View from Surfer's Point beach of the judges tower and surroundings.

A J-Bay sunrise as seen from the Judges Tower just prior to commencement of heats.

Some scenes around the spectator area.

Some scenes around the spectator area.

Surfer's Point with just a little of what was delivered for most of the event.

The prize-giving podium.

The shiny things.

Andy Swann of the UK and Menno Van Schagen of Holland giving greetings.

Luis Abando and manager give the lowdown on what to expect at the 2001 Titles in the Basque Country. Mundaka is very close to the event break and is being kept in reserve in case of small swell.

Rob Canali and WWA Prez, Roy Scafidi with greetings from the USA.

Dave Mitchell and Matt Tyson of New Zealand.

The Brazilian representatives with their 'No stresso!' attitude.

The French team in a fine mood in spite of only winning one Title this year.

The 'Down Under' reps. Jackie Dillon (hidden by Steve Schroeder), Luke Herman, Paul O'Donnell, Blair Moore, Justin Barnes, Graham Roberts and Darren Kearns.

Winners of Round 1 of the World Tag Team Championships - South Africa. A surprisingly strong International Invitation Team comprising Americans, New Zealanders, Europeans and the odd press-ganged South African loafing on the beach, gave the selected SA Tag Team some serious competition!

Veterans Finalists - The Grandads of waveski surfing, most of whom were there when waveski surfing was just a kayaking experiment. 1. Willie 'Wombat' Graser (SA), 2. Phil 'Nearly Footless' Smuts (SA), 3. Dave Kennett (SA)

Ladies Finalists - It's cliched but these really are the rare roses amongst a lot of thorns. And they can surf! This is Caroline's second consecutive World Title. 1. Caroline Angibaut (Fra), 2. Tracy Sassen (SA), 3. Lindi Le Roux (SA), 4. Jackie Dillon (Aus)

Masters Finalists - Man, these guys can surf! Most of these guys made it to the late rounds of the Open category! 1. Kola Le Roux (SA), 2. Pete Du Preez (SA), 3. Tony Dubber (SA), 4. Charl Du Plessis (SA)

Juniors Finalists - These guys are going to make it even tougher for the rest of us in years to come. In fact , they already are! 1. Shaun Holmes (SA), 2. Jean-Pierre Willaume (Fra), 3. Chris Te Braake (SA), 4. Francois Lessuisse (Fra)

There is not much to choose from between the Open and Senior surfers as Nicky Carstens proved by winning both Titles, a historical first! 1. Nicky Carstens (SA), 2. Mike Fourie (SA), 3. Chris Jones (SA), 4. Hubert Touchais (Fra)

What can I say? This epic clash at Supertubes, another historical first, firstly showed just how difficult a break Supertubes is for waveskiers and secondly, just how dedicated to winning these finalists were. It was real 'balls to the wall' stuff! 1. Nicky Carstens (SA), 2. Mike Fourie (SA), 3. Neal Stephenson (SA), 4. Richard Power (SA)

Roy, you wanted a pic of Rie and his Island 'ski. Here it is. Roy was so impressed with SA Waveski's Development Program, of which Rie Mkhize is one of the most promising graduates, that Roy donated his own custom Island Waveski to Rie. Roy Scafidi also owns Island Waveskis. (Plug! Plug!) (Of course, it also meant that Roy didn't have to schlepp his 'ski all the way back to the States, he,he!)

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