March 20th, 1998

Looking back on my previous logs, I've pretty much rhapsodized on the topics of writing and music. I guess it's time to bite the bullet and take a look at the only major topic left to talk about - religion.

Since my interests run right through the 'subjective' arts - history, theatre, philosophy, film and literature - I pretty much have to keep an open view on organized belief systems. Personally, I look at the history of religion (particularly Catholicism) as a form of mythology, with all the trappings and textures thereof. Much of my own writing attempts to merge the ruthlessness of modernity with characters that imbue at least some form of religious symbolism. I'm undeniably lured to that mysterious synergy which seems prevalent in most religious texts; the helplessness of human beings as they watch titanic forces struggle overhead for the most basic of concepts - light and darkness, love and hatred, life and death.

The reason I mention this at all, is that this love for religious myth has surprisingly managed to seep into my homepage as well. I've steered clear of making it too much of an overt influence; regardless, most of the images and nomme de geurres that I've chosen bely my interest in the subject matter.

Rest assured, I'm making no judgement on modern religion itself. What other people get from quoting the bible or exploring their so-called 'spiritual selves', I get from popping in a Live CD or reading a good book. My world isn't the blindness of fanaticism, nor indeed, that of cold logic. Instead, it is a combination of the both. It is, in the last analysis, nothing more than my world.

Next Entry: April 18th, 1998

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