Abs Exercises

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Who doesn’t want to have nice looking abs and be in good shape?  So below are some Abs-Workouts to help get you in shape.  Always remember to stretch first and breathe properly.

Stretch Your Abs

Lie down on your stomach.  Put your arms on the floor with your hands adjacent to your head.  Extend your arms so that your torso is lifted off the ground.  Only keep your palms, legs and hips down.  Hold it for 20-30 seconds.  Lower and repeat several times.

Bicycle Maneuver

First lie flat on the floor with your hands on the side of your head.  Bring your legs up to a 45-degree angle.  Then you act as if you were going to go through a bike pedal motion with your legs.  With your hands still on your head touch your left knee to your right elbow and then your right knee to your left elbow.


Standard Crunch 

Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor in front of you.  Lie on an exercise mat rather than hard floor to prevent back strain.  Position your feet hip distance apart.  Place your hands behind your head so that your thumbs are tucked behind your ears.  Hold elbows slightly out to the sides and keep chin pointing upward.  Curl up and forward lifting your head neck and shoulder blades off the floor.  Make sure you're not pulling your head forward with your hands.  Keep a fists distance between your chin and chest to be sure to target your abs and not strain your neck.  Pause at the top of the movement and tighten your abdominals.  Slowly lower your head, neck & shoulder blades as you inhale and return to starting position.  Remember to keep knees bent and back straight throughout entire exercise. 

Vertical Leg Crunch 

Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground.  Put your hands behind your head for support.  Extend your legs straight up in the air, crossed at the ankles with a slight bend in the knee.  Contract your abdominal muscles by lifting your torso toward your knees.  Make sure to keep your chin off your chest with each contraction.  Exhale as you contract upward; inhale as you return to the starting position. 

Long Arm Crunch 

Lie face up on a mat with your arms extended above your head and hands clasped together.  Your upper arms should rest next to your ears.  Contract abdominals by pressing stomach toward the floor.  Press heels into the floor.  Keeping your arms alongside your ears slowly begin a basic crunch.  Exhale as you lift and pause at the top and contract your abs even more.  Inhale as you lower to starting position.  This is an advanced form of the basic crunch.  Be sure to keep an apples distance between your chin and chest to avoid strain on the neck.  If you cannot do this crunch with proper form, begin with the traditional crunch and progress to the long arm crunch when you are ready.

Crunch with Heel Push

Lie on your back with your legs lifted toward the ceiling. Contract abdominal muscles allowing head and shoulders to come slightly off the ground.  Concentrate on contracting the abdominals press heels toward the ceiling while also lifting shoulders chin toward ceiling, creating a U curve with the torso.  Exhale as you lift.


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