
Chapter Twenty


Dakota caught up with IreLyn just outside of the hotel. She felt her heart break when she found her friend sitting out on the curb, her shoulders slumped dejectedly. She could tell by the way that she had her head hung and buried in her hands that she was in tears. Dakota turned around when she heard DeLana call her name.

�Man�that was really not nice what Brett did to her.� DeLana didn�t need the details to know what had happened. Just the conversation that she�d heard between Dakota and Brett was enough. �I feel bad for her.�

Dakota just sighed, not knowing at the moment what to say. She felt bad for the way that Brett had treated her. He�d been the man of IreLyn�s dreams�literally. And now those dreams had been shattered into pieces�Right along with IreLyn�s heart. Too bad that IreLyn�s dreams hadn�t revealed what an asshole Brett would turn out to be as well.

Before Dakota could say anything, IreLyn rose to her feet and turned around to face them. At that same instant Brett came out of the hotel as well. He froze in his tracks when he saw IreLyn standing there. He knew that the tears streaming down her cheeks were real and the hurt in her eyes was real. Just as it had been that morning.

�I want to go home, Kody.� IreLyn said brokenly as Dakota and DeLana rushed over to her. It was then that Dakota noticed that IreLyn held her cell phone in her hand. �There�s a flight that leaves in two hours. That will give me just enough time to finish packing all the stuff we bought today and get there.�

�Okay, then I�m going with you.� Dakota said, not wanting IreLyn to be alone. She knew that even if she were with Dale, she�d probably spend most of the time worrying about here friend.

�I got the last seat, Kody.� Which was the truth, but even if she hadn�t, IreLyn would have told Dakota that she had. Dakota had so little time with Dale as it was and IreLyn wasn�t going to see that taken away because of her. �I�ll be fine. And maybe it would be best if I was just alone right now anyway.�

Dakota sighed with resignation. She knew that IreLyn was too set on going home. �Okay, but will you please call my cell when you get home?�

IreLyn could only nod as she glanced behind Dakota and saw Brett standing there. Their eyes met for a moment before IreLyn deliberately turned away from his. �I have to get going.� She said to Dakota and DeLana as she tried to compose herself enough to have to walk by Brett in order to get into the hotel.


Two hours later IreLyn sat back in her seat with a sigh as the airplane taxied down the runway. By around midnight she�d be home. There was a short layover and a flight change in St. Louis and then straight to Denver from there.

�What?� IreLyn said a little angrily as she turned to the person seated beside her. IreLyn tried to ignore them, but she�d been staring at her since she got on the airplane. It was then that IreLyn realized that not only were there tears streaming down her cheeks, but her whole body was trembling.

�I�m sorry,� The woman apologized softly. �You just really look like you need a hug or something.�

For the first time IreLyn recognized the woman to be Alicia Keyes. She�d performed also at the awards show. �I�m sorry for being rude to you. This weekend hasn�t turned out to be the best.� IreLyn offered, not really wanting to talk about�not with a complete stranger anyway,

�Hey, weren�t you one of the ones that won the MTV contest? I remember seeing you and your friend at fan fair. Saw you getting pretty chummy with Brett. Lucky girl!.�

IreLyn sighed again as more tears stung her eyes. �Yeah, lucky me.� She mumbled as she turned away. She closed her eyes, letting Alicia know that the conversation was over.

IreLyn slept through most of the flight, but it wasn�t restful sleep. Again and Again the same dream played over and over in her mind. It always began with the two beautiful, intensely passionate nights that she and Brett shared and then ended with him telling her that their relationship would go now farther then that weekend.

When she did finally arrive home, IreLyn did have one bit if good news waiting for her. There was a message on her answering machine telling her that she�d gotten the job at the radio station. She�d been after that deejay position for months and finally it was hers. And it couldn�t have to come to her at a better time.


Chapter Twenty One


Dakota looked at her watch, checking the time for what seemed like the millionth time later that night. It was nearly two thirty in the morning, and she still hadn�t heard a word from IreLyn. She was beyond worried at this point.

�I�m sure she�s fine.� Dale said, putting his arm around her in comfort. They all came back to Pleasure Island for their last night there, and although he could tell Dakota was really trying to have fun, she just couldn�t get her mind of IreLyn.

�I bet her plane got delayed or something.�

Dakota smiled at him and nodded. �You�re probably right. I just wish I knew for certain that she was okay. You didn�t see her before she left. She was a wreck.� She sighed. �Are you sure she hasn�t called and we just didn�t hear the phone?� she asked.

Dale looked down at his cell phone and shook his head, seeing there were no missed calls. He�d told Dakota to give IreLyn his cell phone number to call since he always had it on him. Dakota sat back in her chair with a pout. She was never one for patients, and what little patients she did have were being pushed to their limit.

Almost as if on cue, Dale�s cell phone started ringing. Dakota shot up straight in her chair and looked at him with anticipation. He looked at the number and moved it over so she could see the screen, since it wasn�t a number he recognized.

�Ooh!� she exclaimed as she grabbed the phone, hit the talk button and held it up to her ear. �It�s about damn time!� she exclaimed before IreLyn had a chance to say anything. �I�ve been going out of my mind worrying!�

�I�m sorry Kody. I got home a little before one. I just needed some quiet time, so I laid down on the sofa and fell asleep. I just now woke up and realized I hadn�t called. I�m sorry if I worried you.� IreLyn apologized.

�Yeah, well, you owe me for this one. I think I got at least three gray hairs off this one.� Dakota joked. After a moments pause she asked seriously, �How are you doing?�

�I�m�doing.� IreLyn answered. �I did have some good news when I got home.�

�What is it?�

�I got the job!� she grinned.

�Lyn, that�s wonderful! I�m so happy for you.� Dakota said whole-heartedly. She knew how badly IreLyn had wanted that job. And now, she had it.

�Oh, by the way, you did tell your boss you weren�t going to be back until tomorrow?� IreLyn asked.

�Yes, why? Did Jean-Claude call?� Dakota asked, rolling her eyes. She loved her boss to death, but he was extremely absent-minded. How he had ever become president of the advertising company she worked for she had no idea.

�Only seven times. He�s frantic for you to call him.� IreLyn laughed, used to the way Jean-Claude was. �He says it�s very urgent.�

�Everything is urgent with him.� Dakota muttered.

�What�s all that noise?� IreLyn asked, hearing a bunch of people in the background.

�I�m at Pleasure Island.�

�Oh. With Dale?� she teased, although she already knew that answer.


�Is he there now?� she inquired.


�Good. Tell him I�m sorry I didn�t get a chance to say good-bye. I just had to get out of there.� IreLyn felt bad that she hadn�t seen Dale. She thought he was a great guy, she only hoped he didn�t prove her as wrong as Brett had.

�He understands.� Dakota assured her. �Listen I�m going to get off here. I�ll see you tomorrow evening, okay? If you need me any sooner, don�t hesitate to call me.�

�I know, and thanks. I�ll see you when you get here. Be careful and have a safe flight.�

A minute later, Dakota ended the call and handed the phone back to Dale. �How is she?� he asked.

�She sounded good, actually. I�m sure it all hasn�t hit her yet, but right now, she sounds okay.� Dakota said. She only hoped she would be there when it all did hit IreLyn and she didn�t have to go through that alone.

�Is that how it always is?� she asked after a few moments of silence.


�Brett pretty much broke IreLyn�s heart because he didn�t trust her. Is that how it always is?� she asked. The more she thought about it, the more she could kind of understand where Brett was coming from. But she would never understand the way he did it.

Dale sighed. �Why don�t we get out of here and talk. Go some place quiet?� he suggested. He knew his time with her was winding now, and he wanted to spend this time with her, not a whole crowd of people.

Dakota nodded and stood up. Dale took her hand and together they walked out of the club. The ride back to the hotel was in silence, each deep in their own thoughts. Once at the hotel they went out to the pool, which at that time in the morning was completely deserted.

�About your question. I don�t want you to think that in anyway do I agree with what Brett did. But I do know where he�s coming from.� Dale began explaining.

�It�s hard to know anymore who is really genuine. Everyone thinks that being famous is this glamorous life, but honestly it isn�t. You have to be wary of all people you meet, because you honestly don�t know what they are after. After you get burnt a few times, you learn to put up walls and not trust anyone.�

Dakota thought it over. �That makes sense. But it�s also like that for people who aren�t famous. Everyone gets burnt Dale, at some point in his or her lives. Sure, I know that you guys have it a little harder. And even though I know you can�t trust everyone, you can�t block people out either. Otherwise how will you ever find love or even friendship?�

�Brett�s had it very hard. Women throw themselves at him on a daily basis. He�s made bad decisions when it comes to women, and I don�t think he trusts himself to make a good decision. But I�m sure Brett will realize his mistake. Maybe not sooner than later, but he will realize it.� It also wasn�t going to hurt that Dale was planning on having a little chat with his friend.

Dakota looked down at her hands and she bit her bottom lip. She raised her eyes and asked the question that had been nagging her since earlier that evening. �Is it hard for you to trust people?� she asked softly.

Dale sighed, then answered honestly. �Yes it is. Very hard at times.�


Dale reached out and pulled her towards him, feeling the stiffness in her body. He tipped her chin up until her eyes met his. Looking into her clear gray eyes, he knew then and there that he had found what he was looking for.

�I trust you.� He said huskily as he traced her lower lip with his thumb. Dakota gasped softly, realizing the significance of his words. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on top toes as their lips found each others in a soul searing kiss that turned both their worlds upside down.


Chapter Twenty Two


Dakota leaned against the doorframe, slapping a hand over her mouth to keep the laughter from breaking through as she listened to IreLyn on the phone.

�Damn it, Jean-Claude!� IreLyn exclaimed in obvious exasperation. �How many times have I told you that Dakota will call you back when she returns home?�

IreLyn was silent as she listened to his response and then she spoke again.

�Then why the hell do you keep calling?� She demanded to know.

Dakota rolled her eyes, knowing exactly what Jean-Claude would be saying. �It�s urgent..� She muttered under her breath. She loved her boss, she really did. And the few times that he and IreLyn had met, they had gotten along, being able to joke with and tease each other. But he wasn�t exactly known for his patients. Jean-Claude�s lack of patients was worse that hers and IreLyn�s combines and it was more than slightly annoying most of the time.

Not wanting IreLyn to suffer Jean-Claude any longer, Dakota cleared her throat, successfully gaining IreLyn�s attention. The startled expression that IreLyn wore quickly turned to relief when she turned around and saw her friend standing there.

IreLyn took the phone away from her ear and covered the mouthpiece with her hand as she walked over and gave Dakota a quick hug. �Thank goodness you are back!� She said as she pulled back. �I don�t think that I�ve ever met anyone who is so damn persistent!� IreLyn tried to laugh as she handed Dakota the phone.

Fifteen minutes later, Dakota came into the kitchen where IreLyn was sitting, staring into her cup of coffee. She was completely unaware that Dakota had entered the room and had sat down at the table in the chair across from hers. Finally after Dakota cleared her throat again to get her attention, IreLyn lifted her head.

Dakota wasn�t surprised to see the unshed tears glittering in her friend�s eyes. What did surprise her was how well IreLyn seemed to be keeping it together. At that moment in time anyway.

�So what was Jean-Claude�s urgency this time?� IreLyn questioned after a moment.

�We�re entertaining tomorrow night.� Dakota said in a tone that sounded almost bored. �Jean-Claude is trying to snag a new account and guess who has been volunteered by him to woo the potential client?�

IreLyn groaned as she buried her head in her hands. Usually she didn�t mind helping Dakota out entertaining potential clients. They both loved to cook and were good at it. And usually they met some fun, and interesting people. But this time around, IreLyn just did not feel up to it.

But then again, it wasn�t like she had anything better to do and it would help her get her mind off Brett at least for a few hours. �Okay, what time?� IreLyn questioned with a sigh, still not really feeling like entertaining a group for dinner but since it was for Dakota, she would.

Dakota smiled, knowing that she could count on her friend. �They�ll be here at six o� clock for drinks. Dinner is at seven.� Dakota answered as she got up and grabbed a soda out of the fridge. She sat down again, intently searching IreLyn�s face for a moment before asking sincerely, �How you doing?�

All it took for IreLyn to completely lose it, was that one question.


�IreLyn�� Her name hung on Brett�s lips for no more than a split second before he gave voice to it as he bolted upright, his body bathed in a slick sweat. As he waited for his ragged breathing to slow down, he looked around at his surroundings, finally realizing that he was on his tour bus.

�Just a dream,� He whispered to himself. He was relieved to think that he�d treated anyone so callously as he had the woman in his dream, especially when she seemed to be exactly the one that he�d been searching for, for so long. She was kind, and loving. And the heat between them was incredible. All it took for him to be completely lost was one glance into her captivating green eyes. He sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair, wishing for someone like her.

Brett was climbing out of his bunk to go see what the other guys were up to when it all came back to him in a rush.

She was real, and after spending an amazing weekend with her, he�d dropped her like he would a nasty habit. All because he couldn�t trust her. He was scared of her doing to him what he�d done to her so he beat her to it. He�d done the right thing. Hadn�t he?

Suddenly boneless, Brett sank back down onto his bunk and thought back to the mornings after. There was one very obvious difference that separated his experience with IreLyn with all of the rest. She had still been there with him when he woke up, where the others never had been. That had to mean something. Had he made a horrible mistake?

�No!� Brett hissed under his breath as he got up again and walked out to the front of the bus. He hadn�t made a mistake at all. He�d done the only thing that he could do.


Chapter Twenty Three


�I think they just pulled up.� IreLyn declared as she came back in the living room. She watched as Dakota placed the dish of hors d� oeuvres on the table.

�Great, just in time.� Dakota smiled. �Let�s just get this over with.�

�I�m with you on that one.� IreLyn sighed. It wasn�t that minded helping out, it was just now was not the right time. She wanted nothing more than to bury herself in her bed and not come out for the next couple days.

�Don�t worry, I�ll make sure they leave right after dinner.� Dakota promised, as she moved towards the door after the doorbell rang. She pulled open the door, only to be swept up in Jean Claude�s arms.

�Dakota, I�ve missed you!� he exclaimed as he gave her a kiss on the cheek. Since she had agreed to host this dinner, he�d given her the day off to prepare, so he hadn�t seen her since she left for Orlando. She was by far his best and favorite employee. Although she�d only been gone a couple days, it had seemed more like an eternity.

�Hi Jean Claude. Nice to know I�ve been missed.� Dakota grinned at him, then turned her full attention to the man standing with him. �Hello, I�m Dakota Lewis.� She said as she held her hand out for him to take, which he did, but instead of shaking it like she expected, he bent at the waist and kissed her hand.

�Logan Brooks. I�ve heard a lot about you from Jean Claude here, it�s nice to finally have a face to put with the name.� He smiled.

�Please come in.� she moved so they could both make their way in to the living room. Logan paused slightly in his steps when he saw the woman standing off to the side, waiting to be introduced. She was�amazing. She stood in front of the big window, and the light from the moon shone through, making her even more breathtaking. She smiled at them, but he noticed that the smile didn�t seem to reach her eyes.

�Logan, this is my best friend and roommate, IreLyn Hunter. Lyn, this is Logan Brooks.� Dakota said, quickly making introductions. IreLyn stepped forward and held out her hand. Again, he bent and kissed her hand, allowing his lips to linger on the soft skin of her hand for just a second longer than necessary. IreLyn quickly pulled her hand back.

�Nice to meet you.� She said softly.

�Can we get you a drink?� Dakota offered, watching the play between the two.

�Yes, please. I�d love a beer.� Logan smiled at Dakota. This was by far the best business dinner he�d ever been invited too. IreLyn and Dakota had to be the most beautiful women he had ever had the privilege of meeting. And to think he had almost backed out of this whole meeting at the last moment. He was glad now that he had decided to come.

�Which would you like, we have Coors Light, Miller Light, Corona, Bud Light and Budweiser.� IreLyn said, naming the several different kinds they had gone out and bought earlier that morning.

�Budweiser would be fine.� He smiled down at her.

�Let me guess, Corona with extra lime.� Dakota grinned at Jean Claude, knowing him too well. She and IreLyn went together to get the drinks.

�So, what do you think?� Dakota asked as she reached in the fridge and pulled out the beers.

�What do you mean?� IreLyn asked.

�Oh come on! You can not tell me that you didn�t notice the way Logan was checking you out.� Dakota exclaimed. �Even Stevie Wonder could have seen it.�

�I think you�re over exaggerating.� IreLyn laughed. She had to admit, Logan was gorgeous. He was tall, if she had to guess she�d have to say around 7 feet tall, and built. His dark hair came down just below his collar, and everything about him was masculine. The single woman in her had noticed right away. But it was her broken heart that made her not look too close. A week earlier, she would have been flirting her head off with him, but tonight, she didn�t feel like being there, much less flirting with a complete stranger. No matter how good looking he was.

He wasn�t Brett.

Just the thought brought immediate tears to her eyes. Dakota put down the beer and rushed over to her friend, giving her a comforting hug.

�I know it�s hard, Lyn, but try not to think about it, at least not tonight. Any other time you and I would be in here scrapping over who got Logan. So let�s just go out there and have a good evening.� Dakota said. Truth be told, she did find Logan extremely attractive, but in her mind, he didn�t hold a candle to Dale. She was a little disappointed that she hadn�t heard from him since saying good-bye yesterday morning. But she tried not think about it and start with the �what if�s�.

�I�m really not much in the mood to fight over a guy, so you can have him.� IreLyn tried to smile, although weakly. Dakota gave her a sideways look and shook her head.

�Sorry, not my type.�

�Oh yeah, I forgot. You only go for the redneck, country listening, NASCAR driving hicks.� IreLyn laughed, remember it wasn�t too long ago when Logan would have very much been Dakota�s type. Her own too for that matter. It was amazing how much could change in just a few short days.

�That�s right.� Dakota chuckled as she picked up a couple bottles to take into the living room. IreLyn picked up the remaining then grinned at her friend.

�Hey, one good thing about him, he�s drinking you�re man�s beer.� She held up the Budweiser bottle, referring to Dale�s number one sponsor.

Dakota simply shook her head as they walked back out to entertain their �guests�.


�So, did you get the account?� IreLyn asked, waiting for Dakota when she walked through the door from work late the next evening. Dakota nodded as she took off her jacked and hung it up.

�Oooh! That�s so good, congratulations!� IreLyn hugged her, knowing that this account meant a huge raise.

�Thanks. Sorry, I�m late, but Jean Claude took me out for some drinks and dinner to celebrate.� Dakota smiled as she sat down on the sofa, kicking of her shoes and stretching out.

�I went down to the radio station today.� IreLyn said, sitting across from her. Dakota�s eyes immediately lit up as she sat up straighter to listen to what IreLyn had to say.

�And, did you love it?�

�Well, I didn�t do much. They just showed me around, had me sign papers, and told me what I would need to start on Monday, but from what I saw, yes I am going to love it.� IreLyn grinned.

�Good, I�m glad.� Dakota said sincerely. On the outside it looked as if IreLyn was holding up extremely well. But Dakota heard her crying herself to sleep at night. She saw the far away looks and the pain in her eyes when she thought no one noticed. Although she was hiding it pretty well, IreLyn was still in a lot of pain.

�Any messages?� Dakota asked, trying to sounds nonchalant, but truth be told, she had been nothing but a bundle of nerves all day, hoping and praying that Dale had called.

All her hopes were shot when IreLyn shook her head. �No, I was only gone for maybe two hours and there weren�t any messages when I got back. But don�t worry, Kody, I�m sure he�ll call.� She put on her best fake smile. Deep down, she was worried that Dale may be playing Dakota like Brett had played her.

Dakota simply shrugged. �It�s no big deal. I�m sure he�s busy.�

The words were barely out of her mouth when the phone rang. She jumped up and ran over to the phone, nearly falling over the chair in her hurry to get to the phone.

�Hello?� she answered breathlessly. IreLyn watched as the light disappeared from her eyes and the smile vanished. �Yes, hold on just a second.�

She held the phone out for IreLyn. �It�s for you.� She stated the obvious. IreLyn got up from her chair and took the phone. �Who is it?� she mouthed. Dakota shrugged, not recognizing the voice. She turned and walked down the hall to her room, ready to step into a nice hot bath.

�Hello?� IreLyn said when she raised the phone to her ear.

�IreLyn, this is Logan.� His rich deep masculine voice nearly caressed her over the phone. She was helpless against the tiny little shiver that raced up her spine.

�Oh, hi.� She said, more than a little confused as to why he would be calling and asking for her. After all he was Dakota�s client. Dinner the night before had gone beautifully. Dakota and Jean Claude had both been very pleased. IreLyn didn�t remember much of the dinner, her mind being elsewhere. She just wasn�t able to concentrate. She was more than a little relieved when Jean Claude and Logan had left so she could retreat to the safety and sanctuary of her room.

�I wanted to thank you for that wonderful dinner last night. I�ve already had the opportunity to thank both Dakota and Jean Claude, but wanted to thank you personally.� He said. �Dinner was magnificent.�

�You�re welcome, but I really didn�t have much to do with it.� She told him.

�Never the less, I was hoping you would let me thank you properly.�

�Properly?� she asked, thoroughly confused.

�I�m asking this all wrong, aren�t I?� Logan laughed. God, he hadn�t been this nervous since high school. �IreLyn, I was hoping you would agree to have dinner with me.�

IreLyn�s mouth dropped open in surprise. This was the last thing she expected. He was asking her out to dinner? Why? It most certainly couldn�t have been her first impression she made on him. She�d been so distant all night! She shook her head, trying to sort through everything in her head.

�Logan, I appreciate the offer but�� she trailed off. Wait a second. Why in the hell shouldn�t she go out with him? It wasn�t as if she had to be faithful to anyone. She would go out with him and have a wonderful time. Why in the hell should she sit home and mope about Brett. She would be willing to bet her life that he wasn�t just sitting around thinking about her.

�You know what,� she started over. �Logan, I would love to go out with you.�


�So, are we making tonight a Blockbuster night?� Dakota asked two weeks later as she just got home from a particularly grueling day at work.

IreLyn had also just arrived from her job at the radio station, which had turned out even better than she had dreamed. �Actually, Logan and I are going out.� She said with a soft smile.

Dakota looked over at her with a knowing grin. �My my�you two have pretty much been inseparable since you�re first date. Getting serious?� she asked.

�I don�t know. All I do know is that I really like being with him. He�s wonderful, in every way. He�s almost everything I could have ever hoped for.� IreLyn walked into the kitchen to get a drink. Dakota was hot on her heels.

�Almost?� she asked. IreLyn cringed, knowing Dakota would have picked up on that little slip. She didn�t say anything she simply met her friends gaze. Seeing the look in her eyes, Dakota nodded.

�I understand.� She said softly.

�Hey, if you want, Logan and I can go get a move, pick up something to eat, then come back here and we can all hang out.� IreLyn suggested. In the past two weeks she had watched her friend get more and more down. Dale had yet to call, and she knew Dakota had all but given up hope that he would. And IreLyn wanted nothing more than the chance to blast him for what he was putting Kody through. Especially after the conversation they had had their last night together. IreLyn had truly believed he was different from Brett when Dakota had told her about her last night with Dale.

Dakota shook her head. �No thanks. I�d hate to be the third wheel. You go out and have fun.�

�Are you sure? Alright, but if you want to come, just give me a call.� She said after getting a nod. �Oh, I nearly forgot! There�s a package for you on the table that Jean Claude had sent over.�

�Yeah, it�s my new cell phone.� Dakota answered as she walked over and picked up the wrapped box. She began to open it, ready to get the phone charged.

�New one?� IreLyn asked. Dakota looked up from the phone in her hand and grinned at her.

�Yeah, new one. Where have you been the past couple weeks? Remember I told you I lost mine somewhere between the Wilderness Lodge and the airport.� She could have kicked herself when she realized she had lost it. Jean Claude had nearly had a stroke. The cell phone was his one constant way of getting a hold of her, and he�d freaked when she lost hers. He immediately ordered her a new one.

�That�s right. Good thing I haven�t tried to call you, huh?� IreLyn laughed. �What�s you�re new number, so I have it written down.�

�Same number as the old one. Jean Claude had the other phone turned off, so whoever has it can�t use it. Then he had that number switched to this one.� Dakota informed her as she plugged in the new phone, allowing it to charge. �You know, I�m really not sure I want this thing charged up. It�s been rather peaceful not having it go off every thirty seconds.� She grinned referring to how many times Jean Claude called her.

�No please charge it!� IreLyn laughed. �That way he�ll stop calling here!�


Later that night, Dakota was engrossed in a move in HBO when her cell phone rang. �Figures.� She sighed as she picked it up, not bothering to look at the number, knowing it was Jean Claude.

�Oh good! You got the phone.� Jean Claude said happily when she answered. �Now, make sure you keep track of this one! It cost me a pretty penny.�

�I promise. Now, what do you want?� she asked, wanting to get back to the movie.

�I want to take you out to dinner.� He told her.

It wasn�t very often when he invited his employees out to dinner, but in this case he didn�t mind. He�d noticed she didn�t quite seem herself since she�d returned from Orlando, and he wanted to brighten her up. There had been a time when he had wanted more than just a professional relationship with her, but she was very quick on making it clear that although she considered him a friend, there would never be anything further between them. Although he had never given up hope completely, he now considered her one of his best friends, both in and out of work.

�I appreciate the offer, but I�m not up for it tonight. I�m comfy and watching a move and just don�t feel like it.� She sighed.

�Come on, Kody! We�ll even go to your favorite restaurant.� He offered.

�Thank you anyway, but no.� she smiled in the phone, realizing he was just trying to cheer her up. �I�ll talk to you later.� She said before hanging up.

She sighed as she sat back and got comfortable on the couch and back into the move. It was just getting to a really good part when her cell phone rang again.

�Hello?� she answered absently, her mind still on the movie.

�How about a drink? Just a drink?�

Dakota burst out laughing at his persistence. On the other end Jean Claude smiled happily. He knew she didn�t want to go out, but he�d accomplished what he had been after�he�d made her laugh.

�Good night, Jean Claude.� She giggled as she hung up again. She had barely set the cell phone down when it rang again. This time, it started in on her patients.

�Listen Jean Claude, I�m not going out to dinner with you, nor am I going out for drinks. I�m simply not going out with you tonight. I appreciate you trying to cheer me up, and although it was cute at first now it�s starting to get on my nerves.� She told him firmly. She heard a pause then a voice, a male voice but different from Jean Claude�s, with a southern drawl that made her heart begin to pound and palms turn sweaty.

�Dakota, its Dale.�


Chapter Twenty Four


�Dale,� Dakota breathed softly, her heart pounding frantically. �I miss you.� Damn, it was good to hear his voice.

�I�ve been trying to get a hold of you for two weeks now.� Dale began to explain. Much like Dakota was with him, he was reveling in the sound of her voice. �Unfortunately I lost the slip of paper that you had written your home number on. And every time I tried to call your cell, I kept getting a recording that said the number had been temporarily disconnected. I was just short of coming to Colorado myself to find you if I hadn�t gotten through today. I bet you were beginning to think that I was a real jerk not calling you yet. I�ve been trying.�

Dakota laughed and then suddenly went silent as what Dale had just said to her began to sink in. He would have come to Colorado had he not gotten through to her? �I knew I shouldn�t have answered this call. I would have loved to have you here.� Dakota paused for a moment, her entire body growing warm at the thought of seeing him again. But deep down she knew that for now, she would have to be satisfied with hearing his voice.

�I lost my cell phone somewhere in Florida. Probably at the Wilderness Lodge.� Dakota began explaining to Dale why he hadn�t been able to get a hold of her through her cell phone the past two or so weeks. �It wasn�t until I got home that I realized that it was gone. So when I got back and had to tell Jean-Claude that I�d lost my cell, he freaked out and immediately ordered me another one because that cell phone is his life line that keeps him connected to me.� Dakota finished, not stopping to think how her words sounded or that Dale had no idea whom Jean-Claude was.

�Who exactly is this Jean-Claude?� Dale asked, unable to prevent the tightness or the hint of jealousy in his voice. Whoever this man was that Dakota was talking about, she obviously cared a good deal for him. Dale groaned inwardly, certain that he was her new boyfriend after he�d not called for so long. She was bound to think that he�d simply dropped off along the side the way Brett had IreLyn.

Dakota moaned softly, automatically knowing the thoughts that had to be running through Dale�s mind. �Jean-Claude is my boss. We get along beautifully, but there is nothing more between us than friendship.� Dakota hurried to explain. �The cell phone thing�well, I�m not sure how to explain that. If you knew Jean-Claude you�d understand it perfectly. But he and I are nothing more than friends.� Dakota smiled when she heard his quiet sigh of relief.

�So what have you been up to?� Dakota asked as she snuggled further into the plush chair that she was sitting in, a smile of pure happiness curving her lips.

�Racing, and practicing�and missing you.� Dale answered. �Which reminds me, you still have to come to one of my races.�

�I�d love to!� Dakota exclaimed, not caring if she had to go to the edge of the earth to see him again. She�d been tuning into his races on TV since returning back from Florida and had to admit that she rather enjoyed watching. �When?�

�Well, the season wraps up in another month. After the last race I always hold a big party for all of the guys, their wives or girlfriends, and friends. I was thinking that would be the best time.� Dale suggested although he really wasn�t sure that he could go another whole month before seeing her again.

�That�ll work out great because that�ll give me a chance to get time off of work if I need to.�

�Great! I�ll have to get back to you with the exact dates and everything. And I�ll have a flight reserved for you so you won�t have to worry about all of that.� Dale paused for a moment as a thought suddenly formed in his head. �Why don�t you bring IreLyn with you?� Dale purposely left out that he was planning on inviting Brett as well to be there. �How is she doing?�

�As good as can be expected, I guess. She tries to hide that she�s hurting, but it�s still there. I hear her crying herself to sleep every night.� Dakota stopped for a moment, wondering if she should mention about Logan and decided that she would. �But she�s moved on in a sense. She�s been seeing this guy and they�ve been pretty much inseparable the last few weeks. So if she is coming to your party, she�ll most likely have to bring Logan along as well.�

�Not a problem.� Dale replied with a smile. It was perfect actually. It would do Brett some good to see that IreLyn was trying to move on. It would hopefully make Brett realize what he�d thrown away.

�I have to get going in a few minutes,� Dale began after a few moments of silence had passed. �But now that I know that I can get through, I can�t wait to hear your voice again. And even more, I can�t wait until I see you again.�

�Me too,� Dakota told him, sincerely meaning it.


Chapter Twenty Five


IreLyn walked out in the kitchen early the next morning, yawning and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, in desperate need of that first cup of coffee. She stopped in her tracks when the smell of freshly made coffee hit her senses. The smell wasn�t what woke her up�it was the fact that it was already made. Dakota never made it up before IreLyn. Normally, IreLyn had to wake Dakota up otherwise she would constantly be late for work. She�d never met anyone whom enjoyed sleeping as much as Dakota.

She was even more shocked when she stepped in the kitchen and found Dakota not only awake, but also fully dressed and ready to start the day, moving around the kitchen preparing breakfast while humming happily to herself.

�What the hell is going on?� IreLyn demanded to know, still standing in the doorway with her mouth hanging open in surprise.

Dakota smiled at her as she set down a plate filled with hot pancakes. �Good morning to you too!� she laughed. �You�re just in time, breakfast is almost ready.� She said as she poured a cup of coffee and held it out for IreLyn to take.

�Are you feeling okay?� IreLyn asked as she accepted the cup, not taking her eyes off her friend. �You never get up this early, and it�s Saturday, so it�s not like you even have to be up.�

�I�m wonderful!� Dakota grinned, nearly dancing around the kitchen. Suddenly it hit IreLyn. There was only one reason why Dakota would be this damn happy.

�Oh my god, did he finally call?� IreLyn asked, her eyes wide. Dakota nodded happily.

�He sure did, last night. It was so good to hear his voice!� She exclaimed, her eyes taking on the dreamy look. �I don�t think I�d realized just how much I�d missed him until I heard his voice.�

�I did.� IreLyn snorted, laughing when Dakota playfully punched her in the arm. �So why hasn�t he called sooner?� IreLyn was dying to know and finally asked as they sat down at the table and started piling their plates with pancakes, eggs and bacon.

�Well, it seems he lost the paper with our home number, so he�s been trying to get me on my cell.� Dakota explained.

�But you lost your cell�� IreLyn trailed off as an understanding grin lit her face. �Which would explain why you hadn�t heard from him. Kody, I�m so happy for you!�

�Me too! Oh, and he�s invited us to a race next month. The last race of the season, then afterwards, he wants us to stay for a party he�s throwing.� Dakota informed her. �And you are more than welcome to bring Logan.�

�Wow. Sounds like fun.� IreLyn said as she took a bite of bacon.

�Speaking of which, how was your night last night?� Dakota asked after swallowing her mouthful of pancakes.

�It went great! We had a good time. We went out to dinner, then we went to that new club everyone�s been talking about.�

�How was it?�

�It was�okay.� IreLyn said, keeping her eyes downcast. Actually she�d been having a wonderful time up until they started playing �Bitter Sweet�. That had been the end of her good evening.

Dakota didn�t say anything, but she could tell by the look on her friend�s face what had happened. �So what are you planning today?� she asked lightly, trying to change the subject.

�Um, Logan is coming over.� She grinned sheepishly when Dakota rolled her eyes.

�Like I couldn�t have guessed that one.� She teased good-naturedly. �Well, I have to run to the office for a while. I promised I�d meet Jean-Claude there. I should be back no later than three or so.�

�Okay, well have a good day.� IreLyn said. Dakota stood up and started to pick up her plate, but IreLyn stopped her. �I�ve got that. You cooked, I�ll clean.�

�Works for me.� Dakota put the plate back without any argument.


IreLyn moaned softly as Logan�s lips found her sensitive spot behind her ear. �What time is Dakota getting home?� Logan asked huskily, the invitation clearly written in his eyes. IreLyn smiled at him, gently placing little kisses on his face as she answered.

�Not for a couple more hours.� She replied. Logan gently eased her down on the couch until she was lying on her back, and he covered her body with his own, the positioning allowing her to feel the fullness of his arousal. IreLyn arched her back, pressing herself harder against him. She shivered in delight when she felt his hands tugging her T-shirt free from her jeans.

�God I want you.� He whispered in her ear.

IreLyn�s eyes snapped open at those words. Those were the same words Brett had said to her both times they had been together. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly, trying like hell to get him out of her head. It was no use. When she closed her eyes all she saw was Brett leaning over her with those blue eyes filled with passion and desire.

�Stop.� She whispered. Logan lifted his head and looked at her in confusion. Did he just hear her right? IreLyn sat up and moved away from him, fixing her shirt as tears flooded her eyes. Damn Brett!

She ran a shaking hand through her hair, then met Logan�s confused gaze. �I�m so sorry, Logan.� She started, only to have her voice crack. She took a deep breath and tried again. �I thought I was ready, but I�m not. I really am so��

Logan cut her off by placing his finger across her lips. �IreLyn, I told you when we first started dating that we would go at your speed. It�s fine. Besides, I�m the one who should be apologizing. I let things get carried away farther than I had planned. I don�t mind waiting. I�d wait for you forever.�

IreLyn smiled at him and went willing into his arms as he held her close to him. She fought desperately to get rid of the tears that were still threatening to fall. She sighed as she closed her eyes and leaned against him.


Dakota let herself in the house later that evening. �Shit.� She muttered, seeing the house was dark. She�d been planning on having dinner with both IreLyn and Logan, but she�d gotten held up at work and hadn�t gotten out of there as soon as she had planned. Sometimes, Jean-Claude wreaked havoc on her social life. But it was fine for now, she was willing to put up with it. But in a month�s time, she didn�t want any arguing from him when she went to go visit Dale.

She set all her stuff down and was walking to the kitchen when a voice came from the dark. �What the hell is wrong with me?�

Dakota shrieked and spun around, her hand on her heart, her eyes wide. There across the room sitting in the pitch black corner of the room was IreLyn.

�Jesus Christ Lyn! You nearly gave me a heart attack! What the hell are you doing?� Dakota demanded, trying to calm her pounding heart.

�That�s what I�ve been asking myself for hours. I was hoping you could help me out with that answer.� She sighed as she got up and walked closer.

�What happened? Where�s Logan?�

�I sent him home. Again, I ask, what in the hell is wrong with me?� IreLyn demanded angrily.

�I�m afraid you�ve got me a little confused. I wasn�t aware anything was wrong with you.�

�Logan is wonderful right? Everything a woman dreams of, right?� She continued after getting a nod from Dakota. �Then why in the hell am I still thinking about Brett?� she cried.

�Okay, let�s sit down.� Dakota steered her towards the couch, then after turning on a light, sat down next to her. �Tell me what happened.�

�I don�t know!� IreLyn cried, the tears finally falling. �We were here and things were getting pretty good. I thought I was finally ready. But then he said something, and all I could see was Brett. I feel as if I�m cheating on Brett, isn�t that ridiculous? Here I am pinning away for a man who doesn�t want anything to do with me!�

Dakota bit her lip, trying to think of a way to answer to this. �Well, I don�t think you�re pinning away for him. Not anymore. I think that you are scared. You�re scared that Logan will do the same thing to you that Brett did.�

�But I don�t want to think about Brett anymore. He�s coming between Logan and me!�

�Only because you�re letting him.� Dakota countered softly. �And it�s only natural that you�re going to think about him. In time you won�t. But you can�t rush things. I never said anything, but honestly I was a little afraid that you rushed into this with Logan, to get over Brett.�

IreLyn nodded. �You�re right. I wanted someone to help me forget Brett. But I never imagined that I would really like Logan. And I do! I really do. I enjoy being with him, he treats me wonderfully, and he�s everything I could have dreamed�� she cut herself off.

�No, that�s the problem. He�s not what I�ve dreamed of.� She whispered.

�Maybe it�s time for a new dream.� Dakota suggested softly. She jumped when IreLyn suddenly jumped up off the couch.

�You know what, you�re right! Fuck Brett! He didn�t want me, his loss!� she yelled.

�Right!� Dakota grinned, also standing up.

�He�s the fool!�


�I�m happy with Logan, and I�m going to make things work with him!�


They looked at each other, then started laughing. IreLyn threw her arms around Dakota and hugged her. �Thank you. I needed that.�


--Brett woke up and heard the shower running. He stretched and sat up, throwing back the covers, heedless to the fact that he was naked. He walked to the closed door and let himself in the bathroom. He opened the shower door and stepped in, pulling her back against his body.

�Need any help?� he offered suggestively. She turned around and smiled up at him. God she was beautiful, and he could never seem to get enough of her.

�Nope, I�m finished.� She said as she wriggled out of his arms and out of the shower before he could stop her. By the time he got it together and out of the shower, she was already out in the bedroom getting dressed.

�What are you doing?� he asked as he walked up behind her and pulled her against him again.

�I�m getting dressed.� She answered.

�I can see that, but why? I thought we could spend the day in bed.� He leaned down and bit lightly on her earlobe.

�Well, you thought wrong.� She pulled away from him yet again and finished pulling on her clothes. Brett stared after her, not comprehending this change in attitude. What the hell was going on here?

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the hotel door open. �Hey!� he jumped forward and grabbed her arm, stopping her from leaving. �Where are you going?� he demanded. He didn�t care that he was still stark naked and all but standing in the hallway. All that mattered now was her. He wanted her in his life forever and she was leaving? Didn�t she know how much he loved her?

�I�m leaving, like you told me too.� She told him, not meeting his eyes.


She lifted her eyes and her green eyes held so much pain, hurt and confusion it nearly sent him to his knees. �You don�t want me. You don�t trust me. I want to stay, Brett. But I can�t. Not when you don�t want me here.�

�What the fuck are you talking about?� he yelled, not understanding. Not want her? How in the hell had she ever gotten that idea? He wanted her more than he had ever wanted any other woman.

She simply shook her head as tears slid down her face, then turned and walked away, never looking back.

�NO! Come back!� he yelled after her, feeling his heart shatter into a million pieces. He started running after her and caught her just as the elevator doors were closing behind her.



Brett bolted upright in his bed, his body and sheets covered in his sweat. With a low moan, he buried his head in his hands. The dreams were getting worse. They were slowly driving him insane.

He sighed then leaned over and grabbed his duffel bag with all his personal stuff. This was the stuff that always stayed with him on the road. He flipped on a light and began rummaging around in the bag until he found what he was looking for. He pulled out the piece of paper that had Dakota and IreLyn�s phone number.

He felt bad from swiping it from Dale, but he hadn�t been able to help himself. When he had seen Dale take it out of his pocket and lay it on the table, while getting something out of his wallet, in the restaurant the afternoon before the whole scene with IreLyn and Dakota, he�d just picked it up. Besides, it wasn�t as if Dale didn�t have Dakota�s cell number, so no harm done.

Brett picked up his cell phone and held both it and the paper in his hand. He started dialing the numbers, but stopped. With a frustrated groan he threw the paper and the cell phone across the cabin and flopped back down, with his arm over his eyes.

�Damn it.� He muttered when his phone started ringing. Pulling himself up and out of bed, he retrieved his phone and sat back down. He looked at the number and grinned, knowing who it was.

�Junior! Hey man, what�s going on?� He greeted before Dale could say anything.

�I was beginning to wonder if you were still alive. Don�t know how to call nobody no more.� Dale grumbled at him.

�Sorry, man, but we�ve been busy as hell lately. I was going to call soon though.�

�Uh huh.� Dale laughed. �Hey, you still coming to the last race in New Hampshire?� he asked. He said something to Brett about it before Orlando, but he wanted to make sure he was still planning on coming.

�You know it! All the guys and me are going to be there. You should see Kevin, he talks about it non-stop, he�s so excited.�

�Well, it�s going to be a blast. But make sure you guys take a couple extra days. After the race, we�re all flying back here to my place, and we�re going to party.� Dale informed him.

�Oh yeah! Party at Junior's! You know we�re there. When is it?� Brett asked. This was exactly what he needed.

�The race is Friday, November 23rd.. We�ll leave right after the race, come back here and party all weekend long.�

�Sounds like a plan. I�ll give you a call and let you know when we�ll arrive in New Hampshire. Hey, I meant to ask you, have you talked to Dakota?� he asked, still feeling guilty for taking the number.

�Yeah, she�ll be there. She�s flying in Friday morning and will meet me at the track and stay through the weekend.� Dale grinned. It was only two weeks away, but for him, it seemed like an eternity until he got to see her again. IreLyn and Logan were also going to be there, although they wouldn�t arrive until Saturday morning, and would be meeting them in North Carolina. That weekend was going to be interesting�very interesting in deed.


Chapter Twenty Six


�Have a good and safe flight. Our flight lands tomorrow morning at 9:07am.� IreLyn told Dakota as she saw her off at the airport. IreLyn wasn�t surprised at the tears that she felt stinging her eyes. Even though it would only be a day before she saw Dakota again, she was going to miss her friend. They�d always been best friends, but since their trip to Florida, they�d become even closer friends.

�Hey, what�s with the tears?� Dakota teased even as she blinked back her own.

IreLyn smiled and shrugged sheepishly as she reached to give Dakota a tight squeeze. �I�ll see you Sunday.� She said as she pulled back a moment later.

�You got it!� Dakota paused for a moment and then broke out into a broad, knowing smile. �Make sure that you and Logan get plenty of rest before tomorrow. You�re going to need it, I have a feeling.� She also had a feeling that IreLyn and Logan would be doing anything but resting.

IreLyn just smiled at her friend. Things were going great between Logan and herself. He was everything that she could have ever asked for and so much more. She�d only had a few fleeting thoughts of Brett and just as quickly as he popped into her mind, he popped right back out. IreLyn was finally certain that she was ready to take her relationship with Logan to the next level.

A few minutes later after Dakota and IreLyn had said their �See ya laters,� Dakota�s flight was off.


�Can I help you clean up?� IreLyn asked as she sat by the table with an after dinner drink while Logan started on the dishes. He�d insisted on doing it all, but it was killing IreLyn to just sit there and watch him. She needed to be nearer to him.

Logan had picked her up after he�d gotten off work while she�d had the entire day off. They went back to his house, prepared dinner together and had picked up a couple of movies to watch afterward.

Logan turned away from the sink, a smile lighting his incredible eyes. Just looking at him was enough to steal IreLyn�s breath away. He was dressed comfortably in a tight pair of faded Levi�s that fit him as well as his own skin did and a thermal shirt that clung to every rippling muscle on his chest, arms, and back.

�Sure, I�d love some help.� He answered although IreLyn had already gotten up and was halfway across the kitchen to him. Before he�d been able to answer her question, her feet had taken a mind of their own and began carrying her to him.

As IreLyn stepped up to him, she wrapped her arms around his waist as she tipped her head back to look up at him. She was happier than she ever imagined she would be and Logan had everything to do with that. After Brett she�d thought that it would be impossible to find such happiness again, but she�d been proved wrong.

Logan gazed down at IreLyn, his heart pounding wildly against his ribs. He�d always thought that she was breathtakingly beautiful, but as he stared into her eyes and saw the genuine happiness that hadn�t been there when he�d first met her, shining in her green eyes, she was even more of a sight to behold. Unable to help himself, he reached out, framing her face within his hands as he leaned forward, brushing his lips across hers in a gentle kiss. When he moved to pull back, IreLyn tightened her hold on him and pressed her body tighter against his as she deepened the kiss.


Chapter Twenty Seven


Dakota just stepped off the plane when she was nearly knocked off her feet. �Oh god, I�m so glad you�re here!� DeLana cried as she hugged Dakota tight. Dakota returned the hug, then grinned at her new friend.

�Me too! That plane ride took forever!� she laughed. She thought by now she�d be nervous about seeing Dale, but she found she wasn�t. She as excited and couldn�t wait to see him at the race track.

�Come one, let�s go get you�re bags and get to the track, before Dale has a total fit!� DeLana chuckled. He had wanted to be there to pick Dakota up himself, but he�d had practice first thing in the morning, then the race at 12 noon. DeLana sighed as she looked at her watch.

�I thought maybe we could get to the track before the race started, but it doesn�t look that way.� She said, seeing the pout on Dakota�s face.

�It�s okay.� Dakota said lightly trying to cover up her disappointment, seeing it was quarter to twelve already. �I�ve waited this long to see him, I can wait a few more hours�barely.�

An hour later they were escorted to the infield by NASCAR officials. Dakota looked around, her eyes wide at all the people, motor homes, fans�everything that was going on around her. And the noise! She couldn�t hear herself think. She looked at the track, or what part of the track she could see, and saw the cars fly by, but at that speed and where she was standing, it was impossible to make Dale�s car out from the rest.

DeLana walked back up to Dakota after getting a quick update on how the guys were doing. �It doesn�t look too good.�

�WHAT?� Dakota yelled, trying to hear what DeLana was saying.

�COME WITH ME.� DeLana shouted then turned and walked to where there were a lot of trailers, obviously belonging to the racers. She went up to Dale�s red Budweiser trailer, opened the door and walked in, holding it open for Dakota. �Whew, we can talk in here. I said that it doesn�t look like a great day so far. Kevin�s in 30 position, and Junior�s in 40th, two laps down.�

�Damn.� Dakota sighed, knowing that wasn�t good. �How many laps?�

�They are on lap 123 of 300, so they both still have a lot of time. We can just stay here and watch the race. Junior will end up coming here after the race and interviews anyway.� She told her as she went to the fridge. �Damn, I should have figured. I�d love to offer you some soda but Dale only has water or Bud.�

Dakota peered over DeLana�s shoulder and burst out laughing. The fridge was full, with only six small bottle of water, the rest Budweiser. �I think I�ll have water.�

They sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV, tuning into the race. �So, are you ready for the big party?� DeLana asked, looking over at Dakota.

�Yeah I am. I�ve been really excited all week. Works been a real bitch lately, but it�s been helping me look more and more forward to this weekend.� Dakota grinned.

�Uh huh, and you being so excited for this weekend has nothing to do with Dale, right?� She teased, laughing when Dakota�s face turned red.

�Well, maybe he had a little to do with it.� Dakota said, knowing he had everything to do with it as her eyes dancing with happiness. She may not have seen him yet, but just being there, in the same vicinity as him and knowing she was going to see him soon, made her happier than she�d been since leaving Florida.

�Just so you know, the feelings are mutual.� DeLana smiled. �I�ve known Dale for a long time now, and I�ve never seen him this way. And I�ve never known him to invite someone to a race. That�s just unheard of. But since Florida, he�s talked about you non stop. God, he nearly drove us all crazy when he lost your number and couldn�t get through to you on your cell phone.� DeLana told her.

�I think I was driving IreLyn crazy too at that time.� Dakota laughed, wanting to see Dale even more after what she had just been told. Not that she�d had many, but any doubts that had been lingering, were now gone.

�How is IreLyn doing?�

�She�s doing really well. Great, in fact. She�s dating this guy Logan, who is a client of mine.� Dakota saw the worry flicker across DeLana�s face, but DeLana quickly recovered.

�Uh, isn�t she coming this weekend?� DeLana asked, knowing that Brett was going to be there, but didn�t know IreLyn was seeing someone else. Wait until she got her hands on Dale for keeping such important information!

�Yeah, we�re meeting her and Logan in North Carolina tomorrow. She couldn�t get off work today, and at first wasn�t going to come at all since she would miss the part. But Dale assured her that the part would last all weekend and persuaded her to come.�

�Oh, you�ve never experienced a party until you experience one of Dale�s. So, Logan is coming huh?� DeLana questioned.

�Yeah. He�s a really great guy. Not to mention sexy as hell.�

�Well, good. I�m glad she�s moved on.� DeLana couldn�t help but wonder would come of the upcoming weekend. Brett was going to be in for one hell of a shock.

�And it serves him right.� DeLana thought to herself.


Two hours and a half later Dakota sat impatiently in the chair, awaiting Dale�s arrival. The race had ended with neither Dale nor Kevin having a good day. Dale ended up in 24th position and Kevin wound up in 26th. DeLana had left five minutes earlier wanted to be with her husband, and tried to get Dakota to come with her, but she had insisted on staying where she was and waiting for Dale.

Unable to sit any longer, she got up and walked over to the window, and watched the people in the grand stands. Many were slowly making their way out, while others were hanging around still cheering. Perhaps she was wrong. Maybe this wasn�t just a redneck sport. Sure, there were their fair share in the stands, but she didn�t care and had a lot of fun.

Could it be that deep down she were a redneck herself? She quickly shook her head, dismissing that thought. With a soft chuckle she thought about what IreLyn would say if she could see her now.

But it really didn�t matter anymore. She enjoyed the racing�enjoyed the people, but most importantly she enjoyed being with Dale.

She was still watching the people in the stands when the door to the trailer opened suddenly. She turned around, her heart nearly stopping when Dale walked in, still in his fireproof uniform, sunglasses, and his hat on backwards. She found it difficult to breath, especially when his eyes touched on her and he broke out into, what she know knew to be, that classic Earnhardt grin.

�Hi.� She breathed, unable to find any other words. Her heart began pounding furiously as he closed the distance between them in two long strides. Without saying a word, he pulled her towards him and dipped his head, capturing her lips in a kiss that made her weak in the knees, breathless, and definitely wanting more.

Leaning against him, she slid her hands up his chest and around the back of his neck, returning his kiss with passion and fire that equaled Dale�s.


Chapter Twenty Eight


Hideaway, take me now
I cannot face another round
And I'm flipping through these pages
For a name to take my place
Close my eyes, wish that I could find a place
To hideaway

Troubled days cloud my eyes
Stole the sun from my skies
And in this darkness I am tossing, turning
Lying wide awake
Hold my breath, wish that I--

Brett abruptly stopped singing as he dropped his hands down to his sides; his shoulders slumped as he stepped back from the microphone. He looked up at the house lights that were glaring down upon his face and let out a shaky breath as he fought desperately to get his emotions back under control. It was the song�He couldn�t do it. It reminded him too much of IreLyn and the damn dreams that plagued his every second of sleep. And even when he wasn�t asleep, everytime he closed his eyes, all he was the outright hurt and devastation in her beautiful green eyes. It was all slowly driving him right out of his mind, and it was no ones fault but his own

Carl glanced over at Jeff, who just shrugged his shoulders, not having anymore of an idea than he did what was wrong with Brett. They both looked over their shoulders at Kevin and gestured for him to follow their lead as they fell into an impromptu guitar solo.

Carl slid nonchalantly over to Brett and nudged his arm as he kept playing. When Brett turned his head and met his eyes, Carl was a bit taken aback at how�lost Brett looked. He�d noticed a subtle change in Brett since they�d been to Florida and knew that it had something to do with the woman that Brett had met there. Just lately though, in the last week or so, Brett had become increasingly despondent and more often than not, he preferred to be left alone on the tour bus when they did have a bit of free time. For Brett that was odd. He had always liked being the life of the party and the center of attention. Carl, along with Kevin and Jeff, hoped that the party at Junior�s that they would be leaving for later that night, would snap Brett out of the funk that he'� been in for the past two months.

Still looking at Brett, Carl mouthed the question, �New song?� At Brett�s nod, they slid into �Last Time� but Brett wasn�t really into it. He did nothing more than go through the motions to get through the rest of the concert.


Chapter Twenty Nine


IreLyn smiled happily as she laid her head on Logan�s shoulder. In about 10 minutes they would be on the ground in North Caroline, and on their way to Dale�s house. Dakota and Dale were supposed to be waiting for them at the airport. She was anxious to see Dakota, and looking forward to seeing Dale again. She had talked to Dakota earlier that morning before they left for the airport, and she could honestly say she had never heard her friend so happy.

She herself was happier than she had been in a long time. After her night with Logan, she no longer closed her eyes and saw Brett. It was Logan who was in her dreams now. It was Logan who was for real.

A soft smile played on her lips, and Logan reached over and traced them gently, sending jolts of desire running through her body. �What�s this for?� he asked, smiling down at her.

�I�m thinking about how happy I am, and how wonderful you are.� She grinned up at him. She moved forward just slightly and pressed her lips to his. She pulled back when the kiss got deeper and they were both nearly gasping for air.

�You know,� her voice was husky as her smile turned wickedly mischievous. �I�ve always wanted to join the mile high club.�

�Oh you have, have you?� Logan grinned at her nod. Her smile turned into a pout when at that time the captain came over the speaker announcing their decent, and that everyone was to return to their seats and put on their seatbelts.

�Damn.� She muttered, then suddenly was all smiled again. �Well, we do have a flight home.� She said suggestively.

Logan sucked in his breath at the open invitation in her eyes. He let it out slowly, trying to regain control over his emotions and his body. �Won�t Dakota be with us?� he asked, his voice thick with passion.

�I find it very unlikely that she will be coming home with us.� IreLyn laughed. �You should have heard her this morning. I�ve honestly never heard her this happy.�

�So you think she�ll be staying?�

�I think it�s a very high possibility. At least for a few more days. Jean-Claude will have a total fit, but he�ll just have to understand.� IreLyn sighed, thinking of the phone call she had received from Jean-Claude earlier in the morning. He wanted her to have Dakota call him when she saw her. IreLyn couldn�t help but giggle when she thought of how panicked Jean-Claude had been when he hadn�t been able to get a hold of Dakota. She smartly turned off her cell phone.

�I�ll tell you what, if Dakota does come home with us, then I�ll just call Jean-Claude, give her the phone, and then we can slip away. She�ll be occupied for at least a half hour.� Logan laughed, having seen first hand how Dakota�s boss could be.

�Mr. Brooks, you�ve got yourself a deal.� IreLyn leaned forward and again touched her lips to his.


�I�ve missed you!� IreLyn cried as she and Dakota threw their arms around each other. Anyone who didn�t know would think they hadn�t seen each other in months, not a day.

�I missed you too.� Dakota smiled. IreLyn then turned and hugged Dale. �It�s good to see you again.� She said sincerely.

�You too.� Dale answered, returning her hug.

�Dale, this is Logan Brooks. Logan, Dale Earnhardt, Jr.� Dakota introduced the two men. They shook hands, each taking an instant liking towards the other.

�It�s nice to meet you.� Logan said. �I�ve always been a big fan of NASCAR.�

�Really? Who�s your favorite driver?� Dale asked as they all started walking towards the baggage claim.

�Dale Jarrett.� Logan answered, referring to the driver of the #88 UPS car.

�Cool, you�re in luck. He�ll be at the party.� Dale grinned.

�Has the party started?� IreLyn asked.

�Some people arrived last night, but the majority should be arriving�� he paused as he looked down at his watch. �Now.�

�Kevin and DeLana are at the house getting everything started while we came here.� Dakota explained.

As they got the bags, Dale quietly observed how close IreLyn and Logan were, and how happy she seemed to be. He was beginning to wonder if should have invited Brett. He didn�t want Brett�s presence to upset IreLyn. But he knew that he couldn�t have not invited him, since he had said something to Brett about the party long before Florida. And Brett was his friend, and he wanted him there.

Besides, it may do Brett some good to see what he missed out on. He started wondering then if he should just go ahead and tell IreLyn and Dakota that Brett would be there. He decided that when they got back to the house, he would tell Dakota and IreLyn privately, not sure if Logan even knew about Brett or not.

�You okay?� Dakota asked, seeing the look on his face, and noticing he was lost in thought. He snapped out of it and smiled down at her.

�I�m fine. When we get back to the house there is something I need to tell you.� He said as he pulled her closer to him. Dakota nodded, curious as to what it was, but letting it go for now.


�Oh, shit I nearly forgot to tell you.� IreLyn suddenly spoke up, looking at Dakota. �Call Jean-Claude.�

Dakota rolled her eyes. �Let me guess��it�s urgent�.�

�How did you know?� IreLyn asked with a laugh.

�Well, tough. He�ll just have to wait until I get home.� Dakota said determinedly. She wasn�t going to let anyone or anything interfere with her weekend with Dale.


�Is everyone already here?� IreLyn asked from the back seat of Dale�s extended cab truck, referring to all the cars in his yard. �Nah, this is only about a third of the people who are coming.� Dale answered. �But, where is everyone going to go?� IreLyn asked. The only time she had seen this many cars was at a shopping mall the day after Thanksgiving. �Dale has a night club for a basement.� Dakota grinned back at IreLyn. �A what?� �A night club.� Dakota repeated. �Wow.� IreLyn breathed. She�d never met anyone with his or her own personal nightclub. �IRELYN!� DeLana exclaimed, pushing through people to get to IreLyn�s side and give her a tight hug. �How have you been? You look wonderful! How long are you staying? Have you seen my husband? And who is this?� she asked, extending her hand out to Logan.

IreLyn laughed at DeLana�s onslaught of questions. �Uh, I�ve been great, thank you, until Monday morning, no I haven�t seen Kevin, and this is Logan Brooks.� She answered in order.

�It�s nice to meet you Logan, I�m DeLana Harvick.� She said, shaking his hand. Dakota had been right, he certainly was sexy. Good for IreLyn!

While DeLana talked with Logan and IreLyn, Dale pulled Dakota off to the side. �Uh, about what I wanted to talk with you about�� he started, but cut himself off when the front door opened and Brett, Carl, Jeff and Kevin walked in. He glanced over at IreLyn, but her back was to them, so she was oblivious as to who had walked in the door. DeLana however did notice and shot Dale a worried look.

�What is it, Dale?� Dakota asked, having had all her attention on Dale, also not knowing who had just come in.

�YO! DALE!� Brett yelled over all the noise of the people. Dakota turned to see who was yelling and gasped out loud when she saw whom it was. Of course he would be there, he and Dale were friends. Why hadn�t she thought about it before? She looked back at Dale when he put his hand on her shoulder.

�That�s what I was going to tell you, that Brett was going to be here. I�m sorry, I should have told you sooner.� He apologized, hoping the shock he saw in her eyes didn�t turn into anger.

She took a deep breath then gave a reassuring smile. �Don�t be sorry. He�s your friend and you couldn�t not invite him just because of IreLyn. She�ll understand that too. Besides, it may be better that she didn�t know�this way we can see if she truly is over Brett.� Deep down she didn�t think so. But she didn�t think IreLyn realized that she wasn�t over Brett either, and she just wanted her to realize it before either she or Logan got hurt.

Brett moved through the crowd, intent on getting across the room to where Dale and Dakota were standing. He had just about made it, when someone stepped directly in front of him, causing him to swerve, and knock into someone, nearly sending him or her off his or her feet. He immediately reached out and steadied the young woman, whose back was too him, by placing his hands on her waist.

�Shit, I�m sorry. Are you alri�� his voice caught in his throat when she turned around. This was the moment he had most looked forward too, yet dreaded at the same time. He was now face to face with the woman who haunted his dreams. His hands unconsciously tightened on her waist.

�IreLyn.� He whispered as he stared down into those green eyes that had touched his very soul.


Chapter Thirty


�Brett!� IreLyn exclaimed, her eyes wide as she stared at him with disbelief. As she felt his grip on her waist loosen and then become completely nonexistent. IreLyn wondered why it hadn�t dawned on her that Brett might be there.. Of course he would be. He and Dale were friends.

�Hey, are you okay?� IreLyn heard Logan ask to successfully jolt her out of her shock. She smiled up at him as he put an arm around her shoulders, pulling her tight against her body while her leaned forward and placed a kiss on the tip of her nose.

�Yes, I�m fine.� IreLyn began as she glanced back at Brett, seeing the same expression of surprise in his eyes as she felt. But she also saw something else shining in those bright pools of blue. Something that looked like hurt, heartbreak, devastation�and jealousy as he looked from her to Logan, quickly putting two and two together. �I just quite literally ran into him.� IreLyn told Logan.

�It was my fault really. I was the one who ran into her. I wasn�t watching where I was going.� Unable to help himself, Brett reached down, stroking a long finger across her soft cheek. He was just barely able to hold back the groan of desire that rumbled its way up into his throat. �Are you okay, IreLyn?� He questioned, his voice thick with emotion.

IreLyn�s eyes narrowed slightly as she looked up at Brett. The tone of his voice told her that he wasn�t mainly concerned with her welfare after he�d bumped into her, but he cared more of her well being since he�d threw her away like a meaningless piece of trash more than two months ago. �I�m fine, Brett.� She replied coolly as she felt a measure of anger building inside of her as thoughts of his callous treatment resurfaced in a rush.

Seeing the sudden change in her demeanor, Brett knew better than to press it with her�at the moment. He wasn�t giving up by any means. He knew what a horrible mistake he�d made when he�d judged her to be like some of the �women� that he�d come into contact with in the past. And if it were the last thing that he ever did, he would find a way to make it up to her. He�d beg her forgiveness�And someday, she would be his again.

�Uh�It�s good to see you again. I�m glad to see that you�re doing well.� Brett finally managed to say. He was still unable to drag his eyes from her beautiful features and was having a hell of a time being able to resist the urge to grab her into his arms and ravish her body the way he had the weekend they�d been to together and the way he had so many times in his dreams. �Maybe I�ll see you around later.�

Before IreLyn could say or do anything, Brett turned and continued on his way over to where Dale was standing with Dakota. Glancing over at Dale, IreLyn smiled reassuringly when she saw the apologetic look that he was giving her. Then she looked at Dakota. Knowing that her friend would be concerned by the confrontation, IreLyn gave Dakota the same assuring smile.

Turning back to Logan, she let her emotional defenses down a bit, allowing him to see the array of emotions warring within her eyes. �You okay?� He asked as he pulled her against him again.

IreLyn nodded as she looked up into his eyes. When she didn�t say anything further, Logan began to wonder if perhaps that man had been the one that had so effectively shatter IreLyn�s heart right before he�d met her. He definitely recognized who Brett was and knew that he�d been in Florida the same weekend as IreLyn because he�d seen the tail end of Fuel�s performance on the awards show. He could tell that IreLyn and Brett knew each other by the fact that they�d said each other�s names during their brief conversation. IreLyn�s cool attitude toward Brett told him that she didn�t much care to see him.

IreLyn was able to easily read Logan�s thoughts. She�d only told him bits and pieces of what had happened, but she�d never told him who. She suddenly felt tears stinging her eyes as she leaned against Logan. Resting her head against his chest, she wondered if she could stand being around Brett for the whole weekend. It wasn�t that she still wanted him, she knew that. It was more because of how he�d treated her. The way he had the nerve to even try to talk to her.

Feeling her body tremble slightly against his, Logan hooked a finger underneath IreLyn�s chin and gently lifted her face until their eyes met. �Need some fresh air?� he asked softly, hoping that once she got out of there for a little while, she�d finally tell him fully what had happened. But even with what little he did know, Logan felt a burning anger building within him for the man who had broken her heart.

Nodding slightly, IreLyn slid her hand into his as they turned and headed for the doors.


Chapter Thirty One


�Do you want to talk about it?� Logan asked softly after they had walked outside and around to the back of the house. IreLyn sighed, trying to get all her jumbled thoughts together. To say it was a shock to see Brett was an understatement. Why hadn�t she thought he would be here?

�I�m sorry about all that, Logan.� She apologized as she gazed up at him. �It�s�difficult to explain.�

�He�s the guy, isn�t he?� Logan didn�t have to dig any deeper.

IreLyn nodded, looking down at the ground. �But it�s not what you think. A month and a half ago, what just happened would have sent me into hysterics. But not now, and that�s because of you. You�ve helped to heal that part of me that Brett broke in two. Logan pulled her against him and buried his face in her hair, breathing deeply.

�He�s a fool.� Logan said in disgust. Fuel had never been one of his favorite bands, but he disliked them even more now. How he would love to get his hands on Brett. But then he realized something, Brett�s loss was his gain. And he was going to take full advantage of the opportunity given to him.


�Hey, I saw the confrontation. How did it go?� Dakota asked a half-hour later when she was finally able to make it over to IreLyn. IreLyn smiled reassuringly at her.

�It was�strange.� She laughed. �I was shocked at first, but I�m fine. It wasn�t nearly as bad as I would have thought it could have been. I�m just glad it�s over.� She figured Brett had left, because since she and Logan had come back inside, she hadn�t seen him.

�Over?� Dakota repeated in confusion. She didn�t see how it was over yet.

�Well, yeah. He�s gone, so I don�t have to worry about seeing him anymore. The worst part is over.�

�Uh, Lyn�he�s not gone.� Dakota said, almost apologetically. �He�s right over there.� She tilted her head towards the bar. IreLyn turn, against her better judgement, and saw him talking to a stunning red head.

She was unable to prevent the jealousy that ripped through her, it�s intensity shocking the hell out of her. This was absolutely ridiculous; she was completely over him. But there was proof that perhaps she wasn�t.

Her hands clenched into tight fists when she saw Brett lean down so the woman could whisper something in his hear, causing him to break out into a heart stopping smile.

�Yeah, I see what you mean, the worse is definitely over.� Dakota said sarcastically, commenting on her friend�s reaction.

IreLyn turned back around and shrugged. �It doesn�t matter. I�m going to go find Logan.�

�I think I saw him walking outside talking with Dale Jarrett.� Dakota said, letting the whole Brett thing go�for now.

�Thanks.� IreLyn quickly moved towards the door. Once outside, she took a deep calming breath, but it didn�t do much to help her nerves. Seeing Brett here this weekend, and seeing him talking to someone else had really shook her up. Then she wondered if he felt the same way about seeing her with Logan.

�NO!� she told her self angrily. �You don�t care what he thinks. You�re with Logan now, and he is the one you care about.�

After convincing herself of just that she began walking around the yard looking for Logan. After not seeing him anywhere after a few moments, she walked over to a secluded part of the yard and sat down at the picnic table, enjoying some time to herself.

�Mind if I join you?�

IreLyn�s head jerked up and her eyes collided with Brett�s blue ones. He watched the emotions play across her face, taking in the shock, confusion, hurt, and was that joy he saw? As soon as it was there it had disappeared, only to be replaced by anger.

He knew he was probably going to get a good ass chewing, but at the moment he didn�t care as long as she was talking to him. He had decided after seeing her tonight he was going to fight. He may be the cause of them not being together because of his stupidity, but he was going to make things right. He was going to win back her trust�and hopefully earn her love in the process.


Chapter Thirty Two


�Go away!� IreLyn hissed between clenched teeth. Her hands closed into tight fists as she tried desperately to hold on to her temper.

Brett had heard what she�d said to him, yet at the same time he hadn�t. He was too busy being captivated by her amazing green eyes. Even with the fire of anger glowing in them that was directed straight at him, he was still unable to tear his own eyes away.

�Go away!� IreLyn demanded once again, this time with even more force in her voice.

Still Brett stayed where he was, his feet seemingly frozen to the ground where he stood.

Huffing out an exasperated sigh at his lack of response to her demands, IreLyn decided that if he wouldn�t leave, she would. She instantly shot to her feet and moved to push her way past him. Instead of letting her by, Brett grabbed hold of her arms at her wrists and pulled her against him. He knew that he was pressing his luck with her with that move, but at the same time, he was unable to prevent himself from doing it.

Brett felt his heart do a flip as IreLyn stared up at him. Some of the anger had bled away, leaving an emotion in her eyes that he wasn�t quite able to read. It wasn�t really one certain emotion; it was more of a jumble of many emotions. He was unable to hold back the throaty groan of desire as he pressed closer to her. IreLyn gasped as she felt his hips press into her body, allowing her to feel the fullness of his arousal. IreLyn couldn�t help but feel a bit of pride at his reaction to her.

But�that still didn�t change the fact of what he�d done to her and the fact that she really didn�t care to be around him� Did it?

�Hell no!� IreLyn said out loud and forcefully before she was able to stop the words.

�Huh?� Brett asked, confused at her sudden outburst. He was just getting ready to tell her how sorry he was, what a fool he was�basically beg for her forgiveness.

�I have to get going.� IreLyn said as she tried to move from his embrace, but he tightened his hold on her, not ready to let her go just yet. And judging by her lack of fight, and the expression in her eyes, she wasn�t real sure she wanted to leave either.

�IreLyn,� Brett began, his voice soft and rough. It sent a shiver up IreLyn�s spine that she tried desperately to ignore, but found it impossible. Even despite what he�d done to her, he still had that soul shocking effect on her.

No! She couldn�t let this happen again. She had to think of Logan. She was with him now and she was happy with him.

Wasn�t she?

Before she was able to answer her own question, Brett�s voice jolted her out of her thoughts. Against her better judgment, she turned her eyes up to his. She realized her mistake as she looked into those bright pools of blue as he slowly dipped his head and she knew that he was going to kiss her.


Chapter Thirty Three


With a groan of defeat, knowing she couldn�t deny herself of what she really wanted any longer, IreLyn met his lips with her own, pressing herself tightly against him. She felt the shock go through Brett�s body, but it didn�t last long as he let go of her arms and wrapped his own around her. She slid her hands up his chest, savoring the feel of him against her again. She tangled her fingers in his hair, holding him even closer, if that was possible. She didn�t feel like she could get close enough.

She felt him move and maneuver her so she was sitting on the picnic tabletop, all the while never breaking the kiss. A little voice in the back of her head screamed at her that this was insane, and that anyone, especially Logan, could walk out of the house and see them at any minute. But she found she didn�t care. Nothing mattered, but this man in her arms.

She ran her hands down his back, and quickly tugged his shirt out from his jeans, slipping her hands underneath. They both groaned with desire when her hands came in contact with his hot skin; him because her hands were finally on him again, her because she was finally touching him. God, she had to get closer!

She opened her legs, and he immediately moved in between them, pulling her forward until the most intimate parts of their bodies were touching. IreLyn moved against him, nearly driving him insane, but even being this close with the clothes separating them was too much for her.

She pulled his shirt off over his head, and an instant later, hers was gone also. She quickly rid of her bra, wanting nothing separating them. She sighed contently when their bodies came in full contact. She then moaned when she felt Brett�s hands roaming over her body. She arched her back when his hands covered her breasts, his talented fingers playing with her already erect nipples, nearly causing her to scream out. She bit her lip hard to keep from doing so, but was helpless to stop the little whimper that escaped her when she felt his mouth close around one tight peak.

Brett lifted his head and gazed down at the beautiful woman in his arms. Her eyes were closed and her head tipped back, her soft hair cascading over his arm. He grip tightened on her hips as he thrust against her, imitating the act, but their jeans were in the way. He was ready to rid them both of the sinful barriers and bury himself deep inside her when the noise of the party broke through the little world they had created, with just him and her.

He looked up and realized that although they were pretty much in a dark corner of the yard, anyone could see them from the house if they looked. He closed his eyes and was ready to forget they could have an audience when he felt IreLyn take his own nipple in her mouth and tease it with her tongue.

�Lyn,� he said softly, his voice thick with passion. �We have to move.� He didn�t want to stop this, for any reason, and he really didn�t care who saw them, but he didn�t want to put IreLyn in that position.

�No.� she countered, pressing against him as she licked her way up to his neck.

�Anyone could come out and see us. There�s a apartment over Dale�s garage, we�ll go there.� He told her, trying to concentrate on what he was saying and not on what she was doing to his body.

�No!� IreLyn repeated more forcefully, pulling back to look him in the eyes. �I don�t care. I want you here�now.�


Kevin Harvick grinned mischievously when he saw what was going on outside. �Looks like I�m going to make some money.� He chuckled to himself. He bet both DeLana and Dale that IreLyn and Brett would get back together before the end of the party. �And that certainly looks like getting back together to me.�

His eyes widened when he saw Brett�s shirt come off, immediately followed by IreLyn�s. He spun around, away from the window. �Now that was more than I needed to see.� He laughed. �So much being discrete, huh guys?�

His grin fell when he saw Logan moving towards the doors that lead to the back yard. �And definitely more than you need to see, my friend.� Kevin said as he moved quickly through the crowd of people.

Logan had his hand on the door when he heard someone call his name. He turned and saw Kevin Harvick coming his way. �Hey man, whatcha doing? Not leaving the party are ya?� Kevin asked, making sure he stood so Logan�s back was too the door. He didn�t want him looking out and getting an eye full.

�Nah, I�m not leaving. I�m looking for IreLyn actually. She�s been gone for awhile.� He said, looking around the room, still not seeing her anywhere.

�And she�ll be gone even longer.� Kevin thought to himself. He felt bad for Logan, but it was obvious to him and DeLana that IreLyn belonged with Brett.

�I believe I saw her with Dakota.� Kevin lied, breathing a sigh of relief when he didn�t see her in the room either. �I�m sure they wanted to go do that girl talk stuff that girls do. Why don�t we go down stairs and get our groove on?� Kevin grinned.

�Downstairs?� Logan asked. �What�s downstairs?�

�Oh man, you haven�t been downstairs? That�s �Junior�s Place�!�

�I thought this whole place was Junior�s.� Logan said confused. Kevin shook his head and laughed.

�Downstairs is the best hot spot around. Junior has his own little night club.� Kevin grinned when he saw he had Logan�s attention and interest. Oh, Brett and IreLyn were going to owe him big time for this.

�Come on, I�ll show ya. Besides, I think my wife is down there, and I gotta go check to make sure she�s not flirting with any hot guys.� Kevin said good-naturedly. Logan laughed as he followed Kevin, deciding it could wait a little while before he found IreLyn. Besides, she was with Dakota. Brett couldn�t bother her if she was with Dakota.


IreLyn moaned low in her throat as she felt Brett slide into her, his answering moan inflaming her even more. She tightened her legs around him, sighing contently when he didn�t move, both just enjoying the feel of each other. Brett closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as he tried to remain in control of his body, which was screaming for release.

IreLyn reached up and pulled his head down to hers as she caught his lower lip between her teeth as she lay back on the T-shirt he had placed beneath her so she wouldn�t get splinters from the wood, and he followed. They explored each other�s mouths hungrily. She tried to move her hips against him, but he kept her still with his hands.

She tried to move again, wanting�no needing, more of him, but again he wouldn�t let her move. �Brett, please!� she cried out before she was able to stop herself. She raked her nails across his chest, and the low growl that came from deep within his chest vibrated through her, causing a sensation inside her she had never before experienced. Her inner muscles clenched around him, and all his self-control snapped.

IreLyn gasped when he slammed forward, filling her completely, even more than she thought possible. That one movement nearly sent her over the edge. He pulled nearly completely out of her body before thrusting back into her, time and time again. He braced himself on his hands, and rotated his hips in a way he knew drove her crazy. IreLyn�s eyes snapped open and her back arched as she was hurdled over the edge. Brett captured her mouth, swallowing her scream as she climaxed violently, shaking her to the very core.

But Brett was far from finished. He leaned down farther and took her already over sensitive nipple in his mouth, lightly biting then licking, then sucking. It wasn�t long before IreLyn was meeting his every thrust with renewed passion.

IreLyn heard his breathing change, and knew he was close. She tilted her hips feeling it build up inside her again, even more so when he grabbed her hips with bruising force. She closed her eyes, and squeezed her muscles around him, instantly sending them both into an earth-shattering climax.


IreLyn could feel Brett�s eyes on her as she finished tucking in her shirt. Her cheeks flamed when she thought of what she had just done. And where she had done it! Never in her life had she been that wild, and to do it out in the open like that. Oh god, she hoped no one saw them! And Logan! What in the hell was she going to say to Logan?

She jumped when Brett laid his hand on her shoulder. �Lyn�� he started, but she cut him off by turning and starting towards the door.

�I�ve got to get back inside.� She said, the coldness in her voice stopping him in his tracks. He caught her arm and turned her to face him.

�No, I think we need to talk.� He said softly, feeling his body respond to her closeness. He wanted her again. No, that wasn�t quite right. He wanted her forever.

�There�s nothing to talk about.� She dismissed it with a wave of her hand.

�Nothing to talk about? Hell, IreLyn, what about what just happened?� he nearly yelled. IreLyn looked up at him, only to look away instantly. She kept reminding herself that he didn�t care about her, and he had just used her again. She felt the tears stinging her eyes, but she blinked them away. She wasn�t any better than the women he had originally mistaken her for. Well, if that�s how it was, then she was going to play the part. She refused to let him hurt her again.

�What happened, happened. End of story. It was fun, Brett, but that�s all. We both got what we wanted. Some hot fun sex.�

�Sex? That was more than just sex and you know it.� He said through clenched teeth. She simply shrugged.

�It was sex Brett, nothing more. Granted, it was good sex, but it just a fun quick fuck.� She nearly choked on the words, knowing deep down she didn�t mean it. The hurt that immediately entered his eyes threw her. No, it was just his ego bruised. He was only hurt and pissed because he hadn�t been the one to say it. Well too bad, she could play his game, and she could win.

�Now, if you�ll excuse me, I need to go find Logan.� Before he could say anything, she turned and disappeared inside the house, leaving Brett stunned and feeling as if he had just had his heart ripped out of his chest.


Chapter Thirty Four


Dakota bit her lip, deep in thought as she looked around for IreLyn. She hadn�t seen her since she left to look for Logan nearly an hour ago. She was pretty certain that IreLyn was fine after having run into Brett earlier, but all the same, she wanted to make sure. Glancing over at Dale, she waved her hand to get his attention. He quickly wrapped up his conversation and walked over to where she was standing a short distance away.

Dale immediately felt bad. He�d hardly been able to spend any time with her all evening. �I�m sorry,� He began to apologize, not wanting her to think that he�d been purposely ignoring her.

Dakota smiled and held up her hand to halt his apology. She knew that he would be busy all night. After all the host of the party couldn�t very well ignore all of his guests all evening. A lot of the people here were some his best friends and people that he�d known for years.

�I understand completely. I just wanted to let you know that I was going to go look for IreLyn. I haven�t seen her since she went outside a while ago to look for Logan.� Dakota paused for a moment as she thought about it. IreLyn had gone to look for Logan, but she�d seen Logan just shortly after IreLyn had left, but she hadn�t seen Brett anywhere. Which didn�t necessarily mean anything, but Dakota more than bet that it did.

�I�ll go with you.� Dale said, taking hold of her hand. He was anxious to get at least a few minutes alone with her.


Both Dale and Dakota froze in their tracks, their mouths falling open in shock as they rounded the corner to the back of the house. �Well, I think we found her,� Dale commented, not quite sure what to think as he took in the sight of IreLyn and Brett in front of him. They were only kissing�but it looked like it was quickly becoming more heated and going further. He groaned softly knowing right then that he�d lost his bet with Kevin.

�Yeah, I�d say so.� Dakota said with a laugh. She couldn�t help but feel happy for IreLyn because she knew that Brett was whom she really wanted, but she hadn�t realized it yet. But at the same time, she hoped that her friend wasn�t setting herself up for another broken heart, especially when she�d just managed to heal herself from the first one. God, and what about Logan? What was she going to tell him? Would she tell him?

�Let�s get out of here. I think they�d appreciate the privacy.� Dale suggested as he watched IreLyn peel Brett�s T-shirt off and then move to lift her own off.

Dakota quickly agreed and they turned, heading back in the direction that they�d come from. As they walked back inside, DeLana met them at the door.

�Dude, we�re out of ice downstairs.� She said a little bit too cheerfully. Dakota giggled, knowing that DeLana was well on her way to being quite happy with the help of a few alcoholic beverages.

�Okay,� Dale barely managed to get the word out as he tried to keep his laughter back. �We�ll get some more.� Dale told her and then turned to Dakota. Taking her hand, Dale began leading her away to where he kept all the ice in a walk in freezer and other supplies in a huge storage area on the other side of the house. It was actually located underneath the garage. It had originally been a storm cellar, but before Dale had purchased the house, it had been remodeled with a full basement added under the house. When he got the house, he made the storm cellar into a pantry of sorts. There was also a game room and a pool/hot tub area added on beside there, but learning from past mistakes, Dale knew better than to allow his guests access to them during a party.

He paused in mid step and looked back at DeLana, who was already making her way back to the party. �By the way, you owe your husband a hundred bucks.� Dale told her, laughing when she groaned and then broke out into a fit of hysterical giggles.

�Should you have told her that?� Dakota questioned as she and Dale went for the ice. �She seems a little tipsy. What if she tells Logan?�

Dale smiled, understanding her concern. �Naw, DeLana is cool. She might seem like she�s had a few drinks, but I�m know for a fact that she�s probably had one�two at the most. She just likes to cut loose at these things and she its all her. She doesn�t need the help of alcohol to get crazy.� Dale explained, see clearly the relief in Dakota�s eyes.


�Wow!� Dakota breathed in awe when she walked through the door. First was the pool and hot tub, then the game room, with the storage behind all of that. Her eyes lit up as they touched on all of the arcade games, pinball machines, and a pool table.

�I�ll grab the ice quick and then I�ll shoot you a game.� Dale said motioning towards the pool table. He knew from their past conversations that she loved pool and had belonged to a local league before her job became so demanding. He, on the other hand, couldn�t sink a ball if his life depended on it.

Dakota felt her heart skip a beat when Dale returned a few minutes later carrying to fifty pound bags of ice, one on each shoulder. The site of his biceps bulging against his T-shirt was making think thoughts that were less than pure. As she watched him bend over to set the ice down her heart began to pound wildly against her chest at the site of his jeans stretched tight across his rear.

Dakota took a deep breath and slowly released it, trying like hell to calm herself as Dale straightened back and turned around to face her. �How about that game of pool?� She asked, needing the distraction, though she really wasn�t sure how much of a distraction it would be when shooting pool required more bending over.

Dale didn�t miss her flushed cheeks, the glitter of desire in her eyes, or the slight tremble of her hands. He smiled devilishly as he walked past her, intentionally allowing his body to just brush hers. �You wanna rack or break?�

�I�ll�uh�break.� Dakota finally managed to choke the words out as she walked on rubbery legs over to where the pool cues were lined up neatly on a rack hanging on the wall. She chose one that she wanted to use and chalked up the tip before she turned around again. Her hand fell limply to her side, the cue falling unnoticed to the carpeted floor as her eyes touched on Dale, who was bent over once again as he arranged the balls for her to break.

Dale turned to look at Dakota, snapping her out of her daze�only momentarily. �Oops, I dropped my stick.� She said quietly, as she leaned over to pick it up. When she straightened back up, she was barely able to hold back a cry of surprise when she found Dale standing directly in front of her.

�Hey, that�s my favorite cue too. Looks like we�ll have to share.� He said with a smile. He knew the effect that he was having on her. And she was having quite the same effect on him. It was taking all of the strength he possessed to not reach out, pull her against him and ravish her. But he wasn�t sure if this was the proper time or the place.

�Yeah,� Dakota said absently as she stared into his eyes, completely mesmerized by the brilliant blue color.

�Alright then, you�re break.� Dale said as he reluctantly moved away from her. His eyes, though, watched her every move as she walked over to the front of the table and placed the cue ball in the kitchen where she wanted it.

Dakota lined her cue with the ball, trying like hell to concentrate on it rather than Dale, who was at the other end of the table. Leaning sideways against it with his arms crossed comfortably across his chest, his eyes stayed locked on hers.

Dakota pulled back on her cue and then pushed it forward to tap the white cue call, but made the mistake of glancing up at Dale just an instant before. Her eyes met his and she missed the ball by a mile. Dakota stared down at the table where her stick had ripped into the cloth when she missed. She jumped and spun around quickly when she felt his hand on her shoulder.

�Maybe we should play later.� Dale said as he took the stick from her hand. Reaching around her, he laid it down on the table behind them, his body brushing fully against hers as he did so.

Dakota gasped softly at the jolts of heat that burned through her with his body against hers. She didn�t have to think twice to know what she wanted. She wanted more�She wanted him. And judging by the look in his eyes and his physical reaction, he wanted the same.

Reaching up, she cupped his jaw in her hand, gently urging his mouth down to hers. The instant their lips touched, they were both lost. There was no turning back, regardless of where they were. He really hadn�t meant for their first time to be so�unromantic, but there would be plenty of time for romance later. Running his fingers through her hair until they settled around the base of her head, Dale tilted her head back and to the side increasing the depth of the already heated kiss.

Dakota moaned softly as she pressed closer to him, seeking all that he could offer her. When she felt his tongue tracing lightly over her lips, she willingly invited him in. They explored the other�s mouth hungrily, finding that they were unable to get enough. They would only be satisfied once they had it all.

A shiver shot up Dakota�s spine as she felt Dale tugging her T-shirt loose from her jeans. She gasped out loud when she felt his hands slide underneath and come into contact with her skin. His touch was like velvet; rough, but soft at the same time. It was quickly driving to the brink of insanity.

Pulling back, she broke the kiss and lifted her shirt off over her head. Her bra quickly followed, along with Dale�s shirt. His mouth crashed down on hers again as he lifted her up until she was sitting on the edge of the table and then gently pushed her back until she was half laying, half sitting on the table.

Dakota leaned back on her hands, her back arching up as Dale�s hands freely explored her body. She moaned with pleasure as she felt his fingers graze over her hardened nipples. She closed her eyes, her head falling back as Dale lowered his head, his mouth surrounding the taut peak. He teased her unmercifully with his teeth, lips, and tongue before moving to the other and giving it the same treatment, backing off only when Dakota whimpered for mercy. Dale pulled back and kicked off his shoes. At the same time Dakota jumped off of the pool table and quickly removed her jeans while he did his, neither of them wanting to waste a second.

Groaning softly, Dale gazed at Dakota as he drew her into his arms. She was everything that he�d always wanted in a woman. She was warm, caring, and always considerate of others, a great sense of humor. The fact that she was absolutely beautiful was an added bonus.

Lowering his head, he captured her lips in a tender kiss as he picked her up and set her back on the table. He gently urged her down to her back and followed her down until his body covered hers. He deepened the kiss as he positioned himself and then slid in.

Dakota�s breath caught sharply as he began moving. Within mere seconds she was teetering precariously close to the edge. Pulling Dale down closer to her, she lifted her hips, meeting each of his thrusts with steadily increasing eagerness until she could hold off no more and let go. Her scream was cut off as his mouth crashed down on hers as he flew right off the edge with her.

Afterward they lay there for a few minutes, allowing their breathing and heartbeats to return to normal and just enjoying each other�s company. They finally got up when they remembered that they needed ice back at the club. They dressed slowly though, neither wanting to leave the little world that they�d created around each other and sooner than they had to.


Chapter Thirty Five


Dakota and Dale walked into the club together, neither wanted to leave the others side. They knew that once the party was over, they had the rest of the weekend to spend together. And Dakota knew it was going to be nearly impossible for her to get on the plane to go home when the time came. She sighed and pushed the sad thought from her mind.

�I�m going to take the ice over to Kevin.� Dale said, motioning to Kevin Harvick who was standing behind the bar.

�Okay, I�m going to see about tracking down IreLyn.� Dakota answered, meeting his eyes, unable to stop the slight blush, or the happy smile that spread across her lips. Dale leaned forward and kissed her lightly. She took a small step towards him, increasing the pressure. With a groan Dale tore his hips away.

�We better stop before this ice melts.� He grinned, then leaned forward again and whispered in her ear, �Later.� She jumped when his tongue snaked out and touched her very sensitive ear. He walked away, leaving her clenching her fists to keep from pulling him back to her and taking him back to the game room.


She spun around when she heard IreLyn�s voice behind her. She took in her appearance, and even if she hadn�t seen her outside with Brett, she would have immediately known what had happened. She immediately grabbed IreLyn�s hand and took her out of the room, and upstairs to the main part of the house, knowing Logan was still in the club.

Once upstairs, she didn�t stop there and pulled IreLyn up to the second floor of the house, where the bedrooms were. She closed the door to the guestroom where IreLyn and Logan were supposed to be sharing.

�Okay, spill it.� Dakota demanded, crossing her arms over her chest.

�Uh, what do you mean?� IreLyn asked, unable to meet her friend�s eyes.

�I saw you, Lyn.� Dakota clarified. IreLyn�s head jerked up in surprise, as her face turned red.

�Oh my god, did anyone else?� she whispered shakily.


�Shit! I don�t know what came over me, Kody. I was like�possessed or something. It was as if something was in me.� She cried.

Dakota burst out laughing. �Something was �in� you alright.� She giggled. �Sorry.� She said, calming herself down when IreLyn shot her a dirty look.

�I�ve got to go find Logan.� IreLyn said, moving towards the door. Dakota stopped her, by placing a hand on her arm.

�Uh I really wouldn�t go out like that if I were you.� Dakota told her.

�What do you mean?�

�Well, if you go up to Logan right now, he is going to know exactly what happened.� Dakota promised. IreLyn looked down at herself, seeing her clothes were all askew. She quickly fixed herself and looked at her friend, her shoulders slumping when Dakota was shaking her head.

�What now?� IreLyn moaned.

�Well, don�t take this the wrong way or anything, but you kinda smell.� Dakota bit her inner cheek, trying to keep the laughter inside.

�I do not smell!� IreLyn retorted.

�Honey, you smell like sex.� IreLyn blushed furiously when she realized Dakota was right. Then it hit her. She narrowed her eyes at Dakota, taking in her friend�s appearance for the first time.

�I�m not the only one.� She finally stated, grinning fully when Dakota broke out in a blush. �Oh my god, did you and Dale�?� Dakota nodded and IreLyn let out a squeal of delight as she threw her arms around her friend. �When? Where?� she asked.

�I am not kissing and telling.� Dakota said as she walked over to IreLyn�s bag and started pulling out clothes for her to change into.

�I don�t want to hear about the kissing.� IreLyn laughed. The next thing she knew a shirt came flying and hit her square in the face before she could duck, causing her to laugh harder.

�Let me just put it this way, it had to be more comfortable than the picnic table.� Dakota said over her shoulder. �Got any splinters?�

�Oh shut up!� IreLyn grinned.

�Go take a shower. We have to get back down to the party before Logan really gets suspicious. Then later, you and I are going to have a little chat about what took place here tonight.� Dakota told her, sitting down on the bed.

�Yes Mom!� IreLyn rolled her eyes as she walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.


�There you are!� Logan sighed with relief when he saw IreLyn walking towards him. He started towards her when he noticed she had changed her clothes. �Did you change?� he questioned.

IreLyn looked at Dakota, having forgotten to think of what to tell him. Luckily she didn�t have to come up with anything. She jumped when Kevin Harvick came up to her and put his arm around her shoulder.

�Man, Lyn, I�m so sorry about spilling that drink all over you. Do you forgive me?� he asked. IreLyn looked in his eyes and saw the grin on his face. She knew that he knew, yet he was helping her out. She smiled up at him, silently thanking him.

�Yeah, Kevin, I forgive you.� She said, giving him a hug and whispering �thank you� in his ear.

�You want to dance?� Logan asked, holding out his hand to her. She paused a second then took a deep breath as she slipped her hand in his. She moved into his arms as they began to sway slowly to the music. Feeling eyes on her, she lifted her head and her eyes connected with Brett�s, who was standing next to Dale just off the dance floor. Her breath caught in her throat as their eyes met and continued to hold.

Looking deep into his eyes, and seeing the emotions there�ranging from passion, need, lust, longing, hurt, and even jealousy, she knew where her heart belonged. But did she really have his? No, he would only hurt her again. She couldn�t let that happen. She shouldn�t have let things get so carried away earlier. But she had wanted him. Hell, she still wanted him. Here she, dancing in Logan�s arms, yet desperately wanting another man.

Doing the only thing she could do, she broke her own heart along with Brett�s when she turned her eyes away and laid her head down on Logan�s shoulder, tightening her hold on him.

She was making the right decision.

Wasn�t she?

Book Four of Once Upon A Dream
2001 K&K Productins

Hideaway lyrics belong to Fuel


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