The period of time in John Lennon's life referred to as 'The Lost Weekend' is quite misleading on two accounts:

1: It was not lost.
2: It was not a weekend.

Fung Yee (Chinese for 'Phoenix Bird') spent the so-called 'Lost Weekend' with John Lennon, not as his mistress/concubine/lover, as is often wrongly documented... but as his legitimate girlfriend.

The 'Weekend' was, in fact, a period of eighteen months and it was far from being lost. It was a very creative period for Lennon which produced a number one album (Walls and Bridges) among many other notable achievements.

In June 75, Lennon, referring to the 'Lost Weekend', casually told Rolling Stone reporter Pete Hamill, "As a friend says, I went out for coffee and papers and didn't come back". Obvious Lennon was side-stepping the issue, maybe to avoid controversy.

The 'Lost Weekend' is an extremely crucial part of Beatles/Lennon history. Fung Yee herself had grown tired of music writers and journalists "airbrushing" her out of John's life.

While in Liverpool searching for a suitable venue for a planned photographic exhibition, she, then aged 55, told a local reporter:

"I feel like I am getting airbrushed out of the whole Lennon story. In fact, there is a musical show in progress in New York about John, and I saw the synopsis... there is not one reference to me at all... I'm airbrushed out again."

This site will endeavor to highlight the fact that the 'Weekend' was not 'Lost' by covering the most interesting aspects of this period. And hopefully, make the web surfers more familiar with quite an extraordinary woman, Fung Yee...

better known to the music world as... May Pang.

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