Notice Board



Currently Seeking Stewards-Winnipeg ACC Branch Council is looking for a few good
members to step-up and accept the call as Steward. It is our sincere hope that we can solicit
at least two volunteers from each specialty to join Branch Council.The perks involved in this
position are endless - too numerous to list here - but rest assured, it is well worth your while to
become involved.

Ch-ch-changes-Please forward any changes in your status, i.e. address, telephone number,
etc to the branch secretary treasurer, Steve Molloy (WG specialty). Telephone 487-7089, or
E-mail [email protected]

The Beacon-The next issue of The Beacon is tentatively scheduled for April 1999. We are
aiming for 16 pages next time, but we need more contributions to meet our target. If you can
write or draw, please talk to Pete Thompson in WG specialty. Telephone 897-0241 or E-mail
[email protected]

Strike committees-There is a possibility of a strike somewhere between now and Christmas
‘99. If you wish to volunteer to be on any committees, or if you have access to anything which
would be useful under these conditions, please talk to your steward. Examples would include:
porta-potties, pepper spray goggles, warm clothing, etc. Also, be aware that once we are into
a legal strike position, you may be called upon to take extra duties while continuing to work
your regularly scheduled shifts i.e. picketing before or after work!

Common Sense?-It certainly seems like Nav Canada couldn't do anything more to humiliate
you than to add a disgusting shift like the 7 pm to 3 am abomination that we have been
subjected to. Could they? Or sure they could. They could bust you for leaving work before the
appointed time, they could meter out any sort of discipline that they thought was warranted,
including discharge. If you think that management is not capable of it, think again!
When you are working those shifts, be warned that management still has the capability of
monitoring your departure times. And during this period of negotiations, when a lesson of
subservience needs to be taught, you could be that guinea pig. Don't be that guinea pig - be
smart and don't give management any rope with which to string you up.

Wanna Run?-Nominations will be accepted at any time for National positions that will be
contested at CATCA 99 in Edmonton. Those include President, Vice-President, Labour
Relations, and Vice-President, Technical. The position of VP Tech is part-time, whereas the
other two are full-time positions at National Office in Ottawa.
Keep in mind that the next election to be held locally will be for the position of Chairman,
Winnipeg ACC Branch in October, 1999.

Convention Update-Not much to report right now, other than CATCA 99 will be held in
Edmonton, Alberta from May 28th to 31st, 1999, at the Sheraton Grande Edmonton. Travel
dates for delegates are May 27 and June 1. All other program details will be published soon by
the convention organizers.It is not known for sure how many delegates and official observers
will be sent from Winnipeg ACC, but last convention in St. John's, NF, we had seven delegates
and three observers - the numbers will most likely remain the same.


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