That's right. The artist is no longer in possession of the following art pictures. They might have been stolen from the auction house that was to offer them or they disappeared one way or another. However, back in 1974 pictures were taken of them. The film negatives were exposed to bad light and storage conditions. They show this by looking like the camera had a green lens when the shots were made. That's just the luck of the draw. I think it fortunate that I still found the negatives 20 years later and at least have them to display in my LOST ART gallery. There are at least four more canvases that never made it in front of the camera and I regret that. They were of horses, a tree study, a former wife in a red velvet dress, and another nude. See what happens when one wants to raise money to buy a boat?

Click on the small picture and see more detail in the larger one.

About the time I finished my university and high school teaching, I bought a 39' steel sailboat up in Vancouver, Canada and went sailing down the west coast while living on the boat. It meant cutting back on personal possessions. I put many of the canvases you see below out to an auction house to be put up for bidding. The first week they said they didn't have the time to get them up for public display. Sometime later they said they were lost and couldn't be found. Some in the city of Tucson now have my work on their walls and I never got a cent for my trouble. What a thing to have happen to my art. Some I would love to have back at this point in my life. If you see them around let me know!

Of course Briget Bardo had to be a favorite of this artist and she found her way on canvas in 1973.

Living close to Mexico did influence me. I painted this one in about 1957.

Guess all artists are fascinated by the nude. I still am. This was done in 1973.

Comes from 30 years of living in Arizona. The tired Indian was done in 1973.

This was part of a canvas showing my daughter Linda. It was done early in my painting career- 1963.

Again, not all pictures turn out the way an artist thinks they should. For every one that is a keeper there are probably three or four that never make it to the hanging place on a wall. Then there comes along one that is hard to classify. I call this one The Strawberry Blonde. She held a remarkable place in my life for some years. When she moved off to Canada I gave her this portrait as my present for her new house and its bare walls. 1977 was that year.

Don't forget to click on the picture.

This was done in 1970.

The Grand Canal found in Italy's city of Venice. Sorry about the quality of the picture done in 1969. I can't seem to find the original picture. It is lost.

A Polynesian face (1974) you can barely make out. Don't have anything bigger to show you. Wish I did.

This is one I did of a Russian sled in the winter. (1975)

Tall ships that go out to sea. What better way to travel. This is a better shot of it than the one back a couple of pages.

The quester was once married to an adventurer. Everyone should have such an experience. We traveled Europe and visited some of the greatest art galleries viewing the greatest work done by the masters.

As you can observe, she was a very determined woman and had her way with me most of the time.

She does look the sophisticate (1974) and she was. It was not a marriage destined to last very long. This woman loved being single more than being attached and so.... before long she had her wish and was unattached once again.

Merlin and Arthur are two of my favorite characters in mythology. (1974) What could Merlin be saying to the young Arthur?

Does it take a light heart to paint romantic scenes? Well when it comes to the King Arthur tales, there is a lot of romantic thoughts that exist.

Thank you so much for visiting the Quester's gallery. I am actually a poet more than an artist, but still am proud that you could see and experience some of my work. Keep going to the next room for my most recent pictures. Clicking here for next room.
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So you finished some of the rooms containing Quester's art work. There are more pictures being completed each week. An artist's work is never done. There are more, you can depend upon it. So keep going to my next room. The old Quester will get his "licks" in. Yes, go ahead to the next page and see what I've been up to recently. 100 Hot CDs


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