

Netherlands Modellers association: NVM.

General Dutch Shipmodel Association: ANSF.



The Ships of Russia - Central site on a history of the Russian Navy

Shipmodelers of St. Petersburg. With very nice Russian historical models.

Nice modeller plans of Tsarist Navy including illustrated catalog of drawings of famous Russian warships of Tsusima age, and digest of our ship-modeling Modelist-Korabel.


United States:

Nautical Research Guild: A non-profit, educational organization with international membership, dedicated to maritime research and accurate ship model building.

warshipmodels underway

The sourche for modellers who like US Navy ships: The floating drydock.

Another US supplier is Maryland Silver Company they have a impressive range of historical ships.


Great Britain:

Mail-order shop The Model Dockyard.

Plans of the British Royal Navy Sambrook Maritime Models Marine Model Boat Plans.


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