Kevon Homepage

Updates & Anecdotes from Jack Moran

The Lifesaver, a poem written by Kevon Moran in 1993

Letters of support from around the World

Photographs of Kevon

IMPORTANT: Contact Information and Address for Jack Moran

A Question of Attitude

False Bay SLC Homepage

This message was received from Kevon's dad, Jack Moran:

"I regret to inform you that Kevon passed away at 8:30 AM on the 31st of January 1999, after a long and brilliant fight against his cancer. "

If you happen to visit BayView Memorial Park, in Pensacola  Florida, you will find Kevon's grave, marked with a bronze plaque featuring a morning star, an EMS shield, a pair of dolphins and a simple phrase "A Saver of Lives".   Below the marker lies a small beach made of white Pensacola Beach sand that somehow is perpetually adorned with small beach patrol vehicles and tiny surfboards.

This website has been published under the auspices of the False Bay Surf Lifesaving Club in Cape Town South Africa to salute the incredible heroic fight that Kevon Moran, a lifeguard and EMT from USA, took against sarcoma cancer.

This is the text from the original message placed in the False Bay Surf website guest book:

Name: Jack Moran
From: Pensacola, Florida, USATime: 1998-01-04 18:34:04
Comments: Plea for Support for a stricken Comrade! Dear Friends, My son is an EMT/Surfguard in Pensacola Florida. Just before Christmas this year (1997), we discovered he has a massive sarcoma cancer in the thigh of his left leg. He is 24 years old and a Lifeguard/caregiver since he was 13. His dreams of becoming a para/rescue nurse have been put on hold, while he takes a combination of chemo-therapy, radiation and surgery, in a struggle to save his life -- hopefully, his leg too. In this situation, I as his father do not know how to fix it, except that I know his fondest dream -- just like yours -- is to save lives and support lives. To somehow make the world a better place. I believe also that the greatest treatment he can receive is exactly what he has always given love, prayers and support to people he doesn't and may never know. I am asking for those who understand that, to reach out to him. A card, a letter, perhaps a patch from your company, maybe a tee-shirt or a cap (he is going to loose his hair), or best of all, your prayers for a stricken fellow care-giver. You know that knowing you are not alone, when you struggle for life keeps people alive. Help me help my boy survive this. If you know others who would respond to him with support, please forward this. He doesn't want or need money, just support. He is: Kevon T. Moran, EMT 1149 Merrie Way Pensacola, FL 32514


You are invited to browse around the site and see the messages of support that Kevon received from around the world, as well as catch up on the news and anecdotes sent by his dad Jack.

I know that I join thousands of people around the world in wishing Jack and the family our most sincere thoughts and sympathy.  Long may Kevon's memory grace their lives.

We wish you guys strength in the years ahead.

God bless.

False Bay Surf Lifesaving Club members
and Lifesavers/Lifeguards/EMT's the world over

Kevon and his dad, Jack Moran

E-Mail Jack Moran at

[email protected]

to Kevon's page since 15 january 1998

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