Most of the work experience has been with non-profit organisations, including municipal government, in Britain and in Canada.

  1. Assistant Company Secretary at Independent Food Services, the central administration for the SPAR-VIVO Group of Companies, and was Company Secretary of 16 of these companies. ["Legal Officer" is the nearest equivalent title in North America]

    Received letter of commendation for work done as Secretary to the Transport Working Party.

    Attended Board and Committee meetings and carried out all legal and corporate administrative matters.

  2. General Manager of the Independent Retail Grocers Association in Alberta.

    Produced their first Newsletter,
    maintained administration for the association,
    was the first General Manager to visit member operations throughout the province;
    attended special events and provided photographic coverage.

  3. Information Officer for the Rubber Association of Canada.

    Acted as Secretary of various committees.

    Produced first ever Directory of Rubber Products in Canada and informational leaflets on tires

    Visited tire and other plants throughout Central and Eastern Canada.

The following activities were on a voluntary basis:

  1. President and Founding Director of 21st Century Science & Technology Foundation, federally incorporated in Canada
  2. President and Founding Director of New Age International, federally incorporated in Canada and registered as a charity
  3. Grande Templar of Mission St Michael, incorporated federally in Canada

For each of these companies:

  1. created incorporation papers
  2. maintained corporate records, annual and other returns
  3. arranged meetings, seminars and conventions
  4. kept books of account, prepared financial reports including budgets
  5. developed programs
  6. liaised with members and government agencies
  7. prepared advertising text and layout
  8. public relations
  9. maintained library and books for resale
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