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Argo's Stats

Hometown: New York City
Age: 20-ish
Music: 70's Funk, Soul, Disco, Metal and Classic Rock
Last Album Purchased: Muddy Waters: The Millennium Collection
Last Movie I Saw: Dick, Three Kings and The Sixth Sense
Favorite Shows: The X-Files, Buffy
Career: Web Programmer

Bliss' Stats
Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Age: 20-ish
Music: Disco, Brit Pop, Classic Rock
Last Album Purchased:
Last Movie I Saw:
Favorite Shows: The Practice, Buffy, Felicity
Career: Film Archivist

And yes, this is the completely unnecessary page where you find out a little bit more about me Jen Argo69...as if you were interested in the first place. I started to watch Xena in the first season, Prometheus was my first episode, but I wasn't completely obsessed until The Greater Good. That's when I had to come up with lame excuses not to go anywhere on Saturday nights just so that I could be near a television. I've been to several Xena conventions (New York, Valley Forge and Cherry Hill to name a few). But when I'm not obssessing over my priceless Xena collection, I'm work for a large, soulless corporation as a HTML programmer. My friends above who are listed among the crew have helped me immensely in the creation and maintenance of this site, not to mention the fact that they have kept my Xena fandom going strong. Xena is not all I'm interested in however...but it is certainly the most interesting..

My trusty sidekick is none other than Alice. Her first episode of Xena was the second season episode Here She Comes...Miss Amphipolis (she stuck around for more after that). I guess she was destined to be a Xena fan. She was hooked from Destiny on... Alice is a cinema studies/film major at New York University. Alice and I were brought together over our mutual love for Xena and subtext. Like me, she has attended numerous Xena conventions (same as me) and has the autographs to prove it.

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Argo Recommendations

The Very Best of Aretha Franklin: The 60s
Melissa Etheridge: Breakdown
Metallica: S & M
Sting: Brand New Day

Discipline and Punish: Foucault
Fight Club: Chuck Palahniuk

Three Kings
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer

Bliss' Recommendations




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