Chapter Ten


�I wonder where they�re rehearsing.� IreLyn wondered out loud while she and McKenzie lay beside the pool. She was trying to relax, she really was, but she couldn�t. She was absolutely ecstatic. She wanted to get up and run, or jump, or better yet, she wanted to climb to the top of a mountain and shout at the top of her lungs how happy she was. Never ever had she thought that she�d get to meet Brett, let alone be spending the night with him. IreLyn knew that if she were taken from the earth at that moment, she�d have died the happiest that she�d ever been in her life.

Dakota looked over at her friend and smiled. The happiness that she felt was mirrored in IreLyn�s expression. She knew that IreLyn was anxious to see Brett again as she was Dale.

She�d tried to convince herself that she didn�t want anything to do with Dale, but the harder that she tried to convince herself, the more she found herself wanting him. She really never even stood a chance against him. It was all over the moment the first saw him. And much like her impression of him had been when she first met him in the hotel corridor, he wasn�t a redneck in any shape or form.

�What time is it?� IreLyn asked, breaking Dakota from her thoughts.

Dakota sighed in faked exasperation. She knew all too well how IreLyn felt, although she hid it a little better than her friend. But the truth was that she didn�t think it was possible for time to pass so slowly. �About two minutes later than the last time you asked, Lyn.� Dakota laughed at the blush that colored IreLyn fair complexion.

A look of agonizing disappointment momentarily contorted IreLyn�s pretty features. �I can�t just sit her like this, Kody! The wait is killing me! I need something to occupy my mind.�

Dakota smiled wickedly. She knew that her suggestion wouldn�t help her friend. Hell, it�d probably make her worse off than she already was, but she was unable to keep it too herself. �Well then close your eyes, take a little nap, and have a nice dream. That should occupy your mind fairly well.�

IreLyn�s lips instantly curved into a delicate pout. �That is so not fair, Kody!� IreLyn paused for a moment and then burst out laughing. �If I was to have one of those dreams before seeing Brett tonight, he�d be in a hell of a lot of trouble. He�d be going on a ride on more ways than one.�


�Oh God!� IreLyn gasped when there was a knock on the door that led to her and Dakota�s suite. The thought of seeing Brett again had her suddenly feeling very nervous. She and Dakota had gone back to the hotel after lunch to catch a nap. Much like she expected she would, she dreamed again while she slept. With those images so fresh in her mind, she wasn�t sure of she could trust herself to not just drag Brett off somewhere and have her way with him. And she knew if Brett was standing on the other side of that door wearing the brown leather pants and jacket that he always wore in her dreams, she would trust herself even less.

��You gonna get the door?� Dakota inquired as she came out of the bathroom and heard a second knock. She laughed and shook her head as IreLyn didn�t move, seemingly frozen to the spot where she stood, her eyes wide and filled with nervousness, anticipation, and more.

As Dakota walked up to the door she felt her own heart jump and then race off as her hands began to tremble slightly. She was anxious to see Dale again. Much like IreLyn, every time she closed her eyes all she saw was a soul capturing pair of blue eyes. She heard his deep southern drawl saying her name in a way that sent a delicious shiver curling around her spine.

Taking in a deep breath and slowly letting it out, Dakota unlocked the door and twisted the knob before pulling the door open. Her eyes immediately found Dale�s, quickly taking her breath clean away. He looked ruggedly handsome in a pair of faded Levi�s and a well-worn T-shirt that bared the Budweiser logo and an image of what she guessed to be his car.

�Hi,� Dakota somehow managed to find her voice and choke the one word out. Any others she was incapable of saying at the moment.


Chapter Eleven


�Hey.� Dale smiled down at her, easing her nervousness with just that smile. �You look great.� He commented, appreciating the way her jeans hugged her body.

�Thanks.� She blushed and looked down. �Where�s Brett?� Dakota asked, peering over his shoulder and seeing nothing but an empty hallway. She swallowed hard, desperately praying that she wouldn�t have to tell IreLyn that Brett hadn�t come.

�He just called me. Practice went a little longer than what was planned, so he�s gone to take a quick shower and he�ll meet us in the lobby.� Dale explained.

�Hi, Dale.� IreLyn greeted, stepping up to the door. She had just gotten up her nerve, having fled to the bathroom when Dakota had walked over to the door. Her bright smile immediately disappeared when she saw Dale was the only one standing at the door.

�Brett�s running a little behind and will meet us in the lobby.� Dakota said in a rush, seeing the hurt and disappointed look on IreLyn�s face. Upon hearing her friend�s words, IreLyn was all smiles again.

�Oh, okay! Well, let�s get going then!�

�Hey, which park are we going too?� IreLyn asked, breaking the spell that circled around Dakota and Dale. The walk to the elevator and the ride down had been made in silence. IreLyn grinned, seeing how her friend was in her own little world.

�Hmm?� Dakota asked, tearing her gaze from Dale�s to give Dakota a questioning look.

�Sorry, what was that?� Dale asked, having not heard anymore than Dakota did.

IreLyn chuckled and shook her head. �I asked which park we were going too. You know, there are four. Magic Kingdom, Epcot, MGM and the Animal Kingdom.�

�Where ever you two want to go is fine. Neither Brett nor I are picky as long as we get to ride some cool rides.� Dale grinned.

Remember what IreLyn had said earlier about Brett getting a ride in more than one way crossed Dakota�s mind and she had to bit her lip to keep from laughing. Her eyes met IreLyn�s and she immediately knew what Dakota was thinking. She blushed furiously and turned away, knowing if she met her eyes again she wouldn�t be able to hold back the laughter.

The elevator door opened and the three stepped outside. IreLyn looked over the lobby and didn�t see Brett anywhere. She felt her heart sink. She had known it was too good to be true. Things like that just didn�t happen for her. He was either regretting asking her and just wasn�t going to show up, or he�d found someone else better to talk too.

She turned her head when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes met Dale�s, who pointed to where a crowd had gathered. He�d seen the look that crossed her face and knew the thoughts that were running through her mind. �He�s over there, being mobbed by fans.�

IreLyn looked in the direction he was pointing, and breathed a sigh of relief when she him in the middle of all the people, smiling and signing autographs. He looked up at that moment and caught her eye. He smiled, effectively taking her breath away as he did so, and nodded his head, letting her know he would be just a few more minutes.

�Is it like that for you too?� Dakota asked, as she watched women shoving each other out of the way to get closer to Brett.

�Sometimes. I would think it would be a little harder for Brett and the rock stars or movie stars, but we drivers to get our fair share.� He nodded, nearly laughing when he saw one woman try to jump on Brett, only to be caught in the arms of a huge security guy at the last second.

�I think she wanted to give him a ride too.� Dakota whispered playfully to IreLyn. IreLyn started giggling and slapped Dakota on the arm. She turned back and saw that Brett was headed in her direction. She inwardly sighed, secretly disappointed that he wasn�t wearing his leather pants, but in the same instance relieved. There was no way she would be able to make it through the night if he was in leather.

Then again, she wasn�t sure she was going to be able to make it with him in the tight fitting jeans he was wearing. She suddenly felt light headed and drunk with desire as she watched him walk across the room.

�Sorry about that.� Brett said as he stepped up to them, smiling at them all, but the smile he gave IreLyn was different. It was a smile that was meant just for her.

�How are you?� he asked her softly.

�Good. And you?� she asked, captivated by his blue eyes.

�Better now.� He said sincerely. He�d been looking forward to seeing her all day. Practice had drug by, and he hadn�t been in the best of moods when it ran late. Then when he got down to the lobby, women surrounded him. Normally he didn�t mind much, but tonight he wanted just for him and IreLyn. Just seeing her now, made it all better.

�So, where we off too?� he asked them all.

�I�d like to go ride the Tower of Terror.� Dakota said, which was at MGM Studios.

�Sounds great to me. I�ve been dying to get on The Rockin� Roller Coaster.� Brett said eagerly. That ride was also located at MGM Studios, along with quite a few other they all wanted to go on.

After deciding to eat in the park, they all headed out to catch the bus that would take them to the park.


Chapter Twelve


�I love that ride!� Brett exclaimed as they came off the Tower of Terror. �Can we go again?� he asked excitedly.

�Yeah, please?� Dale chimed in, both looking at the girls eagerly with anticipation. Neither girl could resist laughing, both men sounding like two little boys.

�Sure, why not. It was fun.� IreLyn said as they went back around to the front of the replica of the old abandoned hotel, where the ride awaited.

Fifteen minutes later, they again exited the ride. Before the guys could even ask, IreLyn stopped them as they turned hopeful eyes to her and Dakota.

�Don�t even think about it. I enjoyed that ride just as much as you did, but right now, my stomach needs a break.� She told them. There was only so much a person could take of being dropped thirteen stories numerous times in a row.

Dakota nodded in agreement with IreLyn. �Yeah, and besides, I really want to go on the Rockin� Roller Coaster.� She said as she pointed to the newest attraction to MGM Studios.

�Isn�t that the one that does zero to sixty in 3.2 seconds?� Dale asked, his eyes lighting up even more when Dakota nodded, the prospect of speed exciting him more than the Tower of Terror.

�Then what the hell are we standing around here talking for?� He asked as he grabbed Dakota�s hand and walked quickly towards the new ride. Brett and IreLyn started after them, but he could see the apprehension on her face. Just by reading her expression, he could tell she really wasn�t looking forward to the ride, but was doing it anyway.

�Hey,� Brett stopped her by catching her arm. �I�m really not in the mood for a roller coaster right now. What do you say we go get some ice cream and wait for Junior and Dakota?� he suggested, immediately seeing the relief flood her green eyes.

�That�s sounds great. But are you sure you don�t want to go?� she asked, looking at him doubtfully. He remembered him saying something about the roller coaster earlier. She herself would be happy if she never rode on it. She loved speed, and she loved roller coasters. But for some reason, this one combined, bothered her. The fact that it was all closed in a building had a little something to do with it.

�Nah, I�m sure. Besides, the guys would kill me if I rode this without them.� Brett grinned. �Junior!� he called, nearly laughing at the impatience he saw on his friend�s face when he stopped and turned to face him.

�You two go ahead, we�re going to wait for you.� He called. Dale simply nodded then turned back around and nearly ran to the entrance of the ride.

Brett shook his head as he looked back at IreLyn. �You can take the driver out of the race car, but you can�t take the racier out of the driver.�

�Is he always like that?� IreLyn laughed as they walked over to the vendor who was selling drinks and ice cream.

�No. Usually he�s worse. Especially if you catch him with some of the other drivers. Oh, and just a word of advice, if you ever go anywhere, make sure you drive.� He grinned.

�Aw, come on, he�s not that bad!� IreLyn could tell he was teasing.

�Nah, Dale�s a great guy. But the guy you�ve met here is a totally different guy on race day. He�s very intense and focused and doesn�t let anything distract him.� Brett commented.

�Have you too been friends long?� IreLyn asked after they had sat down and began eating.

�Not too long. He came to a concert a few months back and had back backstage passes, we got talking, and have been friends since. What about you and Dakota?� He was ready to learn more about her. He�d had a great time with her thus far, and was looking forward to getting to know her better.

�Dakota�s and my parents are best friends. Have been since high school. Our moms even got pregnant within a few weeks of each other. Dakota�s exactly two weeks older than I am. So, we�ve been stuck together all our lives, and we had no choice but be friends. We�ve been best friends since infancy pretty much. We even live together now.� IreLyn explained.

They talked about themselves and their lives for ten more minutes, then fell into a comfortable silence. IreLyn still couldn�t believe she was here with him, but she wasn�t as awe struck as she had been. She felt more comfortable with him than she had anyone in a very long time.

She glanced at her watch, seeing how much time had passed. She looked back at the building where the ride was, but again saw neither Dale nor Dakota. �How long is that ride?� she asked, looking at Brett.

Her breath caught in her throat when she saw the way he was looking at her. His blue eyes were clouded with a look of want. He leaned closer to her, his hand coming up to cup her cheek as his thumb traced her full lower lip.

�You have ice cream on your lip.� He said huskily, never taking his eyes from her mouth. When she unconsciously licked them, he felt his heart begin to pound. Usually he was very cautious when getting to know a woman, never knowing what they were really after. But for the first time, he wanted to throw caution to the wind. Something deep inside him told him she was different, perhaps the one he�d been looking for.

�Allow me.� He whispered, unable to wait any longer. He closed the distance between them, and gently pressed his lips to hers. He tried to take it slow, but the second they touched, he knew he was lost. All control he had snapped when she sighed softly and put her hands around his neck, running her fingers through his hair, all the while deepening the pressure on their mouths.

With a groan he pulled her closer to his body and ravished her mouth with his own lips and tongue.


Chapter Thirteen


�So�do you want to ride again?� Dakota asked as the safety harnesses were releases from the roller coaster cars and she and Dale exited the ride. She felt her heart flip and then race off when he took her hand into his as they began walking.

�Maybe later,� Dale replied as she led her over to a park bench and they sat down. �Do you want anything to drink?� He asked, seeing thee vendor nearby and wanting something for himself.

�Sure, um�water.� Dakota fairly stuttered the words are their eyes mer and she was instantly mesmerized. It seemed as though her dreams were coming to true. Although she�d never dreamed about one specific man like IreLyn had always dreamed of Brett, she dreamed of a man just like Dale. Friendly, warm, caring, sense of humor� �Not to mention sexy.� Dakota thought to herself, feeling her cheeks burn.

�Here you go,� Dale handed her a bottle of water, startling her out of her thoughts in the process.

�Oh! Thanks!� She took the water from him, her cheeks burning brighter as she swore, judging by his smile, that he could read her thoughts. A silence fell over them as Dakota stared down at her hands.

�So tell me about you,� They both inquired simultaneously and then laughed at doing so.

�You first.� Dale wanted to know her better. �You and IreLyn seem to be close friends. Have you known each other long?�

�Yeah, we have,� Dakota answered with a smile before continuing to tell him much like IreLyn had told Brett about how long they�ve known each other. Then she told him a little bit about where she worked and things that she liked to do and some of her hobbies. �Your turn.� Dakota said to him once she was finished.

They talked for a while longer before Dale glanced down at his watch, noticing that they�d been gone for a half-hour. �We should probably get back to Brett and IreLyn.�

�Yeah,� Dakota agreed reluctantly although she figured that she was most likely the furthest thing from IreLyn�s mind right at that moment.

Dale got up and held his hand out to her, but when she slipped her hand into his, instead of turning and walking back, he pulled her against him, his arms going around her body to hold her tight.

Dakota stared up into her eyes, feeling her heart speed up again. She knew that he was going to kiss her. Unable to wait though, she stood up on her toes as she wrapped her arms around her neck. With a soft whimper, she pressed her lips to his and instantly became lost.


�Hey guys!� Brett yelled as he spotted the rest of Fuel�s band members heading in their direction. �We were just going to look for you.� He and IreLyn had decided to head over to the Magic Kingdom where the rides were a little tamer and Brett thought would be more to IreLyn�s liking. They were just getting up to find Dakota and Dale and the other Fuel guys to let them know that they were leaving and see if they wanted to come along.

�IreLyn,� Brett began as the three guys stepped up to them. �This is Carl. He plays guitar and is the genius behind all of our songs. Jeff, who plays bass, and Kevin who plays drums.� Brett said, making introductions. �This is IreLyn Hunter.� Brett told Carl, Jeff, and Kevin.

�Pleased to meet you all.� IreLyn said as she shook each of their hands.

�Believe me, the pleasure is all ours.� Jeff stated, speaking for all of them.

�IreLyn and her friend Dakota were the winners of the MTV contest. Dakota seems to have hooked up with Junior. You wouldn�t believe it. He is so taken that he even invited her to one of his races.�

�Go Junior!� Kevin laughed as he turned to high five Carl. He�d always been a big fan of Nascar and particularly the late Dale Earnhardt and Dale Jr. When he�d met Junior a few months ago at one of their concerts, it had been one of his dreams come true. �It�s about time that he decides to settle down.� Inviting a woman to one of his races wasn�t something that Junior just did ordinarily. It had to be a damn special woman for him to do that.

Brett nodded in agreement. �Listen, we�re going to round up Junior and Dakota and then head over to the Magic Kingdom. You all coming?�

�Nah, I think we�re going to head on over to Pleasure Island.� Jeff replied, smiling when he saw Dale and Dakota approaching. �Yo Junior! Get over here and introduce us to your girlfriend!�

Dakota blushed as she recognized the guys from Fuel after having seen them earlier at fan fair that day. Her eyes drifted to IreLyn who looked like she was positively glowing as she stood beside Brett. He had his arm wrapped around her waist, holding her close against him.

�Hey guys,� Dale greeted as he and Dakota stepped up to them. �This is Dakota.� He said, introducing her and then doing the same with the guys.

�We�ve decided to head over to the Magic Kingdom for a while.� Brett said to Dale and Dakota once the introductions were through.

�Sure, that sounds great.� Dale said when he saw Dakota nod her head in agreement. The truth was that she didn�t care where they went as long as Dale was there. She knew that she was falling head over heels for him�much like it looked like IreLyn was doing with Brett. Then again, IreLyn had already been head over heels for Brett. Seemed that the feeling was mutual.

�Okay then, I�ll catch you guys later.� Brett said, speaking to Kevin, Carl, and Jeff.

�We won�t wait up for you.� Carl teased, giving him a wink before they walked away, all three of them laughing.


A half-hour later, they arrived at the Magic Kingdom. Dakota and IreLyn excused themselves to use the restrooms.

�Alright, spill it!� IreLyn demanded once they were inside. She could tell by the sparkle in her friend�s eyes that more had happened than a roller coaster ride.

The light in Dakota�s eyes instantly shone brighter. �Oh Lyn�Ii can�t believe�I never thought that I�d be in love, or falling in love with Dale Earnhardt Jr. But here I am, and I�m falling hard. It was just a kiss�.but it was the most wonderful kiss.� Dakota was breathless just talking about it.

�Tell me about Brett.� Dakota inquired after a few seconds, although she didn�t need IreLyn to tell her how she felt. The expression in her eyes and on her face told that story well enough.

�He�s just wonderful. Very sweet and kind.� IreLyn paused for a moment. �And all I have to say is that if those dreams don�t become a reality soon, I�m going to go insane. Like you and Dale, it was just a kiss, but it�s not enough. I want more.� IreLyn admitted, her normally bright green eyes growing dark with desire.

�Oh trust me, I know exactly how you feel.� Dakota told her as they finished freshening up. �Let�s get back out to our guys.�

�Which ride do y�all wanna go on first?� Dale asked as IreLyn and Dakota walked back to where they were waiting for them.

IreLyn just shrugged her shoulders. �I�ve never been here before. What do you suggest?� She asked all three of them.

�Well, how about Space Mountain?� Brett suggested, it being one of the rides that they were closest to.

�Sure.� IreLyn said as Dale and Dakota nodded in agreement. �What kind of ride is it?� She asked as they began walking toward it.

�It�s a roller coaster,� Dakota began and paused for a moment. �That is in complete dark.� She felt her face flush as she said the words. The thought of being with Dale in the dark�even if it was on a roller coaster was enough to send her heart into a series of flips.

�Ohhhh,� Was all IreLyn said as she read the look in her friend�s eyes.

A half-hour later, they exited the ride. Much to IreLyn�s surprised, she thoroughly enjoyed the ride. She�d been a little apprehensive about it being in the dark and not being able to see what was around her. But the moment they got into the car and Brett put his arm around her shoulders, everything else faded away.

�What next?� IreLyn asked, her eyes shining.

�Splash Mountain.� Dakota said before Dale or Brett could voice their opinion.

�Uhhh, doesn�t that ride involve water?� IreLyn asked, glancing skeptically down at the white T-shirt that she was wearing.

�Yeah.� Dakota answered, trying like hell to keep the laughter down that was threatening. The look at IreLyn�s face was another one that was priceless.

�Then�No way! You guys can all go on it, I�ll wait right here for you all.� IreLyn stated, refusing not to be swayed.

�Tell ya what,� Brett had an idea. He knew that IreLyn would love Splash Mountain. Maybe not so much the eight story drop at the end, but he knew that she�d love the rest of the ride. �We�ll run over to one of the shops and get a shirt that you can put on over that one. We�ll meet you guys over at the ride.�

�Okay, that sounds good.� IreLyn agreed with Brett�s idea.

�We�ll meet ya over there then.� Dakota confirmed before she and Dale turned and began walking away.

�Damn! I can�t believe that we can not find anything other than a white T-shirt around here.� Brett stated in disbelief a half-hour later. They�d visited four of the shops and none of them carried anything but white. The reason being that the darker colors were too hot for the warm weather.

�I�m sorry�I should have known better than to wear this.� IreLyn felt bad for causing such an inconvenience.

�No, no�don�t be sorry. I just know how much you�d like that ride.� Brett reassured her.

�Well, isn�t the hotel near by? I could run back there and change and then come back.� IreLyn offered.

Brett smiled, wondering why he hadn�t thought of that himself. �I�ll go with you.�

�Should we let Dakota and Dale know first?� IreLyn suddenly remembered her friend was there as well and waiting for them.

�Nah, by time we get over to where they are and back, we can be to the hotel and back. I have a feeling they won�t even miss us anyway.�

�Okay, let�s go then.� IreLyn said as he took her hand.


�Damn it!� IreLyn cursed under her breath once they got back to the hotel and up to her room she realized that she didn�t have the key for her and Dakota�s suite. �I don�t have the key to the room. Dakota does.� IreLyn said, silently calling herself all kinds of an idiot.

�Well, luckily I am staying at this hotel as well. I should have something that will fit you.� Brett suggested as he took hold of her hand and led her to the elevator to go to where his room was one floor above.

�I�m sorry about all this mess.� IreLyn apologized again as Brett fished his key-card from his jeans pocket and unlocked the door to his suite.

�Not a problem,� Brett smiled as he swung the door open and stepped back to allow her in. �This was all actually planned just so I could get you back to my room.� He teased, trying to lighten her mood. Honestly he didn�t mind at all as long as he was with her.

�Hey, I was just going to say that.� IreLyn teased back as she stepped by him and turned around as he closed the door behind him.

�Are you having a good time in Florida?� Brett asked as he rummaged through his bag to find a T-shirt for her to put on.

�Yes, it�s really nice here. I don�t think I�d trade it for Colorado though. But its nice to visit.�

�Hard as it is to believe, but I�ve never been to Colorado. Most of our tour covers the East Coast states only. Sometimes we swing by the West Coast but rarely do Midwest shows. We did do one huge overseas tour last year.� Brett explained as he straightened up and walked over to where she was seated on the edge of the bed.

�This one should fit pretty good.� He said handing her the shirt.

�Thanks,� IreLyn stood up before he could move back. She gasped softly as her body brushed against his. Her eyes snapped up to his, seeing the bright blue darken with desire at having her so close. Before IreLyn was even aware of doing so, she pressed closer to him, her arms going around his neck as she stood up on her toes and gently urged his head down to hers.


Chapter Fourteen


�I get the feeling Brett and Lyn aren�t going to meet us.� Dakota said after glancing at her watch. More than forty-five minutes had passed since they had left them to go T-shirt shopping. She and Dale had already been on Splash Mountain four times, and by now, they were both soaked.

�Doesn�t look that way.� Dale agreed as he looked at the time. �I�m supposed to meet my buddy Kevin and his wife DeLana at Pleasure Island in an hour. Do you want to go with me?�

�Uh, sure, but I don�t want to intrude.� She said, although she didn�t care who else was there, she knew she didn�t want to be apart from Dale.

Dale stopped walking and turned to face her, tilting her chin up until her eyes met his. �You could never be an intrusion. I want you there.� He said with complete honesty.

Dakota flushed and looked down, the look in his blue eyes meaning more than she could say. With her eyes downcast she took in her appearance, and just how soaking wet she was.

�Okay, but I need go change. I look like a drowned rat!� she laughed as she shook water droplets from her hair.

�Yeah, me too. Let�s go ahead back to the hotel and change.�

�So, who are we meeting again?� Dakota asked after a few moments as they walked through the park towards where they could get on the monorail.

�Kevin Harvick and his wife.� Dale said, giving her a smile. �You�ve never heard of him?�

�Uh, no sorry.� She grinned sheepishly. �Let me guess. He�s a driver also.�

�Yup, and also one of my best friends. He took over driving my Dad�s car after Daytona. He�s also the Bush series 2001 Champion.� Dale explained. He�d already explained earlier the difference between the Bush series and Winston. It was pretty simple. Bush was the minor, Winston was the majors.

�Ahhh, so he�s good competition.� Dakota teased.

�He�s good�but he�s not me.�

Dakota couldn�t help but laugh at his playful smirk. She was beginning to think she just might enjoy watching the races. �So is he doing something at the awards show tomorrow night too?� she asked. She hadn�t remembered hearing his name, but because she hadn�t recognized it, she may not have paid any attention.

Dale shook his head. �No. Actually, he�s on his honeymoon. He and DeLana got married at the beginning of the season, and with having races every weekend, and things to do to prepare for the races during the week, they didn�t get a honeymoon. So, this is it. Also, they are my guests at the show tomorrow.�

�Well, I look forward to meeting them.� Dakota said sincerely.

�Hey, should we try and find IreLyn and Brett to let them know what we�re doing?� Dakota asked, looking around the near empty park, and not seeing them anywhere.

�I get the feeling they aren�t even here anymore. I doubt they want to be disturbed.� Dale chuckled, remembering the way Brett had been looking and IreLyn all night.

�Why do you say�Oh!� Dakota�s eyes widened in surprise when she realized what he was referring too. �Oh my.� She laughed, silently congratulating her friend.

�I guess dreams really do come true.� She said softly, smiling to herself.


Brett moaned deep in his throat when he felt IreLyn�s hands on his bare skin. He pulled back just slightly, and pulled his shirt off over his head, throwing it across the room. He immediately reached out and pulled IreLyn back to him as his mouth came crashing down on hers.

IreLyn moaned softly against the fullness of Brett�s lips, loving how his skin felt beneath her hands as she ran her them up his chest, over his shoulders, and down his back. Dragging her mouth from his, she brushed her lips across the sensitive spot on the side of his neck. The groan that she heard and felt rumbling through his chest and then up into his throat inflamed her and urged her on even more. Moving down further she left a burning trail down until her mouth surrounded one of his nipples. She teased him unmercifully with her teeth and tongue, causing more deep groans to reverberate through him. She moved over to the other, giving it the same treatment while she lightly raked her fingernails over his chest and back, causing his body to shudder against hers.

Running his fingers through her hair, Brett gently lifted her head back up as his lips came down on hers in a kiss that stole her breath clean away. She ran her hands over his lean stomach, feeling the firm muscles jump and twitch beneath her touch before she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him closer, deepening the already burning kiss in the process.

Needing to feel her skin against his, Brett reached around, tugging her shirt loose from her jeans. Pulling it off over her head, he dropped it to the floor before removing her bra and tossing it to the floor as well.

IreLyn gasped as a shiver of desire rushed through her from head to toe as Brett pulled her close again causing her already over sensitized nipples to brush against his chest. She heard him take in a sharp breath as their skin came fully into contact with each other�s as he drew her even tighter against him.

Hooking a finger under her chin, Brett tipped her face up until their eyes met. The passion that he felt blazing through his body was mirrored in her green eyes. Any doubts that he had about this being what she truly wanted washed away as she stared down into her eyes. As he leaned forward and claimed her lips once more, he gently eased her down to the bed behind them.

�Brett, please!� IreLyn pleaded with him as he removed her jeans and then his so very slowly that it was almost painful to experience. Brett only smiled back at her, his eyes shining.

He�d never met anyone like IreLyn before and he wanted to take his time�to be able to savor every sweet second that he was in her presence. She was a breath of fresh air compared to some of the woman that he�d met and even dated occasionally�

An instant later a thought clicked in Brett�s mind. What if she was just like all the other women? What if he just wasn�t able to see it�yet? But it would become painfully obvious what her intent was when he�d find her gone in the morning, most likely along with all of his cash and credit cards.

�No!� Brett angrily told himself. IreLyn wasn�t like that. Was she? �Absolutely not!� Brett told himself again, this time convincing himself�even if only momentarily.

Crawling back onto the bed, he joined her in the center, hearing IreLyn sigh softly with content as he covered her body with his. She arched her body against his, tipping her head back allowing Brett better access as his lips brushed lightly down the curve of her throat. She ran her hands over his back again. She loved how his skin felt against the palms of her hands and how his muscles jumped and strained under her touch. The deep groan that rumbled through his chest as his body shuddered against her thrilled her equally.

Raking her fingers through his hair, IreLyn tipped her face up as Brett claimed her lips again in a hungry, demanding kiss. She tipped her head back further, moaning with desire as Brett dipped his head further, teasing her neck and shoulders with his lips and tongue causing IreLyn to shiver with delight as tiny goose bumps covered her skin from head to toe.

Brett tightened his hold around her body as he picked her up slightly and then carefully allowed IreLyn to fall back over his arms. He leaned forward just slightly, taking an already sensitive nipple into his mouth. Brett marveled at how much harder it became as he nipped at it with his teeth, swirling his tongue around as he suckled gently with his mouth and lips. He moved over to the other, relentlessly giving it the same sweet torture until IreLyn whimpered for mercy. Brett pulled away, smiling devilishly as he slowly lowered down until she was on her knees again.

Quite by accident Brett had found IreLyn�s most ticklish spot on her body. It was directly on the back of her neck. Every time he came even close to touching that spot, she�d squeal as tiny goose bumps broke out across every inch of her body. And once that Brett had found her weakness, he intended to take full advantage of it. He teased the sensitive area with his mouth, lips, and teeth until IreLyn could take no more. Gathering all of her strength, she pushed him down until he was on his back.

IreLyn straddled his body, running her hands over his chest, she took a deep breath, trying to calm herself�trying to be patient. As she pressed her lips to his, she found that she couldn�t wait. Not this time. She wanted�She needed him right then.

Brett�s resounding groan as she positioned herself and took him completely inside her made her passion all the more undeniable. She tried to hold off, but it was impossible�especially now that Brett had taken a hold of her hips and was urging her movements from painfully slow to frenzied.

Brett knew that she was close and just as IreLyn threw her head back and let out a passionate whimper, he gathered her close to him and rolled over until his body covered hers again.

Grinning wickedly, Brett completely removed himself from her body as he lowered his head and claimed her lips in a kiss that moved the earth. IreLyn pressed closer to him as he rubbed his body against hers. After being so precariously close to the edge and then having it suddenly taken away, IreLyn physically ached for that release.

�Brett.� She gasped his name as his mouth teased her over sensitized body. She squirmed around beneath him, trying to get closer and escape his sweet torment at the same time. Brett held onto her firmly, not allowing her to escape as he made his way down to her stomach with a trail of fiery kisses.

He moved down lower still until he had himself positioned between her legs. He sucked in a deep breath, allowing her scent to tease his senses. Brett licked his lips as his mouth began to water. Unable to wait any longer, he lowered his head and loved her until she�d been twice satisfied by his tongue, lips, and teeth.

. Not giving her any time to recover, Brett moved back up her body, kissing her deeply as he buried himself inside once again. He groaned thickly as he willed his body to not move until the overwhelming sensation past. He wanted to hold off and see IreLyn satisfied again and again, but the feeling of her inner muscled clenching tight around him was too much. Seconds later, his thunderous groan echoed throughout the room as he flew off the edge. As the warmth of his release was forced from his body to deep inside her, IreLyn fell off the edge with him. Brett gazed down at IreLyn as he tenderly stroked her sweat-dampened hair and waited for their breathing to return to normal. She ran her fingers through his hair and over his shoulders as she met his gaze, feeling that familiar heat course through her body as her need for him began to elevate again.

�Pinch me.� IreLyn stated suddenly, catching Brett completely off guard.

�What?� He asked, thoroughly confused by her unusual request. �Pinch you?�

�Yes, I want to make sure that this isn�t a dream.� IreLyn told him, serving to only further confuse him.

�Oh, I see�� Brett smiled, not knowing that she really had been dreaming of him and this night for months now. �This isn�t a dream.� He reassured her.

�Good,� IreLyn replied, desire burning in her eyes again as she reached around his lean body and pulled him closer. Arching her body against his, she left no question about what she wanted.

�My God�� Brett groaned, his voice thick with passion. Framing her face within his hands, he claimed her lips in a soul-stealing kiss as he began moving slowly again.


Chapter Fifteen


Dakota opened her eyes and stretched with a yawn. She sat up in bed and looked around, a little confused when she was greeted by unfamiliar surroundings. A bright smile lit her face as it all came back to her. She was in Disney World�and she�d just spent the better part of the night with Dale Earnhardt Jr.

Throwing back the covers, she jumped out of bed, and ran to IreLyn�s room, anxious to find out how her night went. Dakota hadn�t gotten back to the room until nearly 4:00 in the morning and IreLyn still hadn�t been there. Dakota skidded to a halt when she saw that IreLyn�s room was empty, and no one had slept in her bed.

�Ooooh, you go girl!� Dakota grinned. She glanced at the clock, which read five minutes to noon.

�Shit!� she exclaimed. She was supposed to meet Dale, Kevin and DeLana for lunch in a half-hour. She�d had a wonderful time at Pleasure Island and had instantly hit it off with Kevin Harvick�s wife. By the end of the night, they felt as if they had known each other forever.

Dakota had just stepped out of the shower when she heard the door to the suite open. �Lyn, is that you?� she called out.

�Who else would it be?� IreLyn called back with a laugh as she walked over to the bathroom door.

After hurriedly throwing on her clothes, Dakota opened the bathroom door and came out, the towel still on her wet head. �Okay, now spill it.� She demanded. She was dying of curiosity.

�Spill what?� IreLyn asked innocently. A little too innocently.

�You know very well what I�m talking about. Now, tell me! Was it better than any dream?� Dakota asked. A small happy sigh escaped IreLyn�s lips as she sank down on the bed, her eyes taking on a far away look as she remember the previous evening, and earlier that morning.

�Kody, I would love to be able to explain to you what it was like, but I honestly can�t. I haven�t the words!� she said, still off in her own little world. Just remember how it felt to have Brett�s body against her, to feel his touch�she flushed deeply, realizing she wanted him again. Now.

�That�s a first. I can�t believe you don�t have the words.� Dakota teased. IreLyn stuck her tongue out at her with a laugh.

�It was truly amazing, Kody. He was amazing. No dream could ever compare to this.� She hugged herself happily. She looked over at Dakota who was brushing her hair. �What about your night? Did you take advantage of me not being here?� she asked, grinning wickedly at her friend.

Dakota paused in brushing and turned fully towards her friend. �After we waited for you for nearly an hour, we were completely drenched because we rode Splash Mountain so many times. We came back here and changed, then went to Pleasure Island and met his friends and had a great time. I didn�t get back to the room until early this morning.�

�Alone?� IreLyn asked in a disappointed voice.

�Yes, alone.� Dakota emphasized with a laugh.


Dakota shook her head at her friend as she turned back towards the mirror to continue with her hair. �It just wasn�t the right time. I mean we just met and all.�

�Brett and I just met.� IreLyn reminded her.

�I know, but with you two it�s different. Whether you want to admit it or not, there�s been something there longer than just a day or so. I never even knew who Dale was until this weekend.� Dakota explained.

�Did he try to come in?� IreLyn asked.

�No.� Dakota sighed. She was flattered that he had respected her enough not to even try, but at the same time, she�d been a little disappointed. She knew he had made the right decision, and she admired him for that. But, on the other hand, if she�d been having dreams about him like IreLyn had been having about Brett, she would have made the decision for him�with a very different outcome.

IreLyn saw the sly smile cross her friend�s lips. She could almost read her thoughts. �So, if he had wanted to come in, would you have let him?� she asked.

�Of course!�

�I knew it.� IreLyn exclaimed as she jumped off the bed, dancing around the room. �Kody, I don�t think I�ve ever been this happy.�

�I don�t think I�ve ever seen you this happy.� Dakota responded, grinning at her.

�What do you say we go lounge around the pool. I need some rest.� IreLyn giggled.

�Maybe later. I�m supposed to meet Dale, Kevin and DeLana for lunch. Want to come?� she asked, finishing pulling her long hair back in a ponytail. It wasn�t what she preferred but she didn�t have time to dry her hair.

�Who�s Kevin and DeLana?�

�Dale�s friends. Kevin Harvick and his wife. Kevin�s also a race car driver.� Dakota answered, starting to search around the room for her shoes.

�Oh, more rednecks, huh?� IreLyn teased.

�Nope, they aren�t rednecks either.�

�You know, for a sport that is nothing but redneck country listening hicks, you sure are meeting a lot of non redneck people.� IreLyn laughed, ducking when the brush came flying towards her head and bounced off the wall harmlessly.

�Do you want to come to lunch or not? Or do you have plans with Brett?� Dakota asked. IreLyn paused, then pouted prettily.

�I don�t have any plans with Brett. He had to go to practice. You know, come to think of it, he never did say anything about seeing each other again. Oh god, Dakota, what if I made a mistake! What if he doesn�t want anything to do with me now! What if he thinks I�m just a groupie. What if---�

Dakota cut her off. �Calm down! I�m sure he was just busy this morning, and distracted with the awards show being tonight. If you don�t see him today, I know you�ll see him tonight. Remember, we have the party afterwards at Pleasure Island.� She reminded her.

�Yeah, you�re probably right. I�m stressing over nothing. I�m going to get a nap, I�m exhausted.�

�No wonder.� Dakota snickered.

�You go ahead and go to lunch, I�ll catch up with you later.� IreLyn continued, pretending like she didn�t hear Dakota.

�Alright. I�ll come back after lunch and we�ll go to Epcot or something.� Dakota offered.

�Sounds like a plan. Now, get out of here. You�re interrupting my beauty sleep, and you don�t want to keep that man of yours waiting.� IreLyn said, all but shoving Dakota out the door.

�My man? He�s not my man.� Dakota said over her shoulder. But she couldn�t stop her heart from fluttering at the thought.

�Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now go!� IreLyn laughed before slamming the door shut. She then moved towards her room and fell into the bed with a sigh. She hugged her pillow to her as she thought of Brett. Her body ached deliciously, and yet she wanted more. She couldn�t get enough of him. She couldn�t imagine ever getting enough.

Again, the doubts crept their way into her mind. Had he seemed a little distant before she�d left this morning? She shook her head, clearing her mind of those thoughts. She smiled to herself as she pictured everything that had happened the night before. As she drifted off to sleep, a small smile was placed firmly on her lips.


Chapter Sixteen


�Holy shit!� IreLyn breathed softly under her breath as she and Dakota arrived at Pleasure Island that night after the awards show. She�d thought that the awards show had been spectacular, but it was nothing compared to Pleasure Island.

�I told you that it was like nothing else.� Dakota replied as she scanned the crowd, looking for Dale. She didn�t see him yet and figured that he�as well as Brett had things to wrap up at the awards show. �Come on, let�s go get a drink.� Dakota tugged on IreLyn�s arm, but her feet seemed cemented to the ground. She noticed that she was staring at something�or some one and followed her friend�s gaze, seeing tha IreLyn had spotted Brett. He was surrounded by a mob of autograph seeking fans. She saw IreLyn flinch dejectedly as Brett looked straight at her, but didn�t acknowledge her presence.

Gathering what little dignity she had left, IreLyn turned and began walking away as she fought desperately to keep back the tears that were stinging her eyes. She was stopped when Dakota grabbed her arms and turned her around.

�Don�t leave Lyn. I�m sure he�s just occupied with his fans. When he gets done with them, you�ll have his full attention.� Dakota tried to convince her.

IreLyn glanced over to where Brett was standing. Just seeing him, she felt her body grow warm. Her heart did a somersault and then raced off as thoughts of the night they spent together flashed through her mind. She wanted to believe so badly what Dakota was saying, but deep down she still had that sinking feeling that something was going to happen. She just hoped that her feeling was wrong.

Forcing a smile, IreLyn turned back to Dakota. �Okay, I�ll stay a while longer.�

Dakota smiled happily. �Good. I�m glad.� She said sincerely. The second the words were out of her mouth, IreLyn saw her eyes light up as she looked at something, or someone behind her. �There�s Dale.� Dakota breathed as she grabbed IreLyn hand. �Let�s go talk to him.� She drug IreLyn along.

They all made small talk for a while but eventually the conversation became more between Dale and Dakota as they talked about the night before that they spent at Pleasure Island and all of the fun that they had. IreLyn frowned as she stood there feeling like a fifth wheel. Glancing around, she spotted Jeff and Kevin and decided to go talk to them. She quickly told Dakota where she was going and then went.

They talked mostly about Fuel�s performance that night at the awards show. It had been fabulous and IreLyn honestly believed that on one there enjoyed it as much as she had. IreLyn genuinely liked Jeff and Kevin and liked talking with them.

�Um�have you guys seen Brett around?� IreLyn finally asked, not able to wait any longer.

Kevin smiled as he looked over her head. �Yeah, actually he�s right behind you, headed your way.� He said and then glanced at Jeff to get his attention. As IreLyn turned around, Kevin and Jeff left, knowing that they probably weren�t wanted there right at that moment.

IreLyn swallowed hard, her eyes growing wide as her hands began to tremble. It was like seeing him for the first time all over again. Good Lord, and tonight he had the leather pants on and he was shirtless underneath his leather jacket. �We need to talk.� Brett said as he took hold of her hand. The minute he toughed her, he felt a huge jolt of electricity rush through him. God, he wanted her again so bad. �Let�s go back to the hotel where it�s quiet.�

�Okay, but let me tell Dakota that I�m leaving.�


Chapter Seventeen


�Kody, I�m going back to the hotel.� IreLyn said as she stepped up to her friend. Dakota turned around to face her.

�Lyn, please don�t leave, I�m sure�� she trailed off when she saw Brett standing back, waiting for IreLyn. �Oh, never mind.� She grinned, looking at IreLyn knowingly. �I�ll see you tomorrow morning then.�

IreLyn blushed but smiled nonetheless. �Yeah, I�ll see you later.�

�Hey, just remember to be back by Monday morning. The limo is picking us up for the airport at 9:00 sharp.� Dakota couldn�t help but tease. IreLyn simply shook her head as she turned and walked back to where Brett was standing. He waved to both Dakota and Dale then left.

Dakota watched them leave. She got the strange feeling that something with Brett was different. Could IreLyn�s worries be justified? No, she was being ridiculous and way too over protective of her best friend.

�You know he�ll take care of her, don�t you?� Dakota jumped when she felt Dale whisper in her ear. She met his gaze.

�I haven�t known Brett very long, but I know he�s crazy about IreLyn. In the time that I have hung out with him, I�ve never seen him like this over a woman.� Dale reassured her, thinking to himself that his words didn�t only ring true for Brett, but for himself also.

Dakota turned to look back at Brett and IreLyn�s retreating forms. She sighed softly then smiled as she turned back to Dale. �You�re right. Come on! Let�s go party!� she exclaimed as she grabbed his hand and pulled him over to where the people were dancing in the streets.


IreLyn smiled as she watched Brett sleep peacefully. Their night had been so full of passion, again she was at a loss for words. She never felt this kind of connection with anyone before. As she watched him sleep, she knew he now owned her heart.

She got up quietly, not wanting to disturb him, and went into the bathroom. She took a quick shower. She didn�t want to leave the quietness of his room, or the warmth of his embrace, but she knew he and the band had to get everything packed up for when they left later that evening.

Her eyes filled with tears at the thought of him leaving. She knew this relationship was going to a lot of work. He was on the road a good majority of the time, and their time together would be very short. But she would treasure every second they did have. She wouldn�t be one of those clingy girlfriends who complained constantly about never being together. She would surprise him now and then meet up with him on the road.

She ignored that nagging little voice that told her it wasn�t going to happen. Things had been too perfect, and perfection never lasts.

She wrapped herself in a towel, and walked back out in the room. She stopped, surprised to see Brett not only awake, but up and fully dressed. His back was to her, and she walked up behind him and put her arms around his waist. She felt him stiffen at her touch, but she ignored it.

�Good morning.� She said huskily, moving around to face him.

�You aren�t dressed.� He said dryly. IreLyn was taken back at his abruptness.

�Uh, no, I just got out of the shower.� She said, the confusion seen clearly in her green eyes.

Brett pulled away from her and walked across the room. He picked up his shoes and sat down on the bed to put them on. IreLyn watched him in silence, feeling sick to her stomach. This couldn�t be happening. What happened to the warm and loving man who had driven them both to the brink of insanity with his body just a few hours earlier? In his place was this cold distant man who seemed to want nothing to do with her.

�Brett, is everything okay?� she asked softly. He shrugged indifferently, never looking up from tying his shoes.

�Yeah, fine. Listen, I gotta go.� He said as he stood up, barely glancing in her direction.

�Okay.� IreLyn replied softly. She looked down at the floor and blinked back the tears she felt threatening. Had she done something wrong?

�Um�did you want to meet for lunch or something?� She tried. She wouldn�t give up without a fight. It was possible he just had a lot of his mind.

Brett paused in putting on his leather jacket. �I told you I was going to be busy today. Do you think I have time for lunch?� he asked. He didn�t say it cruelly, but his words made her flinch.

�Well, no, but I just assumed��

�You assumed too much.� He interrupted her. After taking a deep breath, he straightened to his full height and began with the speech that IreLyn had been dreading, but deep down knew was coming. �IreLyn, this weekend has been great. Amazing even. But that�s all it was. Just a weekend.�

IreLyn took a shocked step back, her face draining of color. �W-what?� she stuttered.

Brett looked at her, but she had a feeling he was looking through her. �I�ll never forget you IreLyn, and it�s been fun. But now it�s time to go back to reality.� He said softly, almost soothingly.

�I�m on the road constantly and just don�t have time for anything serious.� He explained. His words sounded rehearsed, like he�d said this whole speech many times. �You understand, right?�

Unable to say anything, IreLyn nodded. Oh she understood all right. She understood perfectly well. She grabbed her clothes and started towards the bathroom. The only thing she wanted was to get dressed and get the hell out of there. Never had she felt so humiliated in her life!

Brett caught her arm as she walked by. She jerked her arm back as if she�d been burnt. �Don�t touch me.� She whispered through clenched teeth. Brett merely shrugged and dropped his hand.

�I�ll see ya around.� He said before dipping his head and catching her lips in one last kiss. IreLyn went still with shock. Yet, she couldn�t stop herself from responding to him. She felt his arms wrap around her waist pulling her fully against his body.

Suddenly, he let her go. Other than breathing a little heavier than normal, he seemed unaffected by the kiss. �Good bye.� He said as he turned and walked out of the room, closing the door firmly behind him.

She didn�t know how long she stood there, her finger touching her bruised lips. She didn�t know now long the tears streamed from her eyes. She dressed quickly, her mind really not there. She knew later she would hurt more than she ever thought possible, but for now, she welcomed the numbness that surrounded her.


Brett closed the door behind him and leaned against the door, taking a deep claming breath. He felt like a total ass. Hell, he�d been a total ass. But he�d done the only thing he could do. He�d ended things before she had a chance too. And he knew from past experiences that she would have ended it. Wouldn�t she?

Of course she would have. They were all the same. They got what they wanted, then split to go tell all their girlfriends whom they had scored with. Brett shook his head. He had believed IreLyn was different. It was just as much his fault as it was hers. He should never have gotten involved�but he hadn�t been able to resist her. God, he still wanted her.

He hadn�t meant to kiss her like that before he left. But he couldn�t stop himself. He had to hold her one last time before it was all over. But the second his lips touched hers, he had been lost.

All he could see was the hurt, pained, shocked expression in her eyes when he had turned to walk out. Had be been wrong to think that she was like the rest? It didn�t matter. Even if she weren�t like that, it would have ended eventually. When she realized what little time they would get to spend together, she would grow to resent his career. And he wasn�t ready to give it up. Not for anyone.

No matter how bad he felt about it, or how bad he wanted to go back in there, grab her and beg her forgiveness, that he hadn�t meant any of it, he knew he couldn�t. He�d made the only decision he could make. The right decision.

He hoped.


Chapter Eighteen


Dakota sighed happily, hugging herself as she watched Dale walk away before returning back to her own room at the end of the long hallway. She�d had the most incredible night with him. They�d partied until the wee hours of the morning at Pleasure Island. When they returned back to the hotel, neither Dale nor Dakota were in a hurry to leave each other�s presence so when Dale asked her to come in so they could talk some more, Dakota agreed. She ended up not leaving. They fell asleep just as the sun was coming up after having learned more about each other. Turned out that they had many common interests and hobbies. And despite the fact that they�d slept together in the same bed, nothing more than that happened. They were both fully clothes, satisfied to just enjoy each other�s embrace.

Smiling broadly, Dakota turned to go to her room. Her and Dale were meeting for lunch at two o� clock, which gave her about five hours to spare. She wanted to take a shower and then if IreLyn was back, maybe they could go shopping and spend some of that thousand dollars that neither of them had touched as of yet. As she slipped her key card into the lock, she really found herself hoping that IreLyn was back. Shopping really sounded like a great idea.

Walking into the room, Dakota didn�t see IreLyn but could hear some kind of commotion coming from her part of the suite. She wasn�t sure if she should go in there, but in the end, her curiosity and concern won over. She was shocked to see IreLyn furiously throwing her clothes and other things into her bags.

�Lyn?� Dakota asked cautiously. Just by the expression on her friend�s face, she had a sinking feeling as to what had happened. She took a step toward IreLyn, but stopped when she spun around to face her.

�I�m glad you�re back,� IreLyn commented dully. �I was hoping to talk to you for I leave.�

�Leave?� Dakota questioned in confusion. �Our flight doesn�t leave until tomorrow morning.�

�Well, I�m leaving today. I am not staying here any longer than I have to.� IreLyn stated as she continued to pack her bag.

Dakota sighed as she walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the Polaroid picture of Brett and IreLyn from fan fair had been tossed in the trash. As IreLyn stalked past her to grab her camera off of the nightstand, Dakota grabbed her arm and sat her down beside her. �What happened?� Dakota asked, although she was pretty sure that she already knew the answer.

Until that moment, IreLyn had remained numb to her feelings, running on nothing but adrenaline. But hearing Dakota�s question forced the numbness away, replacing it with a hurt so intense that it was nearly impossible to breathe as the pain made its way through her body in a rush. The sigh that had formed on her lips turned into a sob that shook her body with its force, As she finally allowed the tears that had been threatening to fall, her body continued to tremble with the force of her heart break.

Dakota immediately wrapped her arms around her friend, hugging her close as she cried. After several minutes, her IreLyn�s cries had been reduced to soft whimpers that had Dakota�s heart aching for her friend. IreLyn got up from where she was sitting and walked over to the window, staring out, although she was nothing. She only felt�felt unbearable pain.

�Last night was incredible,� IreLyn began as she fought desperately to keep her voice from shaking. �Another one of those moments that I don�t even have words for. Brett was so warm and passionate�� IreLyn trailed off as a fresh wave of pain washed over her, threatening to pull her under and drown her.

�This morning he was�a stranger. He was cold, and distant. He didn�t want anything to do with me.� IreLyn paused for a moment. Taking a deep breath, she slowly let it out before continuing again. �He proceeded to tell me that while he�d had an amazing time this weekend�that was all that it was. Just a weekend fling. He fucking used me!� As soon as the words were out of her mouth, IreLyn broke down again.

Dakota rushed over to her friend hugging her tight again. She wished she knew some words that would magically take IreLyn�s hurt away, but she knew that words were meaningless and the only thing that would heal her friend�s broken heart was time.

�I don�t think you should go back home today, Lyn.� Dakota began once IreLyn had calmed down again. �Our flight leaves tomorrow morning. You can�t trade in your ticket. You�d have to pay for it yourself.� Dakota tried to reason with her. She didn�t want IreLyn going back to Estes Park by herself, yet she wasn�t ready to leave Florida, and Dale a day early.

�I don�t care. Anything to get the hell away from here and as far away from that bastard as possible!� IreLyn stated, a bit of anger could clearly be heard in her voice. She just wanted to be alone to wallow in her misery.

�There is still a lot of things we haven�t seen and we still have a thousand dollars that we need to spend.� Dakota began, knowing that shopping was one of IreLyn�s weaknesses. �how many other opportunities are you going to get to go on a thousand dollar shopping spree.� Already Dakota could see IreLyn beginning to relent. But as quickly as she�d seen it, it was gone.

�No, I don�t think so. Besides you aren�t going to want to spend your time with me. You�re going to want to be with Dale.� IreLyn said. She only hoped that Dale wasn�t as much of an asshole as Brett was. She�d never want Dakota to have to feel the pain that she felt in her heart right then.

�Please, Lyn!� Dakota pleaded, not knowing what else to say. If she had to make a decision, of course she would go home that day with IreLyn if that were what she decided to do in the end. She�d only known Dale a few days and she�d known IreLyn all her life. But that didn�t mean that wasn�t going to try to convince IreLyn to stay.

IreLyn sighed with resignation. �Okay, I�ll stay.� She agreed, but only to appease her friend.

�Okay, I�ll go take a shower quick and we�ll get out of here. Trust me, Lyn. You�ll feel tons better.� Dakota promised as she turned and began walking towards the bathroom.

IreLyn just sighed as a tear rolled down her cheek.


Chapter Nineteen


�I can not believe together we just spent close to two thousand dollars.� Dakota giggled as she walked back into the Wilderness Lodge. Thankfully, all their purchased were being sent to their room. There was no way in hell they would have been able to carry all they had just bought.

�Yeah, but it was fun.� IreLyn said, a genuine smile on her lips. In all honesty, she hadn�t believed that she would have any fun, but it turned out it she�d had a blast. �Hey, we�re just in time too. It�s almost two.� She said as she saw the time, knowing Dakota was meeting Dale for lunch.

�Want to come with?� Dakota offered. Before IreLyn had a chance to turn her down, Dakota continued. �Kevin and DeLana will be there and you won�t be a fifth wheel, I promise.�

�Well�� IreLyn hesitated just slightly before nodding. She didn�t want to be alone right then. She knew she would do nothing but cry. And she liked DeLana and Kevin. Kevin was a jokester, and right now, she needed to be around someone who could make her laugh.

�Okay, let�s go.� She said.

The girls walked into the restaurant, both freezing in their tracks when they saw who was sitting at the table with Dale. Kevin and DeLana weren�t there yet, but Brett was. Dale spotted them right away and smiled as he got up and walked over to them, completely missing the looks on both their faces.

What IreLyn really couldn�t believe was that Brett had the balls to walk over with Dale, with a smile on his face like nothing was wrong.

�Ladies.� Brett greeted, not missing IreLyn�s pale face. He and the band were getting ready to leave for the airport and he wanted to say goodbye to Dale. When he�d looked up and seen IreLyn come in the restaurant, it was as if time stood still. He wanted more than anything to go up to her and take her in his arms, begging her forgiveness.

But then he noticed she didn�t seem too distraught. In fact, she had been smiling and laughing happily with Dakota. It was obvious to him that he�d made the right call. She didn�t give a shit about him, and that whole hurt look in the hotel room had been nothing more than her pride.

Well, two could play at that game. If it didn�t bother her, it wasn�t going to bother him.

�IreLyn, are you alright?� Dale asked, seeing the look on her face and noticing she was trembling. She blinked and looked at him, the look in her eyes telling him something had happened. Something not at all good.

�I-I�I gotta go.� IreLyn muttered before spinning on her heel and all but running out of the restaurant, nearly knocking Kevin Harvick, who had just walked in with his wife, over in her haste.

They all stared after her, everyone but Brett and Dakota confused at her hasty departure.

�What was that all about?� Kevin asked as he stepped up to the three still staring after IreLyn.

�Well, I better be going.� Brett said after clearing his throat. �Kevin, DeLana, it was great seeing you two again. I hope you have a wonderful honeymoon. Dale, I�ll give you a call later in the week and we will see when our schedules will allow us to get together. Dakota, it was nice meeting you�� he trailed off when Dakota turned to look at him. The anger in her eyes had him at a loss.

�I�m sorry, but I can�t say the same.� She retorted icily, her gray eyes like steel.

Brett�s face hardened and his jaw clenched. �Look, Dakota�� he started his voice tight, but again she stopped him

. �Don�t �look Dakota� me!� she snapped. �What you did was�was unforgivable!� she fairly yelled at him, not caring that other people in the restaurant were staring at her. She was so angry at this point, she didn�t care if the Pope himself were watching.

�And you know what? IreLyn had the feeling that something was off yesterday, but I defended you. Little did I know that you really were nothing more than a heartless bastard!� she spat at him.

�I understand that you feel you need to protect yourself, but you�re so busy doing that, you�ve completely missed your opportunity at the possibility of true love.�

�True love?� Brett laughed humorlessly. �IreLyn is not in love with me.�

�No she isn�t, not now. Not after you treated her like a common whore.� Dakota shot back. �Besides, I don�t think you�d know love if it came up and bit you on the ass!�

Kevin burst out laughing, only to be elbowed in the stomach by his wife. �Sorry.� He mumbled, fighting back the laughter.

Dakota and Brett simply glared at each other, neither willing to back down. Dale looked from Dakota to Brett, then back. He was beginning to understand what had happened. On one hand, he wanted nothing more than to throttle Brett, but on the other, he could understand where he was coming from. He stepped forward and placed a hand on Dakota�s shoulder. She finally broke the stare down and looked at him.

�Why don�t we sit down and talk about this calmly?� he suggested, fully aware of the attention they were getting from nearly the entire hotel.

�I�m sorry Dale, but I seem to have lost my appetite.� Dakota apologize, before shooting another glare at Brett. �I�m going to go check on IreLyn. I�ll call you later.� She promised before turning and walking out of the restaurant, determined to find her friend.

DeLana too glared at Brett. Although she�d only met IreLyn briefly she had instantly liked her and could tell how she felt about Brett. Obviously Brett was as dense as he was good looking. �I�m going to go find Dakota and IreLyn.� She told her husband before walking away.

After she left Kevin turned to Brett shaking his head. �Man, you really fucked up this time.�

Book Three of Once Upon a Dream
2001 K&K Productins


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