The Taeguek Forms
Taeguek Chil-Jang

Taeguek Chil-Jang (Taeguek Seven):
Cat stance is first introduced in this form. Cat stance is quick for both front and rear leg kicks, but lacks the wide weight distribution, solidity, and power of some other stances.

Facing North, Chareut, Chenye.

Turn West into left cat stance, left outside knife hand guarding block.

Right front kick landing behind in left cat stance, right reverse inside knife hand guarding block.

Shift W-N-E into right cat stance facing East, right outside knife hand guarding block.

Left front kick, landing behind in right cat stance, left reverse inside knife hand guarding block.

Step forward into left extended walking stance facing North, left double fist low section strike.

Step forward into right extended walking stance, right double fist low section strike.

Draw left (rear) foot up to right (front) foot, then out facing West in left cat stance, right reverse inside knife hand guarding block w/ left support, right pressure block down w/ left support, right backfist strike to the temple w/ left support.

Shift W-N-E into right cat stance facing East, left reverse inside knife hand guarding block w/ right support, left pressure block down w/ right support, left backfist strike to the temple w/ right support.

Draw left (rear) foot back to right (front) foot and pivot until both feet are together facing North; at the same time, bring the hands together ending with the open left hand in front of the chest slightly above and in front of the solar plexus, and bringing the closed right hand in a fist into it slowly.

Step forward with the left foot into left extended walking stance, simultaneous left low section block and right reverse outside palm-in block , simultaneous right reverse low section block and left outside palm-in block.

Step forward into right extended walking stance, simultaneous right low section block and left reverse outside palm-in block, simultaneous left reverse low section block and right outside palm-in block.

Pivot 270� on right (front) foot N-W-S-E until facing East in left extended walking stance, double outside spreading block.

Right knee break, landing in right X-Stance, double fist kidney strike, jump back into right walking stance, cross block.

Pivot 180� on left (rear) foot E-S-W until facing West in right extended walking stance, double outside spreading block.

Left knee break, landing in left X-Stance, double fist kidney strike, jump back into left walking stance, cross block.

Pivot 90� on right (rear) foot W-S until facing South in left walking stance, left back fist to the temple, opening left hand into knife hand after the strike.

Right inside drop kick striking right foot on open left hand, landing in sitting stance facing East, right elbow strike to the face.

Shift 90� until facing South in right walking stance, right back fist to the temple, opening right hand into knife hand after the strike.

Left inside drop kick striking left foot on open right hand, landing in sitting stance facing West, right elbow strike, left knife hand strike to the throat.

Pivot on left foot W-S-E into sitting stance facing East, right side punch to the South, co-power.

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