Contemplative Healing

I don't know exactly how to begin this letter, so I'll just plunge right in and tell my own story. I don't know if it will help anyone other than myself to tell, but I really feel that this is the right forum to speak.

Illness has a way of reshaping the direction that one is to journey. I speak from personal experience. After being debilitated for several months one has plenty of time to think and reexamine life. For me, it was a time to realize that I did not like where I was at on a personal level and a career level.

I did not feel that at the time of my illness that there were many options open to me. Through introspection I finally was able to reach these insights and make the changes. It did not come easily. The more I fought the reality of where I was in my life the worse off I felt. With the love and support of close family members I was able to break through the barriers and face myself squarely in the mirror. However once I accepted that this who I am and where I am I was able to begin the process of healing. Both physically and emotionally.

Now, a year later I have made changes in my life that have set the course for wellbeing and happiness. The changes although profound to me are subtle to others. I refocused my career and now it is changing in ways I didn't imagine. My personal life has become settled and content.

The greatest lesson from this is that opening ones mind and heart to personal honesty brings positive change and growth. The more receptive we are to our inner feelings the more receptive we are to happiness and wellbeing.

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