
My purpose in this book is to relate my experiences as a Gay male in the Mormon Church. It is to let others in and out of the controversy know a sense of history on how the expression of homosexuality was dealt with previously as well as currently. The Church appears to be involved with discussion groups concerning the needs of Lesbian and Gay members today ever so carefully. The events in this book did take place and I'll let them stand as the truth as far as I know it, so help me God.

When I was involved in a law suit against the State of Utah I took a stand declaring my sexual orientation which amounted to career suicide. It has been my desire to state my position, excercising my first amendment right to speak. One of the purposes of this work is to stand up for myself to speak the truth for my life.

My use of the word homosexual rather than Gay and Lesbian often appears in this work due to the time frame of the 60's in which that term applied and the inclusive journal entries of that time period state. Of course I can not relate what Lesbian women have experienced but throughout my writing I include their name realizing their processes of separation from the Church would hold as much pain for them as it did for myself.

It is my desire to turn the hearts of the fathers ( and mothers ) toward their children and through forgiveness turn the children's hearts back toward their fathers. There is room for Gays and Lesbians in the Mormon Church and to that end I seek that We'll Find The Place.

One of the purposes of this writing has to do with documenting the experience of one Mormon gay man ( myself ) for benefit of the Mormon Church, other religions, Christian or non Christian. I would like to reserve one copy of the book to be placed in the Gay and Lesbian History Archives to inform people of the struggles of Mormon Gays.

I must now draw deep from the well of human kindness and the true teachings of Jesus Christ to forgive all that has passed. I want to do so that I can continue to enjoy any and all possibilities of my future and my future after life.

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