Great Britain (107)

Aircraft Carriers - Escort Carriers - Battleships - Heavy Cruisers
Light Cruisers - Destroyers - Submarines - Other Ships

Aerial view of the port of Alexandria taken by italian recognition  1941


Argus Class

H.M.S. Argus - Argus during WWII
Hermes Class
H.M.S. Hermes - Hermes pre-war in the Far East
Eagle Class
H.M.S. Eagle - Eagle at sea in the 30s
Corageous Class
H.M.S. Corageous - Corageous at anchor  1930
H.M.S. Glorious - Glorious in navigation during the 30s
Ark Royal Class
H.M.S. Ark Royal - Ark Royal in wartime
H.M.S. Ark Royal - Ark Royal sinking  13/11/1941
Illustrious Class
H.M.S. Illustrious - Illustrious at sea
H.M.S. Indomitable - Indomitable in navigation
Unicorn Class
H.M.S. Unicorn - Unicorn with Renown and Illustrious  April 1944
Implacable Class
H.M.S. Implacable - Implacable at Sidney, Australia  1945
Colossus Class
H.M.S. Glory - Glory after completion  1945
Audacity Class
H.M.S. Audacity - Audacity leaving for a new escort mission in the Atlantic

Attacker Class

H.M.S. Attacker - Attacker soon after commissioning  1942
Ameer Class
H.M.S. Trouncer - Trouncer during navigation  10/10/1944
Campania Class
H.M.S. Campania - Campania at anchor  Jun 1944
Empire Mac Alpine Class
H.M.S. Empire Mac Alpine during conversion (was a granary ship)
Empire Mac Rae Class
H.M.S. Empire Mac Rae just after conversion


H.M.S. Repulse seen from H.M.S. Hood at the beginning of the war
Queen Elizabeth Class
H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth - Queen Elizabeth after repairs  Jun 1943
H.M.S. Warspite - Warspite showing her mimetic scheme
H.M.S. Barham - Barham after first modernization
H.M.S. Valiant - Valiant in wartime navigation
H.M.S. Malaya - Malaya at sea during war
Royal Oak Class
H.M.S. Revenge - Revenge at sea trials  1916
H.M.S. Ramilles - Ramilles at war  1944
H.M.S. Resolution - Resolution during war showing her mimetic scheme
H.M.S. Royal Oak - Royal Oak maneuvering before war
Furious Class
H.M.S. Furious - Furious shows her hybrid configuration  3/9/1917
Repulse Class
H.M.S. Repulse - Repulse escorting convoy  1940
H.M.S. Renown - Renown at sea
H.M.S. Renown - Renown entering in Scapa Flow during war
Hood Class
H.M.S. Hood - Hood just after completion  1920
H.M.S. Hood - Hood at anchor  1939
H.M.S. Hood - Hood at sea before modernization
H.M.S. Hood - Hood sailing from Scapa Flow to hunt Bismarck  May 1941
H.M.S. Hood - Center view of the Hood in late 1939  new.gif (111 bytes)
Nelson Class
H.M.S. Nelson - Nelson at anchor  1945
H.M.S. Rodney - Rodney opens fire
H.M.S. Rodney - Rodney seen from behind in mimetic scheme
King George V Class
H.M.S. King George V - King George V after collision  1940
H.M.S. Prince of Wales - Prince of Wales after completion
H.M.S. Prince of Wales - Prince of Wales under works  1941
H.M.S. Duke of York - Duke of York in wartime navigation
H.M.S. Anson - Anson at sea
H.M.S. Howe - Howe under air attack
Vanguard Class
H.M.S. Vanguard - Vanguard soon after completion  1946
Kent Class
H.M.S. Suffolk - Suffolk at anchor  Apr 1944
H.M.S. Cumberland - Cumberland at Malta  1945
London Class
H.M.S. London - London after rebuild
H.M.S. Sussex - Sussex before war
Norfolk Class
H.M.S. Norfolk - Norfolk at anchor during the war
York Class
H.M.S. York - York anchored  1933
Exeter Class
H.M.S. Exeter - Exeter after completion  1931
H.M.S. Exeter - Exeter shows damages suffered during Graf Spee' s engagement  1939
Caledon Class
H.M.S. Caradoc - Caradoc at sea  May 1943

Ceres Class

H.M.S. Cardiff - Cardiff anchored

Carlisle Class

H.M.S. Carlisle - Carlisle in navigation  1944
H.M.S. Colombo - Colombo after conversion in AA cruiser
Danae Class
H.M.S. Dauntless - Dauntless after completion
H.M.S. Durban - Durban with mimetization scheme
Hawkins Class
H.M.S. Frobisher - Frobisher at war 's end  May 1945
Enterprise Class
H.M.S. Emerald - Emerald as completed
Leander Class
H.M.S. Achilles - Achilles in navigation  Jun 1944
H.M.S. Ajax - Ajax in wartime
Arethusa Class
H.M.S. Arethusa - Arethusa during war
H.M.S. Penelope - Penelope at sea  1944
Southampton Class
H.M.S. Southampton - Southampton after completion  Jun 1938
H.M.S. Glasgow - Glasgow at sea showing the mimetization scheme
Edinburgh Class
H.M.S. Belfast - Belfast in bay  1942
Dido Class
H.M.S. Bonaventure - Bonaventure from above  Oct 1940
H.M.S. Sirius - Sirius at anchor  Sep 1944
Modified Dido Class
H.M.S. Diadem - Diadem in navigation  1945
Fiji Class
H.M.S. Fiji - Fiji at sea  20/08/1940
H.M.S. Mauritius - Mauritius achored during the war
Uganda Class
H.M.S. Ceylon - Ceylon after completion  1943
Minotaur Class
H.M.S. Superb - Superb after war  Aug 1946
Leeds Class
H.M.S. Leeds - Leeds maneuvering 1943
"S" Class
H.M.S. Scimitar - Scimitar at sea  1942
Campbell Class
H.M.S. Verdun - Verdun in navigation  1943
"A" Class

H.M.S. Amazon - Amazon before war  1935

Hotspur Class
H.M.S. Hotspur - Hotspur in bay  1944
Tribal Class
H.M.S. Nubian - Nubian after war  1947
H.M.S. Zulu - Zulu in wartime navigation  new.gif (111 bytes)
"J" Class
H.M.S. Javelin - Javelin in navigation during war
H.M.S. Javelin - Javelin during refuel in Norway Sea  14/5/1941
Hunt Class
H.M.S. Belvoir - Belvoir after war  1946
Onslow Class
H.M.S. Onslaught - Onslaught after war  1946
Laforey Class
H.M.S. Milne - Milne in wartime navigation  1943
Rotherham Class
H.M.S. Rotherham - Rotherham after war  1946
Troubridge Class
H.M.S. Termagant - Termagant after war  1946
Valentine Class
H.M.S. Volage - Volage post war  1946
Ulster Class
H.M.S. Undine - Undine in war navigation  1944
Zambesi Class
H.M.S. Zodiac - Zodiac at anchor  1944
"H" Class

H.M.S. Hasty - Hasty in navigation @ high speed during war

"C" Class
H.M.S. Chaplet - Chaplet after war 's end 1946
Battle Class
H.M.S. Saintes - Saintes at sea after war  1946


"O" Class
H.M.S. Oberon - Oberon at anchor before war
Porpoise Class
H.M.S. Porpoise - Porpoise at anchor before war
"S" Class
H.M.S. Starfish - Starfish running sea trials  1933
H.M.S. Saracen - Saracen at sea with Jolly Roger
"T" Class
H.M.S. Tally-Ho - Tally-Ho in wartime navigation in Indian sea
H.M.S. Taku - The submarine anchored @ Malta  new.gif (111 bytes)
"U" Class
H.M.S. Unity - Unity in wartime navigation in Indian sea
H.M.S. Roberts - The monitor entering in Malta
Ohio - Ohio entering Malta' s Grand Harbor with H.M.S. Bramham  15/8/1942

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