Main City Page > The Suburbs > Northern Oaks Neighborhood

Welcome to the Northern Oaks Subdivision, home of the friends of Chris Fortier, mayor of this LEGO City. To meet some of his friends, click on the houses above where they live. If your browser is not good enough, click these links below to learn more about the friends of Chris Fortier.

Matt Williams

Diana Benner

Jim Blackburn

Heather Herman

The Kurek Family

Greg Borenstein

Scott Moore

John Hardin

Are you a friend of Chris Fortier? Do you have a web page? Or are you a collector of LEGOs? You could possibly get a link to your page by becoming a resident of the Northern Oaks Subdivision. Click here to e-mail Chris Fortier about getting linked and moving in. Include your e-mail and the address of the web page(s). Anything with a hint of adult content will not be considered.

Here are some scenes of life in the Northern Oaks Subdivision:

It is just another day in the quietest section of the LEGO City of Chris Fortier, rarely anything ever happens here. Kids play on their ATV's and adults go jogging to lose some weight (which is ironic, LEGO people never gain or lose weight.)

To show you how really quiet this place is, look at how far the subdivision is from the University and the farm. The houses act as sound buffers on the street. No wonder it is the quietest place around!

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