Groundhog Day
February 2nd

The Legend of Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day was founded in the traditions of the Romans, who carried the myth to the Germans during Roman invasions many centuries ago. The story was also based on this Scottish couplet:

If Candlemas Day is bright and clear,
There'll be two winters in the year.

Candlemas Day is celebrated on February 2nd. It was determined that if any animal came out of its underground hibernation on that day, and the sun was out, there would be six more weeks of winter. Thus was born the tradition of the "two winters" or the "second winter."
What began as a tale from ancient times, became fact in the early 1880's. A group of residents from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania decided to celebrate Candlemas Day by going to the woods in search of a groundhog.
In 1886, the editor of the local newspaper named the group the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club. The Club deemed a certain hilltop near the town as "Gobbler's Knob" proclaiming that, from this knob, Punxsutawney Phil could accurately forecast the weather.
On February 2, 1887, the first official trek to Gobbler's Knob was made and Punxsutawney Phil gave his first official weather forecast. From this beginning, the Punxsutawney Groundhog rose to fame throughout the world. Known as the "Seer of Seers", Punxsutawney Phil's forecasts on February 2nd are recorded in the Congressional Records held in the National Archives and the Library of Congress in our Nation's capitol.
As news coverage of Punxsutawney Phil's forecasts became more widespread, so did interest in the legend. In July of 1966, Gobbler's Knob was officially opened year-round to the public. In 1986, Punxsutawney Phil and members of the Groundhog Club journeyed to Washington D.C. to visit President Ronald Reagan at the White House. In 1990, the movie "Groundhog Day", starring Bill Murray, became a smash hit at theaters.
Today, the popularity of Groundhog Day continues to grow. As February 2nd approaches each year, the town of Punxsutawney comes alive with special events, celebrations, and fun as thousands of visitors come to enjoy the annual trek to see Punxsutawney Phil proclaim his forecast.

Punxs'y Phil Predicts One of Two Ways...
Phil Sees His Shadow - Six More Weeks of Winter
Phil Doesn't See His Shadow - Spring is Just Around the Corner

Groundhog Craft -AND- Activity Sheet

Groundhog checking his shadow
Paper plate
Groundhog (see right template)
popsickle stick
Have the kiddos color the bottom of the paper plate brown. Cut a slit into the plate.
Get a pattern for a ground hog attach the construction paper ground hog to the stick and let him pop up out from the bottom. Take these outside on Feb. 2 and let the kids see if their Phil sees his shadow.

Groundhog Cookies
2 cups flour
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp ground ginger
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 cup sugar
1 egg yolk
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp ground cloves
1/2 cup soft butter
1/2 cup molasses
1 egg slightly beaten
currants or raisins

Sift dry ingredients and set aside. Cream butter and sugar well. Blend in Molasses and egg yolk. Stir in dry mixture, mixing well. Form into a ball and chill an hour or longer. Roll out a small amount at a time on a sugar/ flour sprinkled board. Cut out cookies with floured groundhog cutter and place on greased baking sheet. Brush top of cookie with slightly beaten egg. Decorate with a currant or a raisin eye. Bake 8 to 10 minutes in 350 degree oven. Cool Slightly before removing from pan.

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