

in the


belonging to


I. Nunton, in Benbecula, including Pennnylodden, with the Pendicles on the East Coast of Roshinish and Hacklet, Islands of Rarinish and Maraghay's, and Wiay ­ all presently in the occupation of the Proprietor: extent 290 Scotch acres Arable, 2700 acres Hill, and 772 Low Pasture. On this Farm there is an excellent Mansion-House and Steading, in complete repair, and a 1arge well-sheltered Garden. During the time it was occupied by Duncan Shaw, Esq., it bore a high character for raising Stock of superior quality. The portion of Aird, lying to the west of the Canal, or outlet at Hay, containing 154 acres Arable, and 35 acres Low Pasture, may be. added to, Nunton, should a Tenant incline.

II. Gearnish, &c. in South Uist, with part of the Pendicle on the East Coast called "Caltenish", as presently occupied by Alex. Chisholm. The boundary at Macher-minnach to be the shortest line on Gearnish, from Loch Bee to the Ocean. All the other boundaries to be continued as they are. Its extent is 200 acres Arable, 630 acres Low, and 1030 acres Hill Pasture. On this Farm the Buildings are inferior; but the Proprietor will lay out a considerable sum in improving them. On the Arable Lands there are several enclosed Fields, and the rest is susceptible of great improvement by Draining. The Macher Pasture can also be made more valuable, by turfing the Sand Banks, and so preventing the land from drifting.

III. Drimore, with the remainder of Caltenish and Lewirsa Islands, as presently occupied by John Maclellan. Extent 308 acres Arable, 864 acres Low, and 1340 acres Hill Pasture. The remarks made on last Farm, as to Draining and Sand Banks, apply also to this Farm. The Dwelling-House on this Farm was built a few years ago, and is in good repair. Some additional Offices may probably be required.

IV. Stilligary, and part of Grogary. Bounded on the North by a line from the Sea, through N. Stilligary Loch to the North Point of Loch Druidibig, or thereby, running along the Hill to Loch Skipport, by the present march with Drimore; on the South by a line from the West Sea through South Stilligary Loch, along the south side of the Island of Langanish, through Loch Druidibig to its eastern extremity, from thence to the nearest point of Loch Skipport with the Islands of Orinish and Shillay in Loch Skipport, attached ­ containing, in all, about 260 acres Arable, 320 acres Low, and 760 acres Hill Pasture. This Farm requires a new Steading of Houses. It will be greatly ameliorated by deepening the outlet towards Howmore, which the proprietor intends carrying into effect, as soon as the pre[sent] ..... .....ed.

V. Drimisdale and Howmore ­ as bounded on the North by the last Farm; on the South by the Rivulets of Howmore, Avhin Roag, Avhin Dorachy, the Pass of Glendorachy; Glenhillisdale, and Avhin Hillisdale, until it falls into the Minch ­ containing about 480 acres Arable, 330 acres Low, and 7404 acres Hill Pasture. On this Farm there is a commodious Dwelling-House and Offices, that may suffice with some repairs. Part of this Lot is at present in the occupation of the Proprietor, who has improved it considerably by Draining; and it will be very much increased in value, when the outlet for the water, towards Howmore, is deepened. It includes the Mountain of Heckla, and the Pendicles on the East Coast of Ru-ushi... and Corradale, and will form a very superior and complete Grazing.

VI. Stoneybridge, Peninieran, Howbeg, &c. ­ bounded on the North Side by the former Farm; on the South, from the Sea, on the North side of Ardmichael, to the N.W. point of Loch Hollay ­ along Loch Hollay to Loch Eynort, by the North side of the Island of Calavay ­ containing 548 acres Arable, 451 acres Low, and 7397 acres Hill Pasture. At Peninieran, there is a Dwelling-House in good repair. It includes the Mountain of "Benmore", and the Pendicles of Liedale, Boelum, Ru-na-haune, Ru-na-minagh, &c., and is, for the most part, fenced in by natural boundaries. From this Farm, the Proprietor reserves power to reserve 20 acres, or as much ground as may be necessary to accommodate a Miller, should the Mill be removed from its present site.

VII. Ormiclate, Upper and Lower Borinish, &c.­ bounded on the North by the South March of the former Farm; on the South, from the West Sea, by a line running through Loch Kildonan to the Rivulet Ahvin Caraleck ­ from the source of said rivulet to the nearest point of Loch Eynort, and including the Island of Calavay ­ containing in all about 807 acres Arable, 940 acres Low and 682 acres of Hill Pasture. It is probable that either the old House of Ormiclate, or the present Mansion-House of Borinish, will be fitted up to accommodate this Farm.

VIII. Milton, Kildonan, &c.­ bounded on the North by the last-mentioned Farm; on the South by a straight line from the West Sea, running through Loch-nu-Leanamore, over the North shoulder of the Hill Kriervein, until it strikes the bend of the Rivulet Avhin Hornary, along that Rivulet to the east end of Loch Sningisglade, from thence direct to the Sea on the East ­ containing 620 acres Arable, 494 Low, and 3307 acres Hill Pasture. The Arable Ground on this Farm can be greatly improved and extended by judicious Draining. ..... House is in good tenantable condition and encouragement will be given for putting the Steading in better condition.

IX. Askernish, &c.­ bounded on the North by the Farm of Milton; on the South, adding from the Macher of the Farm of Dalaburgh about 130 acres, or thereby, from Loch Hallan to the North Arm of Loch Boisdale the boundary is to be continued as at present. Contents, 960 acres Arable, 237 acres Low, and 6162 acres Hill Pasture ­ including the Islands of Stullay and Rigsay. On this Farm there has lately been erected a spacious Dwelling-House; probably the Offices may require some repairs. The Arable and Low Ground has been very much improved by the deepening of the outlet towards Loch Boisdale; and the Macher Ground affords an excellent shelter to Stock. Should a Tenant incline, the Farm of Dalaburgh may also be added to this Farm ­ making the boundary to the South by the Loch Boisdale Canal which would add to the Farm about 247 acres Arable, 120 acres Low, and 1000 Hill Pasture.

X. Kilbride, &c.­ bounded on the North by the present march with Smirklet, Loch Kistivate, by the rivulet coming from the N.W. side of the hill Isevaule; from thence Eastward to a small loch above Glendall; from thence turning North through Loch Evate to Loch Boisdale: bounded on the South by the Sound of Barra, and including the Islands of Eriskay, Lingay, Calavay, and adjacent Islets ­ containing in all about 280 acres Arable, 500 acres Low, and 5562 acres Hill Pasture. To the above can be added Smirklet and Gearinamony, containing, together, 220 acres Arable; l80 acres Low, and 200 acres Hill Pasture. On this Farm there is an excellent Mansion-House and Offices, formerly the Proprietor's place of residence and, from its situation, there is a plentiful supply of fish to be had at all seasons. The Farm has been Drained and very much improved by the Proprietor, who occupies it at present.


I. Eoligary, exclusive of the Mansion-House and Kilbar, with the Islands of Fuday and Fiaray, together with the Peninsula of Bruenish, if required. The South boundary of Eoligary to be at the narrowest part of the Isthmus at Travore.

II. Vaslan, &c.­ bounded on the North by the last Farm; on the South by Bahirivagh, the road to Quier; from thence along the north side of the Glebe to the Sea on the west; and including Green and Cliade; as also the Islands of Heillisay and Gighay.

III. Bahirivagh, &c.­ bounded on the North by the last-mentioned Farm and the Glebe; on the South by the present boundary, and along the South side of, and including the Hilll of Beinverisaig; and, if not Let with Eoligary, the Peninsula of Bruernish.

IV. The Islands of Vatirsay, Saundray, Muldonich, and Lingay, with adjacent Islets, and Bentanguval, Nask, and Gorten, on the Main Island of Barra. On the Island of Vatirsay there is a commodious Dwelling-House and Garden. The Arable Land is of excellent quality, and very productive; and the Pasture is of good quality, and remarkably well sheltered.

The General Regulations by which these Grazings are to be Let, may be seen, on application to the Proprietor, at Cluny Castle, in Aberdeenshire; to Neil Maclean, Esq., Inverness; or to the Resident Factor, in the Long Island, who will point out the boundaries, and give any other information that may be required. The Farms will be Let on a Lease of fourteen years, with Entry at Whitsunday 1844, or Whitsunday 1845.

[Spelling has been retained as it appears in the original. Most place names are readily recognizable, for example, Gearinamony (Garrynamonie), Smirklet (Smerclate), Corradale (Corodale), Borinish (Bornish), Peninieran (Peninerine), etc. Special thanks is due to B. McDonnell for scanning a copy of the original document.]

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