate things even further, I just found the Evanda Talisman.Mabry, it was hidden in a book! The thing is so powerful that it scares me. I don't even dare open the casing. My training is as a monitor. It will not help me with a matrix this powerful; we *have* to get it to a tower and let a Keeper deal with it."

Turning to Mabry, Diego said, "I know you're not going to like hearing this, Mabry, but I can't risk holding onto this thing any longer than I have to.

While I'd prefer to take this to Dalereuth and place it with Marilla and Piedro, the closest active tower is Neskaya and Myria has the skill to deal with this matrix safely. Will you and Rafe come with me? I'm scared to make this journey alone with this...this monstrous matrix."

Mabry glowered at Rafe. "It's alright, Diego. I have to go to Neskaya, anyway." She made it thunder, just a little bit. Zandru's Hells! She wished Jorik was here. He'd be able to rescue her from her insane regent.

"Of course we're coming, dom Diego." Rafe cast an icy glance on Mabry "There's someone here that must go there anyway"

Mabry got red in her face, but didn't say nothing. Nevertheless, a lightning glowed in the distance.

The lady Aldaran led the two insane madmen (or should that be apes?) out of Corandolis. Once outside, she noticed the sky was growing grey. A flash of lightning lit her face. She hadn't done that, had she? Mabry felt a dull ache growing behind her eyes. She glowered at Rafe, but climbed onto her horse.

"Let's go." she bit my lip, to keep from adding, "since my free will has apparently been revoked." There was another flash of lightning.

"No" said Diego. "It's too dangerous to travel in this weather and Jasper is scared. Besides, I'm on foot and can't keep up with the horse. Let's camp here for the night and tomorrow morning when we're rested, we can talk about our situation like the adults we are. In the meantime, I have a game to help us pass the time. It's..."

"Oh, gods, no!" said Mabry. "Rafael, stop him! He's about to bring out..."

"Yahtzee!" Diego cried with delight. "Nothing like a little Yahtzee to pass the time. Roll the dice, Mabry. Roll the dice!"

Mabry turned to Rafe and said, "Do you see what I've had to put up with lately?"

Mabry screamed "No!" She stomped her foot, and began jumping up and down, furiously. "No! No! No! I will not play that stupid game!"

Suddenly a flare of lightning streaked down, and hit the dice lying on the ground. Mabry gasped at the sight of the melted plastic. "Oh, Diego! I'm so sorry! I really didn't mean to!"

The ache behind her eyes grew worse. She really hadn't meant to make that lightning!

Rafael was still trying to understand what all that dice rolling was about, and the reason why either Diego had such a game with him, and he wanted to play games in such a critical situation (maybe the strange paper Mabry had found was tight indeed, at least for what concerned Diego), when suddenly the lightining hit.

He hardly restrained from screaming. Not because of the lightining.

Mabry's face was partly enraged, partly astonished, as if she hadn't really meant to cause such a mess.

Rafe knew what was going to happen. Heavy clouds were gathering and the rumbling of the sky was growing more and more. He wouldn't be surprised if another lightining had hit again, even nearer than the last one.

Suddenly he caught himself thinking about the old stories about the Stormqueen...the ones his nurse used to tell him when he was a little child.

He was pretty sure that Mabry was going out of control.

"Diego!" he hissed "Come nearer!" the former regent came.

"We have to find a way to neutralize her. Quickly!"

Turning to Mabry, Diego said:

"Look Mabry! Cards! Let's play gin rummy! Look! I had them designed myself based on our acquaintances here on Darkover. The King of Hearts is Marcello, I'm the King of Diamonds, Danvan is the King of Spades, and Regis DiAsturien is the King of Clubs. Here are the Queens: Hearts is Congratulatia, you are Diamonds, Clara is Spades, and Clubs is Emelda. The Jack of Hearts is of course Jorik. Eduin is the Jack of Clubs, Rafael here is the Jack of Spades, and Gabriel is the Jack of Diamonds. Of course, Piedro is the Joker. Come, look! What do you think?"

But Mabry seemed not to comprehend what Diego was saying, and he became increasingly worried about her.

The thunder would not stop. Her control was completely gone. Oh, Aldones, what had happened? She had not had this much trouble with her Rockraven Gift since Valeria and Dad had still been together. The lightning flashed again, this time ignited Diego's cards. She burst into tears. Why wouldn't it stop?!?

Rafael had never been able to stand a woman's tears, and Mabry's one less than the others. What can he do? He had to do something!

"Mabry..." he said softly "Mabry, don't need to worry...I'll protect you, I'm here for you" and he took her in his arms.

He had better not do it. All he got was a shriek, and discharge of electricity.


Poor Rafael! First he had to deal with Mabry's Rockraven Gift flaring up, then he saw Diego in the thrall of his Aldaran Gift! The visions returned:


Dancing with Congratulatia in the moonlight

A di catenas bracelet getting locked on Congratulatia's wrist

Danvan Hastur lying in a casket


And some new ones:

Amanda Montpelier laughing wildly

A townhouse in Thendara reduced to rubble by an explosion


Rafael shook Diego, who stared blankly at him, then came back to reality, sweating and shaking. "Gods, Diego" said Rafael, "What is wrong with you?"

As if coping with Mabry hadn't been enough for the young regent, Rafe had now another member of the Aldaran family with is laran out of control...

He couldn't make it alone. He must ask someone for help....Myria! How he wished the cold Keeper were there with him!! She would have known what to do, for sure.

Well...with a bit of luck, maybe...When Diego was still in himself, he had agreed to go to Neskaya. Maybe when he had come back to his sense, he would help him with Mabry.

Rafe began to prepare the horses. Mabry was sleeping, exhausted, and Diego was sat in a corner, still lost in his visions.

They must leave. Soon.

Mabry woke up early. "Rafe?" Her regent looked at her. He looked worried and was apparently ready to run. "I'm sorry. You and Uncle Regis were right. I need to go to Neskaya."

He nodded.

"I was thinking. We're right by Corandolis. When I was in there I saw some bottles and stuff. There's probably some raivannin in there. Just a little might make the difference for me, and Diego, too."

Rafe took a deep breath. At least she was ready to collaborate.

He risked a caress on Mabry's cheek. "Don't worry, chiya. We'll find a way to help you."

No electric shock. Good.

"But I don't think it'll be so easy to find any drugs in this tower...I mean…how long has it been abandoned? Probably everything we may find would probably be not edible anymore. And I don't want to risk your health any further!"

Another caress. Still no electricity. Very good.

"And I don't want to drug you, anyway" Mabry weakly smiled in response, and she leant towards Rafe's breast.

As it had in the past, Diego's Aldaran visions faded and he returned to reality (or at least as close as Diego can *get* to reality) He looked around and saw Mabry and Rafe talking calmly together--definitely a good sign. Jasper trotted over to Diego and started licking his hand, then gnawing on his thumb.

"Jasper! Stop that!" Diego said, but it obviously was an old habit that the little dog wasn't going to break.

"Rafe, Mabry, is everything all right? Are we going to Neskaya? I really need to see a Keeper as soon as possible, and not just because of this damned matrix."

Mabry nodded agreement. "Will Myria be at Neskaya? Last I heard she was still in Thendara, but that was a couple weeks ago."

"When I left, she was about to leave as well, heading for her Tower. By now she should be at Neskaya" said Rafe.

*I'd better seize the moment...we have to go, NOW* he said to himself.

Apparently heedless, Rafael went on: "I saddled the horses, and packed my and your belongings...shall we go? I mean...since you both agreed..." and he waited for some kind of reaction, that luckily didn't come.

Diego seemed present to himself (but that was probably only an impression), and Mabry did not do anything but nodding again, and simply mounted her horse.

Soon the small group left Corandolis behind, and took the road to Neskaya Tower.

*I can't believe that it was so easy...let's try another move*

"Er...Diego...may I take a look at the Talisman you've found?"

And Diego said: "Huh? What? Oh sure, Rafe, here it is. Take the blasted thing. Do we have any jaco? Is anyone hungry? Are we going soon? Mabry, dear, stand up straight! Don't slouch!"

Mabry sticked her tongue out at Diego "You aren't my regent anymore! You can't tell me what to do! I'll slouch if I want to!" Luckily no lightning followed this small fit of temper.

"What were you saying, Rafe?" continued Diego

"Nothing, Diego...nothing"

Rafael felt better. The Evanda talisman was sure in his hands, and Diego hadn't even argued to give it to him. Everything kept going smoothly...he couldn't believe it.

Mabry rode absent-mindedly. Her face was a little unhappy, and her thought were almost clear to Rafe, even without reading her mind. She was thinking about how her life was going to change at Neskaya... and maybe she was more than a bit worried about her Rockraven gift.

Rafael wished he could be able to find some comforting words to tell her, but he just couldn't. "Well, anyway that's a thing she's going to get accustomed to, willingly or unwillingly...but still..." he thought.

At dusk, they were very near to a shelter, and Rafe lead the little company toward it, and prepared all that was needed for the night, with some cooperation from Diego, and almost none from Mabry.

Diego made his best with the dinner, and they all went sleeping.

During the night they were waken by the thunders...Mabry!! Again!

Mabry sat up in her bedroll. It was thundering, and she couldn't stop it! She burst into tears, quietly, hoping no one heard. It hurt, to admit even to herself, especially to herself, that she had no control. It hurt as much as the lightnings hurt. It felt almost as if they were going through her. Mabry wished she was at Neskaya. Maybe Domna Myria could make the thunder stop. She usually prided herself on solving her own problems and being strong, but at the moment, all she wanted was for someone to make the thunder stop. She was lonely - Diego and Rafe were asleep. For one moment, Mabry found herself wishing that Jorik was there. She remembered his offer to guard her while she slept, and she actually smiled. If only he were there to guard her from the lightnings.

Rafael got near Mabry's bed, and kissed her sweaty forehead.

"Hush, chiya, hush...I'm here with you" Aldones! This was everything he was able to do to soothe her!! They had to get to Neskaya real soon...

"..Uh..Jorik.." Mabry murmured, turning over in her bed, lost in Zandru knew how terrible nightmares.

Rafe's heart skipped a beat. The Heir to Hastur? He knew Mabry and him were friends, but he had never known that she did care so much about him, to call him in her dreams...

In the meanwhile, somewhere else:

Jorik felt strange in his sleep and he woke up. He was hearing a strange sound… it seemed that a girl was weeping softly in a corner. Jorik got up. He was no more in the camp, but in a small mountain shelter. A red-haired girl was weeping in a corner for real!

Jorik tried to reach her, but he wasn't able to move... He felt like a barrier was keeping him from the girl, a thin barrier made of space and time.

The girl lifted her head and Jorik recognized her. Mabry! He was not able to restrain himself anymore. He summoned his power and broke the barrier

Jorik was now going toward Mabry. She was sleeping, but her sleep was not quiet. A huge thunder rumbled away and he understood: she was still suffering from treshold sickness.

Jorik took her in his arms and he whispered sweet words to her ear, and along with his words, Jorik could feel his laran flow to Mabry.

She was quiet now and sleeping in his arms. He kept her in his arms and watched her for the most of the night before falling asleep.

When Jorik woke up he was in the camp again. Oh what strange dream he had!

But that day, at lunch, he ate voraciously an amount of food corresponding to four times his ration.

It went on thundering all the night long. When Rafe woke up, he found out he had spent the night on his knees, at Mabry's bedside, holding her hand.

The girl seemed to be quiet, now. Rafe scanned the room and he saw Diego still restfully sleeping, Jasper curled at his feet.

He stood up, and stretched. Then he went near Diego, and whispered in his ear: "Diego, wake up...we've got to go."

He left Mabry sleeping, Aldones knew how much she needed some rest, while he went out to saddle the horse, and Diego cooked the breakfast.

Sooner than he thought, the three of them were ready to leave again, but seeing Mabry's suffering face, Rafe thought that he'd better think a better way to travel for her.

He cut some branches from the nearest tree, and with the help of Diego ("Oh, nice!! Is this a new kind of game? I like it!! Let's do at Indians and Cowboys!! Oh, Rafe, I didn't know that you had been to Terra!!"), he built a sort of travois, on which the two men laid Mabry, after binding it to her horse.

The journey went on a little more slowly, but the girl seemed to be comfortable, and this was the most important thing.

They stopped for the lunch. Mabry looked a bit better, and she even talked to Rafael and Diego.

Jasper was cheerfully playing with some piece of lace he had found somewhere, when he suddenly stop, and started barking furiously.

"What's up doggy?" asked Rafe, talking more to his master, than to the dog himself.

"Jasper probably felt someone getting near us. Let's hope there's no danger" Diego said, worried.

Not much later, Rafael and Diego saw some people in the distance, riding horses.

When they got nearer, he was able to recognize...Jorik!?!

What was the Heir to Hastur doing out of Thendara?

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