Earth Science

Discover Earth Lessons
Discover Earth is a NASA-sponsored project for teachers of grades 5-12, designed to: enhance understanding of the Earth as an integrated system, enhance the interdisciplinary approach to science instruction, and provide classroom materials that focus on those goals.

The Dynamic Earth
A Hands-on Activities site with teacher pages and student pages.

Earth Pages, sponsored by NASA, is a search and index tool to help navigate the Internet for data, information, and resources related to earth science.

Earth Resources
An AWESOME list of Earth Science related resources.

Earth Science in the Learning Web
Earthquakes and Volcanoes: In Volcanoes!, an interdisciplinary set of materials for grades 4-8, students will explore questions such as "What is a volcano?" "Where do volcanoes come from?" and "Can scientists forecast volcanic eruptions?" In A Model of Three Faults, students will observe fault movements on a model of the earth's surface.

Earth Science Lessons
Lots and lots of Earth Science lessons listed by grade levels

Earth Science Sites on the Web
A short list of Earth Science sites

Hop into this virtual time machine and experience time travel from the very early Precambrian to Quaternary present day.

HyperStudio Stacks
hyperstudio stacks that Scott Johnson, a elementary school teacher in Licoln Elementary in Grand Forks, has developed. These lessons are geared toward and tested by 5-8 grade students.

Vicinity's free mapping service for Web surfers. It allows users to find maps of the majority of cities and towns in the U.S. and Canada. It also provides driving directions, business information and yellow pages listings.

Check out the Interactive Atlas (Maps), TripQuest (Driving directions), and TravelPlan USA (Plan a trip with Mobil Travel Guide)

Maps On Us
Navigation Made Simple ... All Across the United States

Science Education Gate-Way Toolkit
Complete lesson modules; Ready-to-use activities, interactive tools, and images; along with Templates and tools for making your own on-line lessons

Wadsworth Earth Science Resource Center
This Web site is an extension of our books in our earth sciences series, providing additional resources for both instructors and students in geology, geography, meteorology, and environmental sciences.

Yahoo! - Science:Earth Sciences


Connections+ |On Shaky Ground

Dynamic Earth - Program Overview

Raging Planet

Raging Planet - Pop Goes the Mountain

Raging Planet - Make Your Own Weather Station

Raging Planet - Tracking a Hurricane

Raging Planet - Weather in a Box

Teachnet.Com - Lesson Ideas: Earth


Big Trouble In Earthquake Country Homepage
Use on-line earthquake hazard maps and other relevant geological information to assess hazards to life and property associated with hypothetical earthquakes of various magnitudes. Working in small groups with other students, you may then use this information to develop strategies that might be used to reduce damage and loss of life in the area within which your home or school is located. Overall, this lesson will help you to gain a better understanding of the complex nature of the interaction between earthquakes and human beings.

Build Your Own Seismograph
With a few materials and some time, you can build your own seismograph.To do this activity...You need to understand how a seismograph works. If you have not read through the main lesson ("Earthquake!"), go back and read about seismographs first.

Why do earthquakes happen? From Newton's Apple. Includes activities, resources and vocabulary.

Surfing for Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Students use the Internet to research data on earthquakes and volcanoes and plot locations to determine continental plate boundaries. Extensions include interpretation of interaction between plate boundaries, causes of earthquakes and volcanoes, and the comparison of the formation of Olympus Mons on Mars and the Hawaiian volcanic chain. This lesson contains tailored worksheets and uses unique Internet images and information.

Older students and adults will enjoy accessing information about earthquakes and can even view a live Web camera pointed at earthquake helicorder drums in the laboratory.

Virtual Earthquake is an interactive computer program designed to introduce you to the concepts of how an earthquake EPICENTER is located and how the RICHTER MAGNITUDE of an earthquake is determined. The Virtual Earthquake computer program is running on a Web Server at California State University at Los Angeles.


Home Page of VolcanoWorld
The Web's Premier Source of Volcano Info! Everything you ever wanted to know about volcanoes and more. Includes current eruptions, e-mailed eruption updates, Ask-A-Vulcanologist... there is more here than I can begin to tell you!

Mount St. Helens
A complete pictorial history of the Mt. St. Helen's 1980 eruption, from Volcano World.

A Hands-on Activities site with teacher pages and student pages.

Volcano Lesson Plans
One goal of VolcanoWorld is to provide students and teachers with lessons about volcanoes. Even if you are not a formal student or teacher you might find something interesting. Here are some lessons and activities to get you started. Keep an eye on this page. We'll be adding many more lessons as fast as we can.



Click here for books on Earth Science


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