Essays on Communal Everyday Life/Очерки коммунального быта

Essays on Communal Everyday Life

Очерки коммунального быта

by Ilia Utekhin
[email protected]

You can find here draft versions of some chapters from my forthcoming book on
so called "communal apartments" in St.Petersburg (Russia), a typical form of housing
in big Soviet cities. In communal apartments (CA), where up to 20 per cent of population
are still living at St.Petersburg, several families live toghether sharing all the facilities.
Close interaction between non-kin families in their everyday life, especially in heavily
overcrowded conditions as it was until mid 1980s, brought about very specific ways
of living. Some aspects of values, attitudes and stereotypes of behaviour of CA dwellers
are depicted in these chapters.

on collective lumber-room
same in Russian, extended version/Очерк о кладовой общего пользования

on hygiene
same in Russian, extended version/Опасность чистоты

on privacy
same in Russian, extended version/На сцене жизни и в кулисах души

on theft
“Dwelling Place Paranoids”: On Cultural Determination Of A Psychopathology / Параноиды жилья: о культурных детерминантах психопатологии (in Russian only)

ABSTRACT. The late-life paranoid disorders partly consisting of delusion whose content is related to dwelling place (theft and damage produced by neighbours, etc.) are claimed to be highly conditioned by social milieu and by ordinary life behaviour stereotypes characteristic of so called “communal apartments” (CA) in Russia. This kind of dwelling supposes that several families are living together and share all the facilities; it was during the Soviet period and still is widely spread in St.Petersburg and Moscow. The way of life and special practices of everyday neighbours’ interaction in CA are prototypic to Soviet mentality with its specific means of dealing with frustrated privacy and all-penetrating envy. It is shown that clinical manifestations of so called “dwelling place paranoids” are latently present in everyday phenomena of ordinary CA life.
keywords: geriatric psychiatry, late-life paranoid disorders, practices of everyday life, housing in the USSR

on greeting/"Я здесь здороваюсь когда хочу и с кем хочу..." (in Russian only)

on dwellers' ideas on local history / Представления об истории места и их функция (in Russian only)

questionnaire used in field research
same in Russian/примерный вопросник для полевого исследования

glossary of local terms

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try to press here so that to look the pics from the website of European University at St.Petersburg

MORE TEXTS BY ILIA UTEKHIN/некоторые другие статьи Ильи Утехина 

Virtual museum "Communal Apartment"





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