RA - the creator. Ra is another one I haven't worked with too much. His presence, when He has visited, is so powerful you can't help but feel it! Somber, but not solemn, He speaks in a deep voice, but doesn't say much. He doesn't have to....He can say what He has to say in just a few words, and you understand.

Next time you are outside, feel the warmth of Ra in the sunlight. Feel His gentle caress upon your skin, the infusion of His warm touch. Of course, stay out in the sun too long, and you may also end up feeling Ra's "burning" touch :-) Ra is that wonderful warmth of the soul that comes from just being one with Him in the sunlight.

If Mut is the "Great Mother", then Ra is certainly the "Great Father". All you need to "contact" Ra is to step outside and feel the sun on yourself. Take a few minutes and enjoy Ra's gift.

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Background and some buttons courtesy of: Jaguarwoman

The midi is entitled "Shadow Winds"
Original music composed by Tom Williams III,
� Copyright � 1996-98 Dreamsharer Music, Ltd.
Used with permission.

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