I remember growing up here in this shitty small town. I couldn't wait for the moment when I could be free from the confines of the closet. I couldn't wait until the day that I could walk the streets proudly and not have to worry about things like verbal harassment and physical assault. That day never arrived, but the day that I realized that I had to be the one to change things did!

Picture it... A good friend of mine accompanied me on what seemed to be the perfect getaway: an overnight to Duluth, Minnesota. The only thing I had on my mind was good friends, good music (if you can call fucking ABBA good music...) and lots of cocktails. While all of the aforementioned were in abundance, looking back, there were some very serious problems.

It appeared to me that there was this hidden policy among the men that surrounded me that it was unwise to be openly gay, or exhibit mannerisms that may reveal your sexual orientation to others. There were a few couples (ooooh, wouldn't I like to mention their names here!!!!). who even though they were in a strange town, refused to be identified as queer, even within their peer group! I mean, why were they there? It seemed to me that the only thing these couples could agree on is that if you were the least bit effeminate, you were only a half a man. (Sorry Misha, but I am twice the man you are, and three times the man you'll ever have!). Now is the time for me to turn the tables...

I am coming out of the closet as HETERO-HOMO-PHOBIC! (Cool, I just coined a phrase - take that Larry Kramer!) I am sick and tired of these closeted gay men who bash me in public because I don't look like Grizzly Adams, yet want to get into my pants on the weekend because I appear to be a fun guy! These are the so-called gay-people who hate me because I choose to raise my voice to injustice, fight for equality and am visible. These are the guys who, as long as they can pass as straight, unknowingly consent to being discriminated against! They may put us down for standing up, but trust me, they will reap the benefits of our struggle without complaint. Remember girls... DON'T BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU!

On that note, I would like to add that this is not a broad generalization about our community. There are so many people out there that I love and consider family. I think we all can agree that it only takes one or two people to ruin it for us!!!

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1. WHEN YOU'RE get your name in the paper for getting married.

WHEN YOU"RE get your name in the paper for committing sodomy.

2. WHEN YOU'RE STRAIGHT...You get looks of admiration when you hold your partners hand.

WHEN YOU'RE GAY...You get spat upon and jeered when you hold your partners hand.

3. WHEN YOU'RE STRAIGHT...You get a tax break for being married.

WHEN YOU'RE GAY... You can't get married.

4. WHEN YOU'RE STRAIGHT...You get to keep your kids no matter how bad a parent you are.

WHEN YOU'RE GAY...You get your kids taken away from you no matter how good a parent you are.

5. WHEN YOU'RE STRAIGHT...You get to stay in the military if you engage in non- consensual sex.

WHEN YOU'RE GAY...You get kicked out of the military if you engage in consensual sex.

6. WHEN YOU'RE STRAIGHT...If you get AIDS, you're an "innocent victim".

WHEN YOU'RE GAY...If you get AIDS, you obviously deserve it.

7. WHEN YOU'RE STRAIGHT...You have a life.

WHEN YOU'RE GAY...You have a "lifestyle".

8. WHEN YOU'RE STRAIGHT...Standing up for your rights makes you a participatory citizen.

WHEN YOU'RE GAY...Standing up for your rights makes you a "militant homosexual".

� 1998 [email protected]

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