This Page is about the genealogy of the Bonjour families of the world, Switzerland, Italy, France, and the USA (so far). It will contain various information and pointers for Bonjour and related or allied families including genealogy charts, family history, stories, backgrounds, etc.. Surnames being researched (on my line) include Bonjour, Sweeny, Sedlacek, Kletecka, McPhee, Vansickle, Douglas, Anderson, Payne, Settle, Nugent, MacKenzie, Cargill, Hickey, McLean, and Chisholm. Data on allied lines include Ackley, Botteron, Cosandier, Descombes, Ducommun, Gauchat, Junod, Keeney, Krieg, Mouton, Simon, Stone, Theys, Vautravers, and others.
Genealogy Charts of theses families are currently under construction! Family Group Sheets or Surname Index These pages contain genealogy charts and other family information. There are 6617 individuals and 2430 families representing 1315 surnames currently in this database. Surname Index A different format of my database
Others are researching the same family names as I am and their pages are listed on my Allied & Non-Allied Families page.
"Bon jour" in french means (literally) "Good Day" and any day is a
"Good Day" for researching your roots.
"Bon Jour" Genealogy Resources
is where you will find many other sites to aid in your genealogical research,
hopefully ending in your having a "Good Day";)
These are my non-Bonjour lines, Here I am only searching out relations, not the
one-name study I am performing on BONJOUR. Of my kids GGGrandparents 10 of 16 are Scots,
therefore my Scottish Resource Collection is growing.
[World GenWeb Page] [USGenWeb Page][Michigan USGenWeb Page] [GENDEX ]
County Michigan GenWeb Page] [Saginaw County Michigan GenWeb
[Allen County Indiana GenWeb
Page] [JoDaviess
County Illinois GenWeb Page]
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Genealogy Pages ] [
Bonjour Family Genealogy Page ]
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