"Concerning the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ
and our being gathered to Him, we ask you, brothers,
not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy,
report or letter supposed to have come from us,
saying that the day of the Lord has already come.
Don't let anyone deceive you in any way,
for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs
and the man of lawlessness is revealed,
the man doomed to destruction.
He opposes and exalts himself over everything
that is called God or is worshipped,
and even sets himself up in God's temple,
proclaiming himself to be God."
(2 Thessalonians 3 2:1-4)

Contents of doc. - "antichrist"




        "Much of the evangelical world waits with anticipation for the unveiling of the antichrist. Nero, Hitler, Henry Kissinger, King Juan Carlos, and even American presidents, have been profiled as candidates for the rebellious role. Despite the speculation, the Bible provides many key insights into the person of the antichrist. This infamous counterfeit has his own personal identification number-one to which he will expect the world to subscribe.

While the behaviour of this beast is described in a number of Bible passages, the word antichrist is limited in its use to but one of the Spirit -inspired human writers of the Bible. The apostle John, also described as the one Jesus loved, is known for his "coauthor ship" of both the fourth Gospel and the book of Revelation. But neither of these books uses the word "Antichrist" ; instead, its usage is contained exclusively in two of three letters that bear his name.

Further investigation reveals that John uses this word in more than one context. In his first reference he uses the word to remind his readers of one who is coming, an apparently clear indication that in this context he is speaking of the "antichrist". Later in the same verse, John warns that many antichrists have come. With equal clarity, John indicates that others who are against Christ and promulgate heretical teachings, are themselves, antichrists. John goes on a few verses later to proclaim that anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ is the antichrist. In this context John portrays those who deny the truth of who Christ is, are antichrists.

Two chapters later John pinpoints those who do not acknowledge Jesus, as having the spirit of the antichrist. Lastly, in his second letter he again describes those who do not acknowledge His coming in the flesh as deceivers and antichrist.

Examining each occurrence of the word "antichrist" in Scripture reveals that an attitude of antichrist is not new. To some, the application of the word may appear ambiguous, but there is no ambiguity regarding the motives and actions of this future ruler. The Bible depicts without ambiguity the one who is coming.

Almost 2600 years ago, the prophet Daniel detailed an individual who would come and confirm a seven-year covenant. This covenant is established with many indicating a multi-peopled or multi-national agreement. Daniel also reveals that halfway through these seven years, this "ruler" will put an end to sacrifices and set-up an abomination on the Temple grounds. While Antiochus Epiphanes performed a similar desecration in the Temple around 168 B.C. its duration was three years, not three and one-half; nor was it the latter half of a seven-year covenant. Due to the precision and accuracy of the Scriptures, Daniel's prophecy is one we are yet to behold. The Temple too will be rebuilt for it is the only place where the Jews can offer sacrifices in accordance with their own la. Daniel himself presents further evidence that this coming is a future event. Daniel portrays a man who will magnify himself above God Himself, ignoring the God of his fathers, conquering mighty fortresses and selling the land to his abominable associates. He comes to his end, without anyone coming to his aid, in the holy land. Daniel also describes these events as occurring at the "time of the end."

Daniel confirms this notion of a "union" of kings in Daniel 7. He details the rise to power of a "little horn" among ten others; a horn that disposes of three of the original horns. He further identifies these "horns" as kings-not nations - a concept further validated by John. Because this "little horn" makes war against the saints, speaks boastfully, and reigns terror for a time, times, and half a time, he is believed to be the same person of Daniel 9 and 11.

John is not alone in the New Testament depiction of the Antichrist. Paul paints a vivid and vile vision of this virtue less villain. Similar to Daniel, Paul states that he will exalt himself over everything that is called God, going so far as to set himself up in God's home, the Temple, declaring himself as God. In the same chapter Paul calls him a 'man of lawlessness' and the son of perdition. Paul also tells us that the splendour of the Lord Jesus coming will bring to an end this unprecedented period of persecution.

The timing of the antichrist's arrival to the scene requires no other specific prophecy to be completed. While it is true that the antichrist enters half way through the seven year period, there is no requirement for the existence of the Temple as he begins his seven year tenure. His covenant with many for one "seven" could very well be the signing (or confirmation) of a peace plan.

The Middle East is the sight of ongoing unrest. Its strategic location among three continents, its natural resources especially oil, and Jerusalem's historic significance with three major religions claiming rights to the land has further aggravated instability in the land.

The prospects for peace in the Middle East are often discussed but seldom realised. A conceivable justification for the antichrist's rise to power could very well be a peace plan. A plan that promises peace while resolving the claims on Jerusalem could seem very appealing, most notably if it also provided the Jews a chance to rebuild their Temple. Whether the Dome of the Rock sits on the earlier Temple is still disputed by historians and archaeologists alike. If the antichrist were to negotiate such a deal, he would be an instant hero in Israel.

Israel is primed and ready for just such a political messiah. One could easily expect that this same negotiator might be invited to speak at the dedication of the Temple maybe on one of the holiest days of the Hebrew religious years the Passover. But we should not eliminate the possibility that he might forcibly demand or otherwise inveigle his way into such an opportunity.

Admittedly, conjecture and speculation foster the reasoning for this fulfilment. Leviticus identifies the Old Testament Feast Days. The first four of these days Jesus fulfilled as the Messiah: Passover, Unleavened Bread, First fruits, and Pentecost. For the last three feasts, the Messiah is expected to do the same. These include Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles. Many within the Messianic Jewish community expect Christ's return (and his establishment of His earthly kingdom and tabernacle) on the Feast of Tabernacles. The two other events associated with these feast days might well be the rapture and Armageddon, corresponding with Trumpets and the Day of Atonement. Here is a more interesting possibility. Only two of these feasts are 180 days apart; Passover and Tabernacles. Daniel and Revelation are quite meticulous in defining a time, times, and half a time. Revelation describes what appears to be this same amount of time as forty-two months and 1,260 days. The occurrence of these feast days 180 days apart provides potential days for the beginning and the ending of the antichrist's dominion. While Jesus reminded His apostles that no one knows the day or the hour of His coming, the days of the antichrist are  and have been, numbered since the beginning!

While the antichrist could sign a secret pact for peace, it is far more likely that his plan will be public and popular. While anything could happen in this age--one Paul calls evil the rise of the antichrist seems less reasonable with Christians still in the world. Another possibility for his popularity may be rendering of , or claiming the "glory" for, the removal of the Christians after the rapture. Paul says God will send a powerful delusion that deceives many. Might this be the delusion?

In either case, whether the antichrist signs the covenant in public or in secret, the Jews are ready to reinstitute their Temple sacrifices. Groups dedicated to the rebuilding of the Temple are busy preparing for that day. Further, they have also stated that they could have an operational Temple six months from the time they were granted permission! So the rebuilding of the Temple must begin at a time such that the Temple is operational within three and one-half years from the time that the antichrist signs his agreement.

The antichrist's power and authority are manifested in three arenas.

- No one will be able to buy or sell without the mark. This includes the rich and poor, the small and the great. All will be required to carry a mark on his forehead or right hand.

- Daniel defined him as a powerful ruler who overthrows three kings, one who makes war and has war made against him. Revelation says that he gets his power straight from the dragon

- Once again, Revelation 13, warns that all the nations will worship the beast except those whose names are written in the book of life.

    Revelation 13 is perfectly numbered. The one chapter that describes the wicked end time trio. And it also ends with a numerical reminder by identifying the antichrist's PIN (personal identification number) as 666. The sum of these numbers is he verse in which it is found - 18!

Current events are often of great interest to those looking forward to the return of Christ. What may appear to be times of turbulence are clearly recognised as those that precede Christ's return for his saints. Peter's second epistle encourages us look forward to the Day of the Lord and speed its coming!

And what about you? Have you turned to Christ and Christ alone for your salvation? Do you trust in His plan or in the tradition of a church?

Have you acknowledged your sinful nature before Jesus and accepted His atoning sacrifice on the cross? Are you following in His footsteps today? He did say that those who love Him will obey His teaching (John 14:23)

Confess Him with your mouth today and believe in Him with your heart and so be saved (Romans 10:9-10). Know of your eternal life (1 John 5:13). The grace of our Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen. (Rev. 22:21)"


  • 90. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera
    12 June 1992 at 12:55 AM.
  •         "I love you Ray. Since you can't sleep, let's talk. Let Me tell you a little bit about the War, the War of the future. The Saber tooth Tiger will be conquered but the Beast and the Boar will use a series of spies and counterspies to manipulate Governments. In such a manner that there is more corruption going on underneath the tables with these Political Officers who ran these Governments that you could ever have comprehended. When he gets control of the oil and the finances he will use this leverage and this blackmail. He will use anything that he can to get his way and he will get his way. But I am preparing a place for him. He thinks he is going to have the World in his hands but all he will find is the Pit. The Antichrist is going to be one of the most fierce, the most dreaded tyrants the World has ever known. To you they are simple words that have no real meaning, outside of words. You have not experienced tyranny of such terror but that's how the end is going to come. There are going to be explosions in the Big Capitals, in the Big Cities, all over the World. There is going to be a Police Force that will have no law. Only the law of the Antichrist, which is the law of Satan. He is going to develop a Kingdom, a source of Power where he can control what People buy, what they sell, who is living in their house, who and where their family members are, what they do for a living, where they go to church, where they don't go to church. He's going to have that kind of control.

        Then he is going to implement the Seal which is going to be placed on the foreheads of his puppets; Which He'll control and manipulate to do his bidding. If you value your Spiritual Life do not take the Seal of the Beast. For the Seal of the Beast will mean the end of the end for you. So beware of the Seal that will placed on your hand or on your forehead. It doesn't matter where, if you receive it you will never see the Kingdom of God, Jehovah, the Heaven, or the Mansion that I have prepared for you. Because My Son Died, for you for a reason, to bring the Flock home to Heaven. But the choice is yours.


           This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah, the Creator, the Maker of the Universe. For I am bringing to a close a defiled Planet that has gone sour, which will be eliminated with everything else that is not Pure, Righteous, and in Line with My Word, Jehovah. So make yourselves strong My Lambs, My Sheep. For the hour is at hand, go in that room, close that door and pray. Pray like you have never prayed before, for the hour and the day is right outside your door.

        Protect yourself, get in the Body of Christ, and Jesus will Protect you, but you have to be Clean and pure and Repent. Just because you call yourself a Christian means nothing. I want what's Clean Pure, in Heart, in Spirit, in Mind, with their focus on Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and Me.

        For the rewards are beyond your comprehension. So Just have Faith and Trust in your Lord and Saviour. For He will Rule and Govern, and protect My Sheep, My Lambs. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah the Creator, the Maker of the Universe. Peace be with you. Peace be with you. The love of My Heart. The love of My Son. The love of the Holy Spirit. Peace and love your fellow Sheep, your fellow Lambs. So saith Jehovah."


    "Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich,
    the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among
    the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks,
    "Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him
    who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
    For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?""
    (Revelation 7:15-17)

  • 104. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera
    22 June 1992 at 9:15 AM.
  •         "I will show you the world, Ray. I will show you how the Earth's people are in their Philosophy, in their Thinking. In the manner in which they approach Me, and in the manner they don't approach Me. Keep your eyes and ears open. Observe, and watch. For they are all My People, and I love them all to the very last one.

    But there are those that have decided to go the other way, and for those, I will love them to the very last second. Then I will release them into the devil's hands forever, and ever, and ever. It's a shame. It's sad. It's a waste. But I gave everyone a free will, a free choice, and I am not going to force anyone to chase Me, to follow Me, to believe in Me. I will guide them. I will show them. I will put that spark in their heart, but they have to do it on their own.

    For Love does not force. Love does not demand. Love does not insist. Love gives Love. Love receives Love. And then Love returns Love. Pretty simple. Pretty direct. But most people cannot understand that. They want to control, manipulate with selfish attitudes. They want to dominate. That's not Love. That's demonic. That's something that the devil uses to control people, because they are so insecure, but the time of the devil is finished.

    The trials, and the tribulations, that people are going to go through, are really going to separate the good ones from the bad ones. There is nothing that can change what I have started. The realness of what is going to happen will shock the whole world, the leaders, the followers of the leaders, the people who think they know all.

    The beast will destroy whatever he touches without reason, just because he wants to. Blood, dismembered bodies will be a common thing in the streets, in alleys. For he will have absolute power. Now you sinners, you people who do not follow Jehovah, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, will get an idea of the reality of what it is to follow Satan, your arch enemy. For you will follow him to the Pit, and live in the manner, in the shape, that his soul wills it, but the torment in Hell is no comparison to what will be on the Planet Earth very soon. For Hell is a place of gnashing and grinding of teeth, of total torment for eternity.

    Sounds gruesome, sounds bad, but your God, Jehovah, the Holy Spirit, My Son, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, We are going to clean up everything that's in Heaven, that's on the Earth, and without question, without a bit of doubt, anything, and everything, that is evil will be cast down into Hell. Everything that is Clean and Pure will be Cleansed for Heaven. For My Spoken Word made the Heavens and the Earth, for Good, for what is Righteous, for what is Clean.

    The Rebellion in Heaven started because Lucifer did not remain in the place that he was given, and with the authority, and responsibilities that was given him. He went against the Almighty Powerful God. But Jehovah, Jehovah God never loses, never has, never will. So the Rebellion is coming to a close, and anything that was contaminated by Lucifer, and his followers, will be cleaned up once and for all. Some of you might not like the idea of Hell, the creation of Hell, and the idea that wicked people will be placed in Hell, but you must remember, I am God Jehovah, with My Son, and the Holy Spirit

    My Son is the Enforcer, the Implementor of My Law. He is Just, and He is Right. Remember the word "Just.." It's very important. For the people that go with the leaders of the Rebellion to the Pit, it sounds bad, it sounds gruesome, but it is Just. In the spiritual world, it is Just, and since you cannot comprehend the spiritual world, and the reality of the spiritual world, you can't comprehend this place called Hell, Gehenna. Because you think in Earthly terms. For the blaspheme against My Name, My Son and the Holy Spirit will not be allowed. For We are the Creators of the Universe. We Created everything through My Spoken Word, and what is not Just, what is not Right will be dealt with; Justly, and Rightly.

    So, My Lambs, My Sheep, repent. Repent, turn to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is the door. He has the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. For what I am saying is True, and is Right. For I am your God, Jehovah, and I do not Lie. But, I am not going to force you to believe Me. I am just going to state it to you, as simply as I can with Love on My Lips, and Love in My Heart. I don't like what I see on the Planet Earth. It has gotten to the point, and to the point in time, that I have to close the Book on this little Planet. For the sin, and the abomination against Me, My Son, and the Holy Spirit, has reached a point in time, that was stated in the Bible many thousands of years ago. To you, it seems like a long time, but I, the Creator of time, it means nothing. You have to keep remembering the spiritual world operates with a different set of Rules, set of Laws, that your human sinful minds cannot comprehend, but yet, it is "for Real." It is more Real than what you can see, than what you can touch. For the Law of Jehovah, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit is absolute, and I mean, 'ABSOLUTE."

    So remember all these things My Children. For the time will come when you'll have to bow that knee to My Son, and confess, that Jesus Christ is, Lord of Lords, and King of Kings. Then My Son will tell you the outcome of your fate forever. All these things sound very harsh, but coming to Heaven is basically simple. It is easy, if you really Love your God. Repent, turn to Jesus. Help thy neighbor. Love one another. Simple!

    But if those statements are too difficult for you. Don't worry! For you will be directed to a place that thinks like you do, forever. If you feel you cannot change, do not worry. For, "You," will decide what direction you will go. We will just direct you in the direction of "Your" decision. Simple, Direct, and to the Point.

    This is Jehovah, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, of all that is, of all that will be, the First Word, the Last Word, with My Son, and the Holy Spirit. We bid you Happiness, Joy, and Contentment to the ones who listen to My Word, and obey the Law of Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. To the others, "Your god" will be talking to you soon.

    So My Sheep, My Lambs, make yourselves strong, stronger than you ever have. For this World, this Planet of yours is going to be shaken beyond belief. The climates will change, the mood of the people will change, there will be a War beyond comprehension. All these things will happen as it was stated in the Bible. Then I will close the book on this Planet, and then We will have a New World, a New Heaven, a New Beginning, and Children will live the way they were designed to live with Peace, Harmony, Jubilation, Joy, beyond your wildest Dreams.

    I love you all, down to the very last one. Peace and Love to you all. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah, your God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, with My Son, and the Holy Spirit. We welcome you into Heaven. Peace be with you, My Children."

    (Matthew 10:32)

    Amen, come Lord Jesus!

    OF THE

    By David Cherubim
    Copyright (c) 1996 e.v.
    All rights reserved.

    Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati
    (Order of the Antichristian Illuminati).

    Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

    1. Behold! I am He! the ANTICHRIST of the World. And I, even I, come among you, my brethren, to enlighten your understanding. Thus do I now make my true Manifesto unto you, that you may know the Truth, and that the Truth may set you free!

    2. It is I, the Logos, who speak unto you. And lo! I shake the invisible & the visible alike! For I am the one from the unexpected house, the child of My Father, the Beast 666. And my hour is come; my word shall prevail; and I shall bring all men and women to the Law of Thelema, which is DO WHAT THOU WILT.

    3. Thus do I now cast my terrible spell upon you, to illumine your darkness, that you may understand the mysteries of my Word, and thus partake of the Sacrament of Freedom, and rejoice!

    4. Now shall you know me, the ANTICHRIST, in my holy image as the Eagle, the bird of liberty whose vast wings overshadow the United Nation. And this, our holy Nation, shall accept the Law of Thelema in my name, and it shall be the first nation of the earth.

    5. In this holy image I am like unto the Phoenix of Power, whose rebirth is from the ashes of the secret sacrifice. Such is the mystery of the annihilation of all: such is the mystery of the rebirth of all.

    6. In this image shall you also know me as the sacrifice of the Rose & Cross, and as the promised Child of the Sun & Moon. Thus am I concealed in the image of my Father BAPHOMET, and in man I am revealed.

    7. I am the mystery of Love itself, the lust & spirit of unity aflame with the infinite passion for the Unknown. Thus are all things made one, in me, by virtue of my secret force; and in this light there is the unspeakable joy, the ineffable bliss, the orgasmic ecstasy of the ages.

    8. To you I am come to preach the Word of my Father BAPHOMET, whose true successor and holy image I am. I am my Father in man, the Son of BAPHOMET, who conspires in all to make freedom prevail on earth. It is I, the all in all; and in man I accomplish my Will, to establish the Word of My Father.

    9. There were those before me, chosen in my Father; but it was they who failed, being untrue of heart, and of these one even exploded into naught. I am not of them; they are but fallen! Success is my proof; and in my name Thelema will prevail! And so shall there be a feast in my name: the chosen ones shall celebrate the birth & death of the child, whose hour is now at hand.

    10. And lo! I come up out of the earth, having two horns like a lamb, and I speak as a dragon! It is I, the ANTICHRIST, and I shall bring to an end the false god of the foolish folk, making every man and every woman a god in their own right. Yea! I shall slay the Christ! and all shall be set free! And so shall all come to the supreme truth: There is no God but Man.

    11. Now I am come, on earth, in the spirit of my Father, the Beast 666; and this, my body, inhales and exhales, in ecstasy, the breath of my Father. Thus are all men and women made one with my Father BAPHOMET, in me, on earth; and in this unity of force there is lust & joy on earth in the rapture of freedom.

    12. And alas! I exercise all the power of my Father, the Beast 666, who came before me; and I shall cause the earth and them which dwell therein to worship my Father in his holy image as BAPHOMET.

    13. And in my Father's name I shall accomplish many wonders, so that I shall make fire come down from heaven on earth in the sight of men: I shall bring fresh fever from the skies!

    14. And they shall make an image unto my Father BAPHOMET, and His Holy Knights shall set it in the East of the Temple; and they shall adore Him day and night, chanting holy hymns and praises unto His Name.

    15. And I, the ANTICHRIST, shall give life unto His image, that His image should speak unto the men and women of the earth, causing them to worship Him.

    16. And I shall cause all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    17. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that has the mark of the Beast, or the number of His Name.

    18. And this is the Tragedy of Man, that these things should come to pass. But all this for the initiation of the World; and for the establishment of the Law of Thelema, yea, for the establishment of the Law of Thelema.
    Love is the law, love under will.


     "But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had
    performed the miraculous signs on his behalf.
    With these signs he had deluded
    those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image.
    The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
    The rest of them were killed with the sword
    that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse,
    and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh. "
    (Revelation 19:20-21)









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