"For false christs and false prophets will appear and perform
great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect
- if that were possible.
See, I have told you ahead of time."
(Matthew 24:24-25)
"The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with
the work satan displayed in all kinds of
counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders,
and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing.
They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion
so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned
who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness."
(2 Thessalonians 3)
"Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth.
He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon.
He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf,
and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast,
whose fatal wound had been healed.
And he performed great and miraculous signs,
even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth
in full view of men
Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf
of the first beast,
he deceived the inhabitants of the earth."
(Revelation 14:11-14)

 Contents of doc. - "paganism"

         The movement has many origins, one of which is the Society of Theosophy founded by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a Russian. Another important figure in this society was Alice A. Baily (1880-1949) who started promoting New Age philosophies. She was known to be a medium for channelled messages from Djwal Khul, a Tibetan who was a so called 'ascended brother' forming part of the "Great White Brotherhood" who dwell in the Shambala (a mystical, spiritual realm).

The messages form the basic esoteric doctrine that make up the Movement. The 'project' had to be hidden till 1975, where then it had to be kicked into operation. All New Age philosophies had to be promoted together with the coming of the 'christ conscious beings'. Many people have fallen victim to the seduction of this lie, that humanity is evolving spiritually into grandiose power without having got to make any effort, as, according to the New Age Movement, it is humanity's birthright to evolve into 'christ conscious beings'.

Basilea Shlink says that, eventually, the goal of the New Age Movement is to have the head demon Lucifer adored as supreme god by the whole world. The New Age Movement is necessary to 'educate' the public for the implementation of the 'New World Order'.
A lot of work has been done to propagate the New Age philosophies into pacifist and anti military movements, ecological, health and educational movements. The basic principals of the New Age can be collected in the following ideas: the New Age philosophy has the aim of uniting the opposites, that is good and evil are one as are science and the occult. In this way all ethical values end, everything is one.

The New Age synthesises religions, creating a 'new' religion with its own sacred writings, prayers and meditational mantras. Bailey's plan has the scope of creating a New World Order having one government and a 'one world religion'. David Spangler, one of the New Age leaders, wrote about an initiation where Lucifer will be consecrated as the leader of the movement and the owner of all humanity. The N.A.M. believes in the purification, that is the removal (death) of all those that do not believe in the plan, believes in abortion as a rightful solution and in artificial insemination, in the imposing of a limit in number to the nuclear family, in genetic manipulation, euthanasia and drugs.

The N.A.M. is still growing in number mostly thanks to its journals and its libraries specialised just in the New Age Movement (in the United States alone it is calculated that there are at least 2,500!) and also thanks to its special music which has attracted many young people. The N.A.M. has had great influence within the United Nations and U.N.E.S.C.O. organisations. Even though many a time the New Age culture seems to be beneficial with its health clubs, environmental interest and peace forums, it systematically separates the human being from God, his Creator. The unconditional love that the N.A.M. speaks about does not include love towards people who want to be authentic Christians and want to lead faithful lives towards Jesus Christ and His teachings.

Is this really unconditional love?

This love is not the same as authentic Christian love as many cruelties are accepted - of these abortion, euthanasia and murder for organ transplant. The New Age is also called the Age of Aquarius, the age that started on 31/12/86; Aquarius is going to take over the age of Pisces, interpreted as 'IKTUS' (the fish symbol) representing Jesus and Christendom. The importance of ecology is taken to an extreme, people are encouraged to leave their cities and return to an agricultural lifestyle, where the adoration of 'mother earth' and 'father sky' are the order of the day.
Some N.A.M. centres are the Lucis Trust, originally the Lucifer Publishing Company, the Findhorn Society in Switzerland, Sedona in Arizona, U.S.A and Salem Centre in Massachusetts, U.S.A. The original organisers are the Masonic New World Order group.
Most common folks promoting the movement are the ones at the lowest level, the ones having no idea what in reality it is all about
i.e. a lie.




"And no wonder,
for Satan himself masquerades
as an angel of light."
(2 Corinthians 11:14)

         'Channelling' is the new word created by the New Age Movement, meaning to contact spirit entities by allowing oneself to become a
'channeller' allowing the spirit to forward messages. Putting aside the fact that most messages could be man-made, the New Age channelled
messages are usually directed towards all humanity. The spirits, or 'beings' as the New Age prefers to call them, are supposed to be loving entities helping humanity to reach perfection through a 'spiritual' evolution. The messages consistently tell us how we are opening up to 'spirituality' and the 'spirit world' and how we are 'evolving' by becoming more like them.

Pantheism, which is one of the main tenets of the New Age,
explains how humanity and nature are in fact 'god'. This would mean all of us are 'god' - this is referred to as the 'Cosmic Consciousness'. All entities contacted by channelling belong to the so-called 'Great White Brotherhood' or 'Galactic Federation'. They are thus called the 'Ascended Brothers'. These beings could be angels, saints, ETs and maybe anyone who belongs to a 'past wave of consciousness' (old civilisation) who has at heart the mission of helping humanity in these difficult times of transition into the New Age.

The belief in Pantheism is extrapolated to the point that everything
and everybody becomes 'one entity', due to the fact that the 'all' is god. Then, both the good and bad forces become one, working hand in hand for the benefit of humankind. Therefore in all honesty it does not really matter from where the message originates. It could be coming from a spirit calling itself 'Jesus' or even from Lucifer himself. It would not make any difference.

When a person seems to be diabolically possessed and an exorcism
is ordered by the Catholic Church, (when he is not diagnosed as being a psychiatric case by doctors), the exorcist questions the diabolical spirit. If the person under the power of the devil starts to prophesy or pretends to be a good angel or a saint, the exorcist stops him immediately and orders the spirit to answer his questions. One of the questions posed asks for the real name and number of spirits possessing the person.

"You belong to your father, the devil, ......
for there is no truth in him.
When he lies he speaks his native language,
for he is a liar and the father of lies."
(John 8:44)

Many times the spirits giving the messages claim to be St. Michael,
sometimes Toth (an Egyptian god), some alien being, a native American Indian, or a genius of the past for example the philosopher Plato or the
Italian inventor Leonardo Da Vinci. Other spirits can be classified under certain New Age titles, for example: higher self, elementals and nature
spirits. Many books have been written explaining how to channel
messages and make contact with these spirit entities, many of these books were financed by 'W.I.C.C.A.' Witches International Crafts
and Conjuration Arts.

Channelling occurs while one is engaged in meditational positions.
Other contacts may occur more abruptly, as though the spirit takes over the mind of the person. These spirits are called 'Walk-ins' and 'Avatar'. New Agers claim that having crystals around oneself or in the vicinity, having a colourful environment and playing the right musical notes all help to create the right 'energy' environment, which consequently would attract many of these beings to your room or house. Other books like 'The Emerald Tablets' give you precise magical phrases (mantras) to recite repeatedly. This helps the person to detach himself and be taken in the spirit to these entities - beings of light like Lucifer.

"There shall not be found among you anyone
who burns his son or his daughter as an offering,
any one who practises divination, a soothsayer, or an augur,
or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a medium, or a wizard,
or a necromancer. For whoever does these things
is an abomination to the LORD;
and because of these abominable practices the
LORD your God is driving them out before you."
(Deuteronomy 18:10-12)
 Planetary ascension, Golden Age,
Inter dimensional shift,
evolution into 'christ conscious beings'
(evolution into the fourth dimension)
Quote - introductory message in the web site 
'The Satanic Army'
"With the second working of the 'Age of fire' 
approaching the time has come for change. 
This apocalypse we speak of is not the end of all time, 
but the beginning of a new age! 
The foundation of the church is crumbling, 
and the lies are being exposed! 
God will fall from his almighty throne!"
 To my knowledge satanism has no direct links with the New Age Movement except the fact that they both originate from the same leader i.e. Lucifer - their carrier of light and knowledge. From the above quote it can be seen that satanists are also waiting for a New Age. I presume that this is the same 'new age' the New Age Movement is hailing.
Below is an explanation, of what exactly this 'new age' shall be and how it shall be brought about. All the information was given to me personally while I was attending a New Age course, this was called 'The Flower of life' by Drunvalo Melchizek. An outline of this course is in the page named 'Esoteric Knowledge, Covens and the Occult'. I would like to remind the reader that all beliefs given below are false in nature. All these lies were cleverly set up by the New World Order so as to confuse people and make them more responsive to their own ideas.

        According to the traditional legends of contemporary peoples, like the North American Indians and the Australian Aborigines, and studies conducted on old civilisations, like the Mayan and the Egyptian civilisations, the 'New Age' seems to have a good grounding in legend.
Many philosophies, legends or beliefs lead to the understanding that the times we are living in and up to the year 2012, are great times of change for the entire human family. Many 'light technologies' are transforming society and also many 'old' ways of healing are being re-discovered. (Maitreya speaks about these to Benjamin Creme. The interviews can be found in the site of the magazine 'Share International'.)

The year 2012 seems to hold a few surprises for humanity. The 'N.A.M.' believes that humanity is evolving fast but the question is, "What are we evolving to?".

Around the year 2012, or maybe before, we shall experience the second coming of christ. And according to the New Age, this coming entails a manifestation of the 'christ consciousness' in us. Therefore it is believed that we will all become 'christ conscious beings', meaning we will become like Jesus Christ. We will then join the 'Galactic Federation' or the 'Great white Brotherhood' and would have finally become fully evolved or rather achieved our next step in evolution.

Maitreya, the 'christ' figure of the New Age, is supposed to lead humanity into this great age of 'consciousness expansion'. So great is the event occurring on Earth, says the New Age, that all beings of this universe and all other dimensional beings are focusing their attention on us. The New Age group I was part of explained to me how I was a reincarnated being, an alien, born in this world to help lead it into the dawning 'Golden Age'. Together with me there are others who, is an act of love in this cycle of incarnations, have chosen to become humans. According to them there are another 70 alien races all present on Earth, some of which living in places like Mount Shasta, California, USA.
Well, then, if I must lead anyone, I shall quote the bible:

 "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.
Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them
a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship,
do the work of an evangelist,
discharge all the duties of your ministry."
(2 Timothy 4:3-5)

        We are third dimensional humans and are about to become fourth dimensional humans, that is 'christ conscious beings'.
This means that:-

  Below - channelled material from Ronna Herman.
"The Angels Realms Will Become More Real And Appear To You More Often 
In The Glorious Days To Come
Channelled material by Ronna Herman.

I claim Universal Copyright for this material in the name of Lord Michael.   
Please copy and share.   

The rest of your year 1994 is a time of clearing and releasing the old residual energies, beliefs and restrictions that no longer serve you, those that are keeping you imprisoned in the third dimensional experience. We encourage you to step out of the mold that has you imprisoned, to be daring enough to reach up and out and embrace the divinity and sovereignty that is being offered to you."  

The spirit, through Ronna, is speaking about a cleansing of all belief systems and the acceptance of serving our own divinity. This means getting rid of all religions, especially Christianity, and putting ourselves on the throne of God. This starts sounding very similar to the above quote from the Satanic Army. The article continues:-  

"You will not be sorry, dear ones. No, indeed, you will wonder why you ever hesitated and how you existed so long in the pain and limitation of your old world. The illusion is fading away ... allow the new vistas, the new world of tomorrow to emerge in your consciousness so that you can bring it to fruition, into full manifestation as quickly as possible. It is time, my valiant warriors, and we are here beside you to give you encouragement, guidance and direction. And most of all to bring into your awareness the great love we and all Creation have for you. I, Lord Michael, bring you these truths."  

The person who made up or channeld this material - "Ronna Herman is a spiritual astrologer, counselor, a new age practitioner and teacher. She is also an internationally known author and lecturer; her articles and poems are periodically featured in six New Age publications. Ronna gives private readings, holds workshops, lectures and channels Archangel Michael before large groups.""

Below:- 'Planetary Ascension' as described by New Age teachers

    The 'vibrational fields' making up all creation are being stepped up to a higher energy level. A point is reached when the vibrational energy will suddenly burst into 'christ conscious energy'. This is brought about very slowly. The evolution is both spiritual and physical and will effect both the human being and the planet. A point in time will come when a physical entrance into the 'christ paradigm' occurs. This is a period of three days, and most probably will occur some time close to the year 2012.

According to these 'teachers', just before the much awaited 'three days', there will occur mass landings of U.F.O.s. They are the Sirians, who have kept their promise, done a long time ago, with humans. With them they bring technologies which will provide central heating, transporting scooters and other stuff, helping us during this period.

Also, we are told that all world markets will crash before this date and all our technologies will not function. This is normal and we should not worry. (The New World Order is never mentioned, but we can see how these economic break-ups could be part of the New World Order plan, having created as tactics, these beliefs to calm the citizen, decreasing panic and increasing acceptance, - this is just speculation.)

Due to the energising of the planet's ,'christ centres' (or 'chakras') with crystals, the New Age has created the 'christ field' around the planet.
Now we are safe because, this field prepears us for our evolution. We are given the advice to stay indoors, shutting all doors and windows. Inter dimensional objects might appear in front of us and we are told not touch them. Our rooms start changing colours: from gold to yellow, blue to green, to deep black and so on, until we find ourselves in a void, in a sort of nothingness. We should get into our 'Merkaba', (a 'light vehicle' created by practising a difficult 18 step meditation). During the nothingness we shall meet two new beings: our new parents, who will teach us how to be christ conscious humans. We will thus be able to create things just by thought and grow approximately 16 feet in height. This is the size of a christ conscious being.

All this keeps you wondering what will happen to those who do not enter the 'merkaba' or do not want to accept the New Age beliefs. Some say that these people might start a series of reincarnations once again in some other universe. Well, I suppose they have no idea of what will happen to them because all this is just pure and utter rubbish!!!!

I hope you have enjoyed the lecture!

"I urge you, brothers,
to watch out for those who cause divisions
and put obstacles in your way that are contrary
to the teachings you have learned. Keep away from them.
For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites.
By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people."
(Romans 16:17-18)
  Quote - New Age magazine 'Share International'
- chief editor - Benjamin Creme.

          Maitreya (pronounced my-TRAY-uh) is the personal name of the Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, Who is known to esotericists as the World Teacher. Expected by the world's major religions as the Christ, the Messiah, Krishna, the Imam Mahdi, and Maitreya Buddha, the Teacher returned to the everyday world in July 1977 and lives as an apparently ordinary man in the Asian community of London. From there He emerges, directing His transforming energies to every corner of the earth. As the benevolent changes He inspires become realities, He awaits an invitation from humanity to enter into full public life. For more info..."


        In the New World Order and New Age Movement plan, the role of Maitreya is important. He is the christ figure of the N.A.M. who had to go public in 1982, after leaving his centre in the Himalayas in 1977.

Quote - new age magazine 'Share International'
-  chief editor - Benjamin Creme.  

"In July 1977 Maitreya emerged from His centre in the Himalayas, when least expected, "like a thief in the night". Since then, He has lived in London as an ordinary man concerned with modern problems — political, economic and social.   
Since March 1978 He has been emerging as a spokesman in the Pakistani Indian community. He is not a religious leader, but an educator in the broadest sense — pointing the way out of the present world crisis. According to esoteric teaching, Maitreya manifested Himself 2,000 years ago in Palestine by overshadowing His disciple Jesus — now the Master Jesus. This time Maitreya has come Himself."

Well this does make me laugh (and very sad at the same time).
For the bible also says:-
"Concerning the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ
and our being gathered to Him, we ask you, brothers,
not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy,
report or letter supposed to have come from us,
saying that the day of the Lord has already come.
Don't let anyone deceive you in any way,
for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs
and the man of lawlessness is revealed,
the man doomed to destruction.
He opposes and exalts himself
over everything that is called God or is worshipped,
and even sets himself up in God's temple,
proclaiming himself to be God."
(2 Thessalonians 3 2:1-4)
""So if anyone tells you
'There he is, out in the desert,'
do not go out; or,
'Here he is, in the inner rooms,'
do not believe it.
For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west,
so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather."
(Matthew 24:26-28)
Quote - new age magazine 'Share International'
- chief editor - Benjamin Creme. 
MIRACLES- I will flood the world with such happenings that the mind can never comprehend it. 
- Maitreya, June 88.
 On 11 June, 1988, Maitreya appeared "miraculously" before 6,000 worshippers in Nairobi Kenya and, in perfect Swahili, informed the crowd that "…we are nearing the time for the reign of heaven". The Keyna Times account of the incident, including a photograph, was picked up by news organizations world-wide.   

Healing water sources, said to be created by Maitreya in the vicinity of His appearances, have been discovered in Tlacote, Mexico, in Nordenau, Germany and in Nadana, India. More than 3 million people have visited Tlacote alone, many claiming to have been cured of serious illnesses. The phenomenon has received national media coverage in several countries. (The next to be discovered in the US will be, He says, near San Antonio, Texas.)   
Maitreya has also created a network of 'miracle water' streams or wells in various parts of the world. For example, at Tlacote, two hours' drive out of Mexico City, 10,000 people a day line up and take water from a stream which has miraculous healing properties and can cure AIDS, cancer or any known disease, sometimes in a matter of days. It is not a universal panacea, because the Law of Karma still acts in relation to each person, but six out of seven people who take the water receive benefit from it. Another source has been discovered near New Delhi, India, where 20,000 people a day are taking water from a well which was totally empty and suddenly filled with this healing water. A similar manifestation has been discovered about 100 kilometres east of Dusseldorf, Germany, at Nordenau. There are such streams of water in many parts of the world, and Maitreya will continue to produce them. These will contribute enormously to the efficacy of healing in the very immediate future.  

.nbsp;ML: What would you say about prayer as a possibility?   

BC: Maitreya has said those suffering from AIDS or cancer who pray to Him will receive His blessing and help."

"The coming of the lawless
the work satan displayed in all kinds of
counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders,
and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing.
They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion
so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned
who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness."
(2 Thessalonians 3)
Quote - new age magazine 'Share International'
- chief editor - Benjamin Creme.   

"Similar events have now been witnessed by large numbers in different countries. In this way, more and more people receive proof of His presence and, hopefully, in due course will demand media response. Maitreya expects this approach to lead to the Day of Declaration, when He will leave no doubt that He is the World Teacher. Maitreya will mentally 'overshadow' all of humanity simultaneously. Each of us will hear His words inwardly, telepathically, in our own language, and all will know that the World Teacher is now among us."

Quote - new age magazine 'Share International'
-  chief editor - Benjamin Creme.

"A major event which, Maitreya says, we may expect to see in the near future and which he announced as early as 1988: an international stock market crash, beginning in Japan. "   


Q. Is it possible to say why the television interview with Maitreya did not materialize by the end of 1997, as was hoped? Did it have anything to do with the US stock market not crashing yet?   

A. Yes. If the collapse of the Pacific nations' stock markets had been repeated in the US and Europe (instead of the severe 'wobble' which did occur) Maitreya would have emerged as expected to bring His influence and advice to bear on the situation. Now that the huge infusion of funds, $57 billion, from the US and the IMF have stabilized (for the moment!) the situation in South Korea (the US Government's chief concern) and elsewhere, Maitreya has decided to wait -- but not for too long. ['Share International' - March 1998] 

To help men to see this, Maitreya has set His sights on early emergence. He knows that many will find His teaching unpalatable, that many vested interests stand in the way of ready acceptance.  

Those who respond will flock to His banner and engage in the tasks of education and action. Thus will it be, and thus will men themselves heal the wounds of the past and enter into their birthright as free agents of the divine. Gone will be the old certainties and gone the old conditioning. A new, fresher and more wholesome stance of independent thought and practical consideration will replace the present doctrines.   

 In general, Maitreya appears in this way before fundamentalist groups of one religion or another to 'soften them up' and somewhat prepare them for what is coming. When Maitreya appears before the world, it will be quite a shock to their belief systems, and hopefully remembering this 'preview' experience will provide a calming effect."

"But the beast was captured,
and with him the false prophet
who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf.
With these signs he had deluded those
who had received the mark of the beast
and worshiped his image.
The two of them were thrown alive
into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
The rest of them were killed with the sword
that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse,
and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh."
(Revelation 19:20-21)
to New Age followers

        It is absolutely essential that Christians be sensitive to the philosophical perspective of New Age followers.  The New Age Movement reflects the rejection of revelation, tradition, and reason as authentic sources of truth.  New Age followers will be completely turned off if we use reason with them to show them the error of their beliefs.  From their point of view, such dependence on logic and reason does nothing more than demonstrate a profound lack of enlightenment on our part.  In the same way, an appeal to the truth of Scripture or to the teachings of the Church will seem rigid and insensitive.  It is not that we must avoid Scripture or logic: it is simply a fact that we need to be extremely cautious in the way we minister to the New Age follower

Since the New Age Movement values experience so highly, it may well be that your personal testimony is the most helpful thing you can communicate to adherents of the New Age.  They will usually dismiss your logic and your books, but their own beliefs prevent them from dismissing your experience. By demonstrating the reality of your Christianity and the transformation the gospel has brought into your life, you appeal to them on their own terms.  Your own personal experience and example, which comes from belonging to the Church, will help them listen and retain, or return to, their loyalty to Christ.

Naturally, there's something a little disconcerting about a testimonial approach.  It means that you must have a more consistent testimony than their peers in the New Age.  New Age seminars, for example, provide a great deal of personal support for those in attendance.  Visitors feel welcome, they feel loved, and they want to come back just because the people are so friendly and attentive.  Do we treat visitors that way in our Churches?  Do we will radiate warmth and love to those friends or acquaintances who do not share our enthusiasm for the Christian Faith?  Do we treat our New Age friends with love and respect even though we disagree with their theology?  If we give them rejection instead of encouragement, we drive them deeper into the New Age.

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