To: Olya Melnitchouk - [email protected]

Reference OM:LAD342:52708

CC: Pia Marrone, Peter Heuzenroeder

Dear Ms. Melnitchouk,

George Palmer Blake is a respondent in the Appeal number SA 30 of 1999 because:

  1. he falsified evidence affecting the decisions being appealed,
  2. he disobeyed a Family Court subpoena and defied a Family Court injunction by producing phoney photographs for pre-trial inspection,
  3. he committed perjury by claiming his observations were category 3 according to Professor Muram�s classification, when there were no category 3 indicators.

Dr. Blake is competent and compellable to give evidence under section 12, EVIDENCE ACT 1995. Obviously he does not want to be brought to account for his actions, but justice must be done and must be seen to be done.

If Dr. Blake still claims to be competent in the diagnosis of child sexual abuse he should respond to the following:

a) the allegation "The doctors are lying" - 9th December 1991
b) the report by
Dr. Terry Donald - 15th November 1994
c) the report by
Dr. Felicity Goodyear-Smith - 8th May 1997
d) the report by
Dr. John A M Gall - 10th May 1999

The HyperText version of the appeal notice can be found at

The HyperText version of the Draft Appeal Book Index can be found at

Yours faithfully



Doctor Watson
Room 9, Torrens Building
220 Victoria Square
Adelaide SA 5000

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