
Kudo’s and a hearty slap on the back to the member who recently went above and
beyond the call of duty by helping out the company in their time of need!
Even though nobody else in the ACC even tried to help, this member ensured that
training will improve for the company well into the future by travelling all the way
to Ottawa, and giving them freely all his wonderful insights into how to make the
training environment better for all, in order that the world will become a better
place, and the company can save some money down the road!
Luckily the company paid for the entire trip, as we all know how extremely difficult
it can be to scrape enough money together for the $300 plane ticket when you’ve
only earned a paltry $100,000.00+++ so far this year. He probably would have
survived on Kraft dinner for the next month if he had to foot the bill himself, but
chances are he would have gone anyway, just for the opportunity to show the
company the depths of his committment to quality initiatives such as this.
May he long be remembered for his unselfish act in support of his brothers and
sisters everywhere!


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