True Happiness

While staring at the ceiling of my room this morning, worrying about bills and my future and if I would ever achieve all the things I plan to and the myriad of other things that occupy everyone's mind, I found myself wondering what happiness is.

The more I thought about it, the harder it was to define. What made me content? What made me feel that swift burst of elation that means to me that I am happy?

So I sat down and wrote a list and this is what I came up with:

  X Hearing from a friend.
  X Walking along the beach.
  X Seeing the sun rise.
  X Listening to a thunderstorm outside my window.
  X Looking at the moon.
  X Playing with a child.
  X Knowing and feeling that I'm loved.
  X Achieving a goal.
  X Being alive.

And that's when I realised that to be truly happy, all I had to be was myself.

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