Recipe for Ethiopian Potatoes and Cabbage

This is another recipe for friends of mine. Hi Rob and Lisa. Remember that potato thing I made you guys liked so much? Voila. Make it for yourselves a few times before serving it to guests. Oh - and just stain your counter top yellow. The tumeric will eventually do that, but a pre-stain job will give the counter the illusion of uniformity.


Deep fry the potato cubes; drain them and set them aside when they're finished. Parpoil the carrot sticks for 2 minutes; drain them and set them aside. In the butter, saute the onion until golden brown; saute the garlic, chilis, and ginger. Toss the spices in the onions; fry for another minute. Add the fried potatoes and parboiled carrots and stir, covering all the potaoes and carrots with spices and onions. Add the stock and allow it to come to a simmer, then add the salt and stir. Add the cabbage pieces; cover the pan and allow the cabbage to wilt for 3 minutes. Turn the heat down to a gentle simmer, stir in the wilted cabbage, and simmer for 40 minutes, stirring often (every 5 minutes or so).

Serve it stove-hot with bread.

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