January 30-February 28, 1998

Alas, university is going to start up again in another two days - at which point I become, officially, an English & Film Studies major. What that means in terms of this site is that I'll no longer be able to update it with periodic works of my own, since that would automatically void the value of anything I might put up. It makes sense in a slightly bizarre way: why would publishers bother paying writers and film-makers, if they could just grab the same stuff off the guy's homepage? Would an audience really want to watch a movie when they've already read the ending on-line?

Before you start feeling too sorry for me, remember I did walk into this deal with my eyes open. The work that's already up is basically my gift to whoever happens to take enough of an interest (I'm assuming it's the person reading this). It's not like I'm all tapped out of ideas; there are at least three or four pages of synopsises sitting on my hard drive at the moment, just begging to be written.

This isn't the swan song for this website either. Let's just say that Avatar Realm is going to undergo a little bit of much-needed transformation - because after all, isn't that the whole point to being creative?

Next Entry: March 20th, 1998

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