Main City Page > The Suburbs > FASA Space Center

Space Center Headquarters at the suburbs


Take the tour/Train for space


From upper-left corner going clockwise: Mini-shuttle, PAD 1, The launch and mission control tower, the space simulator, moon vehicle trainer, the spinner, PAD 2-Apollo Rocket launcher


I'm Dr. Crazyman and you are at the FASA Space Center HQ. We have a load of stuff for you to visit and do. You can take a tour and even earn certification from LEGO-Fortier University in Astronomics (which means flying a LEGO Spaceship). Right next to me is our mini-rocket launchpad, called PAD #1. We launch mini-rockets into the sky to check out weather patterns that are coming in the way of the LEGO City of Chris Fortier. Right behind me is our mini-shuttle, which goes up and repairs any satellites over our metro area. It is a cheaper alternative to our Space Shuttle, located at Skyway SKW Airport downtown. There is no launch required and uses a shorter runway.

This is our training facility. Before any moon landing trials, all potential astronauts must go through a G-Test. This spinner spins any future astronaut around 50 times at speed of 75 miles per hour. Anyone who passes this test goes on to train for their Astronomic degree. After that, potential astronauts must train in the simulator, above the spinner in the overview picture, for at least 250 hours.

Train for Space, get your astronomic degree

This is our Apollo rocket blasting off into action. Inside there is one astronaut who uses the guidance systems in the top of the rocket to guide him/herself around space. The Valujet IV rocket below the astronaut releases about ten minutes after launch when the spaceship is in a sufficient orbit. Our tower facility guides the spaceship around space and plots out the course for a safe splashdown at one of the many water hazards at the Colonial Golf Course. Check out the nice shadow in the clouds!

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