1969 - 2001

Many of you have asked about donations in Paul's honor. Paul's parents asked that donations be made to the National Kidney Foundation. Donations can be made by filling out a form at the secure website
If you check the box to send an acknowledgement, here is the address of Paul's family:

Paul's parents' address is:
Linda and Michael Speeks
3526 Hunter Lane
Richmond, VA 23237

A note from Paul's parents:

Thank all of you for being a friend to Paul and for all your kindness shown to his mother and I. The gifts to the National Kidney Foundation will be put to good use. If Paul could ask for one thing it would be that you sign a donor card. You never know who would benefit from it but it would give someone else a chance at life.

Alternatively, you may send a donation via mail or fax to:

National Kidney Foundation
30 East 33rd St., Suite 1100
New York, NY 10016
Phone: 800.622.9010
Fax: 212.689.9261
Eulogy Photo Album Donations
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