Chapter Sixteen

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir

February 1,1974 Friday -" Shirl ( fellow worker ) who is in the Tabernacle Choir mentioned that Brother Condie might retire. I asked Brother Condie if he were going to retire. He said he hoped not but would step down if the brethren asked him to. I told him I still wanted to be in the choir when he conducted. He assured me I would be in the choir sooner than I think. He counseled me about my vibrato, sing high in the nasal, and lower my chin. He calls me Mon Ami. We had a good lesson......Special thing: Wildflowers."

During this time period we watched over our little son. On February 3, 1974 I gave him a father's blessing in church. Many people remarked how beautiful the blessing sounded. There were people in the neighborhood who seemed to flock to our house including cub scouts, a home teaching companion, and his friends. I use to take these young people to President Kimball's house and tell them I owed the prophet fifty dollars. I could imitate President Kimball's raspy voice and had a little monologue I did that made them and other of our friends laugh.

March 15, 1974- Friday - " ....I went to my lesson unprepared but Brother Condie was helpful and understanding. He said he and I are like each other concerning some beliefs of the church. He too did not understand why blacks could not hold the priesthood at this time in the church. He spoke of his relationship with the General Authorities of the church; how President McKay ( former Prophet of the Church ) was always concerned about his welfare. He was good friends with Joseph Fielding Smith. Once he told President Harold B. Lee how he felt about the righteous blacks and hoped that they could hold the priesthood but President Lee did not answer.... "

One of my new friends another Rick was a non member. I found myself in a delicate situation because I was very much attracted to him but I also wanted to teach him about the gospel. He implied that he loved me just a little more than what most men share but he too was married so we accepted our similar situations.

We were very close. We wrote notes to each other. One of them was very caring and I kept it through my journal. I think he got the words off a greeting card but they were very special to me.

Open my eyes to the beauty that lies beneath your eyes. Speak tenderly the feeling you long to share. And I pray that I am awake when you knock on my heart. For your love unfolds a beauty in me I've never known. "

It was written to me on March 25, 1974 and I mentioned in my diary as " I rested for a couple hours unable to put Rick from my thoughts yet wondering how I will ever be able to love appropriately an earthly friend. I long for the fellowship I must have had when I dwelt in Celestial Courts on high. "

May 26, 1974 - Sunday - " ...My sister called today. She sounded discouraged. She's been attending church. I told her about Gramma and Grandpa Maynard's Temple work which I did for them in the Idaho Falls Temple. We both were in tears. She said she plans to be baptized July 6th.......My wife and I read Prophesy Key to the Future ( prophetic book on Christ's second coming )....So many temptations, loneliness, frustrations of where to work, meaning of my life, and the choir. It is all so difficult for me. I pray I will be given strength to endure and not shrink again. Special thing: little white flowers. "

May 29, 1974 - " Wednesday- ...Brother Robert Cundick, the Tabernacle organist, called me to inform me that I was accepted as a member in the Tabernacle choir and I should be there in the Tabernacle Thursday night. I couldn't believe it. I felt like I was a missionary once again.

I walked home from work and stopped in the Assembly Hall to ask Brother Condie what to wear, who to speak too! He seemed happy and assured me he would be there to help me. I asked the Bishop for a recommend ( letter as well as a Temple recommend ) for the choir. I guess I will be going to the World's Fair in Spokane, Washington. Special thing: A Valentine for my wife. "

May 30, 1974 -" Thursday - ...I had difficulty sleeping out of excitement to be in the Tabernacle Choir. Walked home from work got the recommend from the Bishop. I showered, shaved, dressed for the rehearsal, walked down to the Tabernacle. Scott, another first tenor and I got our music, clothing, and walked in late together. People around us said," more first tenors. " We sat in the last row. I sat next to a very vivacious young blond haired man. I felt disappointed when it was all over. I walked home very invigorated. Happier than I've been in a long time. I sang Sing Unto God on the way home. Special thing: candied applets. "

I look back on that evening with amazement and gratitude. However, I was puzzled by being accepted into the choir with this particular new friend, Scott. Since we entered the choir together that made us friends from the beginning. Being my height Scott would sit next to me in the choir because tenors were seated according to height at that time. Sitting next to each other being friends to each other we eventually roomed with each other when we went on trips.

Our first trip was to the Spokane World's Fair. We were assigned to room together with another choir member but he did not show for the trip. That left us to room together unchaperoned. We needed a chaperon because as I was to find out we were both gay.

I was trying so hard to keep my eye single to the Lord and then this curve ball. In the scriptures it purports that no one will be tested beyond their ability to resist the temptation. I felt like this point was stretched to the limit in this case.

May 31,1974- " Friday - ....Brother Condie called me for an early lesson of 40 minutes. I didn't absorb all the scale and theory business. Stopped at the Temple Vu Market ( recently a Mormon crafts store). The cashier asked me if I were in the Tabernacle choir: she saw my music. I felt like a television star...Special thing: Some food items for Mary from the party at work. "

June 5,1974- " Wednesday - ...It rained and my little son and I went walking in the rain with our umbrella. He rode in the harness back pack seat son wasn't tired later at night so I rehearsed my choir music holding him till he fell asleep .....Special thing to my wife: a rose bud. "

June 7, 1974 - " Friday - ....we took our son to the Temple Thursday. Sister Edmunds and Sister Ferguson fell all over him....We took our son to meet Brother Condie. My lesson was good and long. Brother Condie told us not to call our son by the baby nick name we had of Binkie Boo. Bro. Condie said that he was a prince, a handsome child. He would help his mother around the house and love his father and we would enjoy doing things with him.

Brother Condie gave him a kiss on the cheek. I've enjoyed the friendship of this well known leader of the choir. I pray I can be in the choir at least a few years. I keep expecting the dream to be over as was the one with the Mormon Youth Symphony and Chorus. We picked up Rick, Diane and their new baby Rebecca to take them for a ride out to the Great Salt Lake and sunset. Special thing: Made the bed with a beautiful card left on the pillow. "

June 9, 1974-" Sunday - not much sleep last night - up at 6:00 a.m. Drove down to choir to make sure I wasn't late. Sat between Richard and Scott. ...President Kimball and his wife led Vice President Ford on to the rostrum. He spoke to the audience and us. President Stewart spoke too much but finally gave Vice President Ford three books by the first Presidency and some Tabernacle Choir records. We sang # 13 and # 112 Eternal Father and the Battle Hymn.... Special thing: Lots of hugs. ( My wife may be pregnant again. )

I haven't mentioned one tenth of the things we did for our home teaching families, cub scouts, and neighbors. It is amazing to me we did not drop from exhaustion. I also moved from one short term job to another ( mostly government ones. ) It seemed we were living on the edge. Financially we were just making it.

June 23, 1974 - " Sunday -.... Sat between Scott and Breck. I will room with Scott and Larry in Spokane. I felt close to Breck. Breck will room with Harold an older German man. The general authorities arriving was exciting. I had seen many of them in the Temple. I remember when President Joseph Fielding Smith put his hand on my shoulder in line in the Temple cafeteria and many more of the brethren. It was a different matter to be sitting up front on the stand behind these spiritual men....

President Kimball spoke to the Conference audience. Brother Richard P. Condie was released as director of the choir. Jay Welch was sustained as the new Tabernacle conductor. President Kimball gave a lengthy tribute to Brother Condie...Special thing: Washed the dishes, cleaned the refrigerator and the cupboards. "

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