The UK has it's main and sole purpose in this game. That is to attack Germany.

1) Main land:Germany should be pretty hard, depending on the player. Every time I have been the UK, I have used them and Russian allies to destroy Germany. What I do is after/if Russia takes Ukraine, I start pumping out the fighters and transports. The fighters will give some excellent defense, while the transports transport the tanks and infantry over. What I do is take Finland by using the transport and tank in Eastern Canada plus the fighters, an amphibious assult, and the 2 infantry in London to take out Finland Norway. Then Germany can't do anything about you transporting troops and fighters over.

2) Africa: Africa is very important to the UK. If Germany takes control, it will drain the UK money pit and boost Germany's. I suggest taking a few transports down and just dropping them of in Algeria, about 6 INF should do the trick. Also, when making transports, watch for the german fighters and subs. Those U-boats can be deadly if he/she has enough of them. You may want to build a few subs yourself, just to get some kind of defense from those U-boats. If he starts to build a little Navy of U-boats, try to get a few fighters/bombers in there to take it out as best you can. Germany won't buy BB's or AC's(battleships or Carriers) because they don't have the money to do that and make a land attack on Russia. But, if those U-boats can get a hold of your transports, that will be very critical for your plans against Germany.

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